
Live blogging the 3 day Minnesota GOP convention – $50.00 (and no sleep for 2 days)…
A good steak at Manny’s with your blogging buds – $50.00 (depending on the number of adult beverages consumed)…
Cost of getting your picture taken with a major leftie (and potential DFL candidate) at the hospitality suite of his potential rival……


You must check out Triple A with Al Franken!!! It is a scream (you have to give Al credit for being such a good sport!)

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Day 2 – the man of the hour

Governor Pawlenty’s nomination was supposed to have taken place today, however, it had to be moved so that the Governor could attend the funeral of one of our fallen heros.

He started off with the DFL barber joke (if you have heard the Governor speak lately you know the joke, if you haven’t….here is the readers digest version – a guy goes to his barber (a DFLer) and told him about his pending Italian vacation and the barber told him “oh you shouldn’t go…it’s too expensive, it’s too far away, the people aren’t friendly etc” and when the client gets back he tells the barber it was the best vacation of his life, that he got an audience with the Pope and that the Pope commented on his horrible haircut!) The gist of it is that “people who are good at complaining are good at little else”.

He went on to remind the delegates of all the good things that have happened in the last 4 years – Profiles of Learning abolished, $4billion deficit turned to a surplus, Women’s Right to Know passed, government more accountable and a better value for the taxpayers dollars, conceal carry reform passed, 100k new jobs, welfare reform and eminent domaine reform passed! He reminded us that the last 12 months do not fully represent the entire term.

He “bragged” about how incarceration has gone up in his administration, saying that “crime is not a societal disease to be understood, but an evil to be confronted!” YOW!!!!!

He pulled out a timely piece from the Star Tribune that showed that our tax ranking had tumbled (in the Strib’s point of view) to 16th place in the highest taxed rankings (we were number 4) and reminded us that the DFL had intentions during the last session of making us the highest taxed state in the Union (something I wrote about here) and that the heart and soul of the DFL agenda was tax increases! He also went on to address those that say that property taxes went up under his administration by reminding them that property taxes are controlled by the cities and the counties and that the cities and counties need to practice the same kind of fiscal restraint that the state is practicing rather than just pass the price on to the users! He also reminded us that the increases in property taxes was much higher than the cuts in Local Government Aid were! He said that the solution to that was to cities and counties just as accountable to the taxpayers as the state and the federal governments are or to cap property tax increases!

He went on to lay out the path that he wants to lead the state down with this Ronald Reagan quote (everyone quoted Reagan this weekend!) “If you’re afraid of the future…if you’re afraid of the future, get out of the way. Move aside for the people are ready to move again’…the people of Minnesota are ready to move again!”

He said we need to protect the traditional family – that the breakdown of the traditional family is the root cause of a lot of our social ills. “Government programs can not replace family.” School reform and accountability needs to continue moving forward. “Nothing damages our children more than setting low expectations for them.”

He took on immigration reform next, stating that it must be “legal & reasonable”. He called our current system chaotic and unacceptable – that sanctuary laws (such as in Minneapolis and St. Paul) needed to be struck down, that non-citizens should not be eligible for in state tuition in our colleges and that employers need to be held accountable once we have an untamperable federal ID card.

He said that there were areas where government does supply a need – maintaining roads and infrastructure, but we need to hold government accountable to the defined mission and that it needs to be paid for hitting it’s goals!

He then quoted JFK’s (a tax cutting, pro-life, pro-military Democrat) comments that values are one generation away from extinction – that kids need to be taught the values that we need to better our state and our society.

He closed by reaching out to the base that is very upset with him because of the stadium deals and the tobacco tax/fee. He said “I know I have not done everything perfectly – that I have disappointed some of you, but we are making progress and we simply can not go back to where we came from.”

All in all, it was the speech that he absolutely needed to give to the base – the one that will help him get re-elected in November.

Video at Residual Forces.

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First night reflections – Mark Kennedy

During the nomination for Mark Kennedy, the campaign played a video that you know will be cut into numerous 30 and 60 second commercials. A very slick, well produced touchy feely spot, guaranteed to resonate with the soccer moms and anyone who ever grew up on or near a farm! His acceptance speech was short and sweet (maybe 5 minutes maximum) with a couple of memorable moments.

