"I pledge…"

I pledge to give President Obama the same level of respect as the left gave President Bush for eight years.
I pledge to give Sonia Sotomayor the same level of deference and critique as the left gave Sarah Palin, Robert Bork and Clarence Thomas.
I really do!

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You're not broke enough, in debt enough, miserable enough or dead enough-yet

Last night I was listening to the Community Organizer in Chief (COC),on the official Janet Napolitano certified radical right wing terrorists on Fox News, proclaim the virtues of new CAFE (Corporate Average Fuel Economy) standards. Afer hearing how the we should all be grateful to pay an average of $1300 more per vehicle (as per estimates-ya), the vehicles will be smaller (where do you put the kids?) plus a number of other great reasons we should declare 19 May a new national holiday in gratitude for the depth of experience and wisdom COC brings to us, the servile masses. What really caught my attention was this: A spokesman for the Washington Policy Institute said, regarding the vehicles that will be manufactured under the new CAFE regs, “More than likely, all the safety features that the buyer would like will not be available.” Let that sink in.
According to a Heritage article, the National Highway traffic Safety Administration and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety found that the CAFE standards have, over the past years, been responsible for the deaths of an additional 49,000 people. That translated into 7,700 lives for each mile/gallon (MPG) improvement. Again, that’s just deaths. It does not not include the 100,000’s of injuries, permanent pain and suffering, the disruptions of lives forever.
If we take the 7,700 lives lost in each MPG gained and extrapolate the ten MPG the Mandater in Chief proclaims, that means 77,000 of you are going to die. That includes children who can’t read this blog entry. It does not include the, again, the 100,000’s if not 1,000,000’s of you who will be injured, many permanently. And of course, it will include the innocent children.
So, next time you meet someone who extols the virtue of CAFE and the “green” movement, first
cite these statistics. Then ask them “How many people dying are acceptable to you? How many permanently scarred and painfully injured children are acceptable to you?”
I’d be interested in hearing what they have to say.

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"…where no President has gone before!"

From “Day by Day” from “No Runny Eggs” from an article (you need to read this one. Basically “another canary drops dead” posting) from “Hot Air” (There. I think that covers it all).

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"Just a little more_ _ _ _ _ and WE'RE THERE!!!!"

As I look over the decades (and now the century and a half of failure of socialism), there are always excuses as to why left wing programs always fail:

  1. “The program needs more time”
  2. “Not enough money has been spent”
  3. “The right people haven’t been in charge”
  4. “It needs just a bit of tweaking”
  5. Any combination of the above.

So, listen to how many of those elements are in this exchange :

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The ugly duckling

I just caught the last of this on Glenn Beck. (here are the lyrics for the song).
Watch Simon Cowell’s expression as she starts to sing.

Here are my comments from the Stribune story:

My shame

“Her story immediately transcends packaging as we are all immediately consumed by the humanity — and inhumanity — in all of us.” I caught the last 30 seconds of the video on Glenn Beck and decided to go see it at You Tube. In the past 12 hours I’ve watched it at least 25 times. Watching that first expression on Simon Cowell’s face speaks volumes. And I, I am deeply ashamed to admit, prejudged her on her appearance. There is a significant lesson here for me should I choose to learn and apply it.

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Uh, no, you don't-really

From a WSJ headline “More States Look to Raise Taxes“. As I read through the article, what impressed me, negatively, was how few states were going to balance their books by cutting spending. There are a few who will try to do it by cutting some spending and raising taxes, but raising taxes is the main thrust. Here in Minnesota, our state budget has increased 100% . At the State Central Committee meeting in December, I offered to help Governor Pawlenty dry up that $5-6,000,000,000 in red ink. I told him all I needed was the projected budget, a neon highlighter , a pot of coffee and viola’! At least $6,000,000,000 in savings before noon. And that I’d supply the coffee. And the highlighter! He said he’d mail the documents. I never saw them, even with a follow-up email. But, the point is that there is fat in every single state budget. But notice where the cuts are highlighted-“ With the size of our budget gap, we are looking at a situation of closing down our courts, releasing prisoners and cutting the school year by as much as a month…” The very things that governments are required to do are the first things cut (except that school thing- one less month of left wing indoctrination and debasing of America and a possible extra month of part time work will help some families and the local economies. Plus the reason schools are hit is to force parents to scream for more money).
So, when non-essential programs are truly cut ( not just the rate of growth) there will be trail of sobbing witnesses, telling the whole litany of why their right to your money is more pressing than your evil, greedy, uncompassionate desire to keep what you’ve earned to provide for your family (I inadvertently left out that you’re heartless too).
If these politicians had a spine, all state budgets would and could be balanced in a couple of hours.

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I had no idea!

His messiahness BHO is truly amazing.
Here is what he’s accomplished in just the first half of his first hundred days:

Truly, truly stunning!!
What more can this guy possibly in the next half?
Well, we’ll certainly know soon enough.

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I love the old ads….

From Hot Air:

The original:

The recently updated:

We so often hear (ad magna nauseum) the left’s concern about”the children”.
Well, what say you now MoveOn.org? What say you now?

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Salient quote

From the Patriot Post:

“The ideal tyranny is that which is ignorantly self-administered by its victims. The most perfect slaves are, therefore, those which blissfully and unawaredly enslave themselves. A truth’s initial commotion is directly proportional to how deeply the lie was believed. It wasn’t the world being round that agitated people, but that the world wasn’t flat. When a well-packaged web of lies has been sold gradually to the masses over generations, the truth will seem utterly preposterous and its speaker a raving lunatic.” –author Dresden James

I reflected on how the Founding Fathers would be received today.
Poorly I imagine.
Quite poorly.

Also, go subscribe, get the recent Patriot Post (3-30-09) and read how Mark Levin describes the descent from a “soft tyranny” to a “hard tyranny”.

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If you don't hear the canary hit the bottom of the cage, how about an eagle?

I’ve written many times about the looming financial disaster called Social Security and Medicare. The head of the Dallas Federal Reserve has calculated the amount of money we need to put aside today is $99,000,000,000,000 to meet future outlays.(BTW, that $99,000,000,000,000 figure increases $4,650,000,000,000 each year according to Dr. Walter E. Williams). I’ve written that Bernie Ebbers went to prison for running MCI/Worldcom the same way Congress and the Treasury have run Social Security/Medicare. I’ve also written that when the “surplus” goes away, that will become the opening shot in an inter-generational civil war.
How does Social Security/Medicare work?
Poorly. Here is a simple explanation. One note: the money the SS Admin lends to the treasury is spent. It also goes on the books as an “asset” or “revenue” which it is not, rather than a “liability” which it is. In other words, the SS Trust Fund has nothing but IOU’s in it, the Treasury is cooking the books and the annual deficit has been made to look a lot lower than it is.
Most analysts predicted that we had 6-8 years before the surplus went away. It appears that that date has already arrived (for a real scary laugh, go down in the article and read how the now Director of the Office of Management and Budget, Peter Orszag, predicted in 2002 that the chances of failure for Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac were less than 1 in 3,000,000. Oh, and Mr. Orszag is now the man in charge of the federal budget!) The most optimistic forecast is that the surplus will be gone in 2 years.

I can not begin to tell you how incredibly concerning this development is.

Excuse me…did I just hear squeaking gun carriage wheels across Charleton Harbor?

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