It is because…

Over at Hot Air, my friend Ed Morrissey has a post about the Speaker of the House Duplicitous Majority Nancy Pelosi pleading that she is NOT partisan.
Oh. OK. Thanks for clearing that up for me San Fran Nan.
One of the commenters posted this about San Fran Nan’s protestations:
“I am ‘X’ because I say I am ‘X’ “.
It reminded me of all the bills that the radical left passes with their anti-liberty, anti-Constitutional, anti-American agenda: “This bill will do ‘X’ because I say it will do ‘X’. “
Any questions?

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Moral equivalency

“I support the President but not his policies.”

“I support the troops but not the mission.”

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We're all DOOMED!

I caught a part of Fox News Sunday this morning. Chris Wallace was interviewing Austan Goolsbee from the White House Council of Economic Advisors. His take: Tax cuts caused the economic crisis. They produced a weak recovery.
This man advises the President.
We now see the danger of surrounding yourself with people you chose specifically to tell you what you want to hear rather than people who tell you the truth.
I’ll update as soon as the video becomes available.

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Amendment X saillies forth on Amendment II

This evening, 14 March, your intrepid warrior for liberty and freedom will be on The Sue Jeffers Show on KTLK FM 100.3 tonight 5-7 p.m. Central Daylight Time. My friend Tim Grant, VP of AACFI (the firearm instructor organization where I am accredited) and I will discuss the 2nd Amendment, the Heller case, other cases, pending (and past) legislation and firearm instruction.
Listen live or via streaming audio.
See if I truly have a face for radio.

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When Hell, or Lake Superior, freeze over!

I’ve always been appreciative of the way the left puts a smiley language happy face on evil. They always have a nice sounding name for a bill or program that doesn’t,has never, will never and can never do what the name of the bill or law or program implies. But, the ardent enemies of liberty and goodness are tireless in attacking all that is good and free and worthy. So, when they’re caught with their ideological pants down via language, they are adroit. Case in point: “global warming”, after countless articles and scientific papers have proven it to be a fraud of the first order, morphed into “climate change”. Lake Superior, the largest of the great lakes and largest lake in the world for surface area, feezes over completely about once every twenty years. Well, lookie here:

Lake Superior frozen over! NOAA captured this image of a frozen over Lake Superior having frozen over the last time in 2003.
Perhaps the new name the left will pin on this lame attempt to control people and economies will be “climate elasticity”.
Thanks to King Banion and Janet at SCSU Scholars for this.

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Lightning strikes twice; Blind squirrel finds acorn-etc

Steve Sack, the editorial cartoonist for Prairie Pravda is unapologetically way left of center.
Today, however, he gets it right.
I therefore present the Once in a Decade Correctly Drawn Steve Sack Political Cartoon:

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Lest we forget

This morning as I was sipping my fresh ground coffee (basically enjoyng some of my fast evaporating rights {more on that later}), reading an article about Rick Santelli from the People’s Cube (an Amendment X highly recommended parody site), I came across a picture that I had seen nearly twenty years ago. It reminds me of who really has the power in any state. He was on his way to work. He only had a briefcase and a plastic bag. I don’t believe he planned his actions ahead of time, but if he did, that makes him all the more courageous. I”ll include the picture as a still and I’ll also embed the You Tube video. This man did one of the most courageous things I’ve ever seen a human do:

My sister and brother-in-law where graduate students in IT at the U of MN in 1989. There were a number of Chinese graduate students also in the IT Dept. My sister and BiL related that the fax machines in the department were being used constantly, nearly 24 hours a day communicating with the students in Tiananmen Square in that spring of 1989.
And I’m still impressed, in awe and humbled by the courage of a single man who was willing to put his life on the line for liberty-a man that I’ve never met and still don’t know his name.

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Toilet paper worse than Hummers!

When will these people finally be sent packing?

Future generations are going to look at the way we make toilet paper as one of the greatest excesses of our age. Making toilet paper from virgin wood is a lot worse than driving Hummers in terms of global warming pollution.” Making toilet paper has a significant impact because of chemicals used in pulp manufacture and cutting down forests.

A campaign by Greenpeace seeks to raise consciousness among Americans about the environmental costs of their toilet habits and counter an aggressive new push by the paper industry giants to market so-called luxury brands.

I’m reminded of a story in Liberty magazine a fews years back exhorting the liberty loving readers to action by talking about the radical environmental movement. When the enviro nazis started in the very early 70’s, could they have ever imagined the hell and misery that they would wreak on mankind due to the incredible political power they acquired over 30+ years? Not at all. And the above article shows how true that statement is.

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Media Darwinism

I came across the following clip from Hot Air. I remember the quote. As you watch the clip, watch how the MSM morphs it from the original statement by Joe Biden about BHO’s first few months to a general statement about the ” next administration”. This is why we need “reasonable” editorial controls just like we have a constant cry for “reasonable” gun control laws. If Minnesotans For A Safer MN can’t trust me with my rights with a firearm and keep adding “reasonable” controls to keep firearms out the hands of “disturbed” people, then I need to call for “reasonable” controls on those who have demonstrated they can’t properly handle themselves with a pen or their mouth.

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Choose "A" or "A"

From the poll page after the BHO Olivet discourse. Any idea who the writer may have voted for (HT to my friend Mark)(click on picture to expand) :

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