He said that we need to bring Minnesota values and common sense to Washington DC. He also said that the next 160 days were crucial to determine whether we sent another “do nothing Senator or one that will do what needs to be done”. The line that got the biggest applause was “A Senate seat is a terrible thing to waste” an obvious dig at the legacy that is Mark Dayton!

The acceptance speech was more of what was expected. He came out with the “Senator Kennedy you can be proud of line” (those of us who have heard Congressman Kennedy speak prior to this are well versed with this line) early in the speech. He talked about how he learned the value of work from his parents, that he was the first boy in their family to go to college, he gave the obligatory mentions to his wife and children.

Then he got into the meat of the speech. He talked about “two paths….one forward and one backward” and how he would work hard to get us going down the forward moving path. He said that politicized special investigations and partisan impeachment proceedings would not move the country forward. He got a big cheer from the crowd when he talked about how the tax code needed to be changed and that the tax code was “seven times larger than the Bible” and that there was no good news in the tax code!

He hit on tax cuts, job growth, earmark reform and line item vetos – all red meat issues for Republicans. He reminded the faithful that the economy was growing (5% last quarter, 5 million new jobs added, unemployment under 5% and home ownership at an all time high) and reminded them that it took leadership and action to get there and it will take leadership and action to stay there!

He hit a sour note with some delegates when he boasted that he voted against the No Child Left Behind act (a cornerstone of the first 4 years of the Bush Administration). However, he made up for it with his remarks on “universal health care” when he said “The government already hasn’t controlled our borders and didn’t respond promptly to a major disaster, and now they think it should be in charge of every single aspect of healthcare in America? What color is the sky in their world? Their ideas are backwards.”

Hugh Hewitt must have inspired this line – “I will vote to confirm judges who are ethical, qualified, and faithful to our Constitution. No ifs, ands, or buts. No more partisan obstruction!”

Then he took this swipe at his presumed opponent, Amy Klobuchar – “A revolving door justice system doesn’t work any better stopping illegal immigration along the border than it does stopping crime in Minneapolis. ” Given what is going on in Minneapolis, it was a well deserved swipe, but that won’t stop the DFL from complaining loudly!

I personally loved this line (when talking about the Global War on Terror) “Mistakes have been made, so have corrections, but the fundamental fact remains that John F. Kennedy’s words have never been more true: “If men and women are in chains anywhere in the world, then freedom is endangered everywhere.” He then said “cutting and running is one path….it is the wrong path.”

All in all it was an excellent speech….a speech that you can hear over at KvM.

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First night reflections – Harold Shudlick

The convention rules state that each candidate has 30 minutes for their nomination, seconding and acceptance speeches. Congressman Kennedy (more on him later) barely used 10 of his allotted 30 minutes. The Shudlick campaign, on the other hand, used every minute available to him. The nominating and seconding speeches probably only went 5-7 minutes, so the candidate got the rest – and it was needed.

Mr. Shudlick started off dedicating the message to the delegates, those of us who took time on a lovely early summer evening to come to do the party’s business. You can hear the entire speech over at Residual Forces (Triple A video taped ALL of the speeches and loaded them to his site – what a trooper!) Rather than quote him word for word, I am going to pull out a few things that struck me as important.

Mr. Shudlick spent a lot of time talking about his Viet Nam service (he mentioned his Bronze Star and Combat Infantry Badge at least 3 times during the speech), his ordination as a pastor and his work as an Army Reserve Chaplain. He spent the majority of the speech talking about these “credentials” for the Senate as if this was all a Senator needed. About halfway through the speech I had this weird sense of deja vu. I had heard this speech before, but where???? It was nice to get an idea of where he came from but here is a memo to the all candidates…..service in the military, while very noble, is not the SOLE qualification for election to serve in Washington DC!!!! You need to have solutions to the issues facing the country.

When he finally DID get to issues he did hit some the right notes:

On immigration – we need to close the borders and hold people who employ illegals responsible for violating the law (a common theme this weekend). He was not for amnesty of any kind or for allowing illegals to “confiscate” our benefits (a clear reference to free health care and social security benefits). He said that entering the country illegally showed a disrespect for the country because they did not “respect our laws” (I really liked that line). He stressed that we needed to enforce our laws!

On Marriage and Abortion – He is pro-marriage amendment and against public funding of abortion! Not much to add there….the delegation ate that up! It was well needed red meat!

On Iraq – we should seek out the insurgents and find out what they are fighting for (HUH?????). He then said that we should let the Iraqi government set the timetable for withdrawal but that we should not leave until the job is done (again…HUH?????)

On Energy – we should allow energy companies to direct their “excess” profits toward drilling and refinery and to the development hydro-electric power.

By and large, he started getting the delegation on his side, I have to admit I was starting to think he had a shot, and then he started attacking Mark Kennedy. The line that lost it for him though was when he accused Congressman Kennedy of “hiding under a Bush” for the last 6 years. You could hear the air coming out of his support with that ill-advised line! The Logical Husband spoke to a couple of Shudlick supporters after the speech and even they knew he was on a roll until he made that remark. They all cringed when they heard the “Bush” crack.

I would say that he probably lost at least 100 votes in the last 5 minutes of the speech, which is a bad thing. There are many in the grass roots, like myself and the Logical Husband, who would have loved to have put a little fear of the base, back into the candidates so that they remember just who it is that put them in office in the first place!

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Post Convention thoughts

While my mates, Savage Republican and Amendment X, were live-blogging the final morning of the convention, I was catching up on some family time (the Junior Logician had a thriller of a baseball game and the house is in dire need of attention…a womans work is truly never done…). Now that I have a few minutes to breath, I thought I would share some of my reflections of the previous 2 days of the convention.

It was a thrill to see Triple A (of KvM, Residual Forces AND BachmanvWetterling), the ever charming Michael (from MDE) and Doug and Gary (also from KvM) again and to meet Chief from Freedom Dogs! Sadly I did not get a chance to touch base with Jerry from SD63, but the campaign season is still young. I’m sure we will touch base again soon enough!

I will be posting (from my notes – I went old school this weekend) some of my thoughts about the various speeches. The guys who live blogged the weekend did a wonderful job covering the speeches in their own right, but I have a few thoughts of my own to throw out at you as well.

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The Finale…

And hard working Rachel Horn, underpaid Republican Field Staff, easily worth twice as much for half the work.

11:27 a.m.-Balloons aplenty, all endorsed candidates on stage, except Governor Pawlenty who is attending the funeral of a fallen Minnesota Hero.

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Pat Anderson, the people's pitbull and introducing "Gus" THE Bulldog, not lapdog

Someone who was bold in being a conservative on the local level, is now watching over how your money is being spent.
No MS Dutcher who switched her party affiliation after being elected, Pat is dogged in making sure that integrity is maintained, no matter where her investigation leads.

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Your representatives at the MNGOP Convention-

Mike Beard, R-35A, doing the work also of a delegate to the convention as he tries to out do the Savage Republican in sartorial splender.

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Endorsing II

Jeff Johnson wants to be the first Republican Attorney General in 40 years. He’s read Exodus and Leviticus and knows about wandering in the wilderness for 40 years.
Hey, what about an AG that doesn’t want to grab headlines to get publicity to become governor and worsening our anti-business climate by suing any and all corporations?
Johnson says he wants to protect us from criminals! Not protect his poll lead. HEY, there’s a concept.
Brian Sullivan introduced Jeff to thunderous applause.
Jeff thinks the greatest news is that his opponent is Matt Entenza. Hopefully it will be a bare knuckles fight.
Jeff’s hope is that Entenza will spend his his campaign money as recklessly as he’s spent your money from the Legislature.

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10:14 We are now set to endorse Mary Kiffmeyer as Secretary of State. I’ve talked to Secretary Kiffmeyer a number of times. And she has done so much to ensure and insure the integrity of the vote here in Minnesota. And she is GREAT supporter of our veterans!
Go Mary!

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