Nuts and Sluts exposed

Seems that the only people who attack people from the DFL here in the state or the Democrats nationally are either nuts or they’re sluts, if you ask the DFL or Dems that is. Seems that’s the case with Amy Alexander and her controversy with Muhhamed X Ellison, at least according the truth merchants at Mpls Izvestia.
Yesterday they had a piece that showed poor Muhhamed X Ellison as being victimized by Alexander. OK, so that makes her a slut. But today, Izvestia hits the perfect bifecta: She’s a NUTTY SLUT! Oh please , tell me more!!!
The headline is the prime clue as to what will follow: “Woman in Ellison case is an enigma”. Enigma… The subsentence reads “
Amy Alexander is known as smart but troubled. An advocacy group saw her temper firsthand.Oh, oh…hope she’s in counseling. And it’s then piling on, sometimes subtle…and sometimes not so subtle:
The woman at the center of an alleged blackmail controversy surrounding Fifth Congressional District candidate Keith Ellison is a long-time Twin Cities resident known for being both bright and volatile.
Gotcha. HE’S not at the center of the controversy, she is. It’s her fault. Poor, poor Muhhamed X Ellison. A victim of political hate and spite ( you just know Haliburton and Dick Cheney are in this somewhere). Understood Brother X’s victimhood yesterday from Izvestia’s clear and concise article from. No need to convince me anymore. It’d be overkill with all their insight and logic. You need to save column inches, just like you did in the Alan Fine piece. But, now I also see that she’s “volatile”. I’m locking all my doors in case she’s in the neighborhood. Hhhmmm. OK. What next, oh muses of truth?
Interviews with people who have known Alexander reveal a woman who has impressed others with her intelligence but also displayed what they considered a difficult nature.
People who know her…intelligent…difficult nature…really? What next?

Sen. Linda Higgins, DFL-Minneapolis, said she has known Alexander since she was a teenager because Alexander’s parents were active in North Side politics. “She’s very well-spoken, very opinionated. She can quote literature and famous people. There’s a lot of intelligence,” Higgins said. “It was nice to have a young person interested in political things.”

Higgins didn’t want to say much else, and other political figures who know Alexander declined to comment.

Didn’t want to say much else, huh? As did others. Seems Izvestia wants me to question what these DFLers might NOT be saying by their silence.

Alexander “said she collects Social Security disability insurance because of anxiety and depression.”
She wouldn’t talk about any specific diagnosis because of “the stigma of mental-health problems in the African-American” community.

Otay Panky, there you have it! What others are reluctant to say, Izvestia has been able to get her to admit-She’s a self confessed nut! From her own mouth!

And another group she worked with said they were “terrified” about the disruptions. “It wasn’t just inappropriate behavior; it was, ‘Oh, my goodness, this woman is so angry about not being hired; what do we do about this?’ “”She’s an incredibly intelligent person, but the anger and destructiveness — it’s hard to reconcile,”.

And there you have it. Well, maybe not. Here is the story from Amy Alexanders point, a story that Izvestia has not yet seen fit to run.

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It's not in there-

How many of you remember the spaghgetti sauce ad of a few years ago that with every ingredient mentioned that should be in a good sauce, the refrain was “It’s in there!”
Well, I just came across a little letter that puts the lie to probably well over 95% of everything that Congress has passed and the President has signed for the past 100 years. In other words, as far as the Constitution is concerned “it’s not in there” when it comes to the Congress’s power to pass many bills. And it was written by someone to would know (my blog on the constitutional scholars Auntie Rosie and the Smartest Woman in the World notwithstanding). The letter was penned by President James Madison, Father of the Constitution. Seems that he had vetoed a bill passed by Congress that seemed good, but as the author of the constitution noted, didn’t warrant signing as it failed under Article 1 section 8. And it also didn’t pass the “general welfare” clause either. His letter should be read by all Americans. And memorized by every politician.
If we had a Congress that observed its oath of office, a president who also did the same, and judges who understood the Constitution and their responsibilities, well, there would precious fewer economic and social problems in America.

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Blacks , ball bearings and beachheads

The radical left wing’s existence absolutely depends on keeping the black vote locked up at 90% +. Over a year ago I wrote about the black vote , its necessity to the left wingers and the issues that should peel that vote away from the lefties and to the Repubs. And it seems that there might possibly be the intellectual dawning of this here in Minneapolis. Seems that the modern equivalent of “Heather Has Two Mommies” is now being taught in the Minneapolis Public Schools. And parents, especially moms, are in an uproar…finally! And Katherine Kersten has reported on the issue now firmly in front of black families (HT to Mitch Berg). The curriculum is called “Families All Matter” and is a device to indoctrinate children into “diversity” regarding gay and lesbian couples…oops, uh, families, …and you know where this is going.
“Families All Matter” is supposed to teach tolerance. In fact, says Bounds, her daughter has learned that people who believe that a mother and father are best for a family are discriminatory.” Yup. You read that right. Once again, the left says that if you have principles and morals, you are discriminatory. Even worse, you’re a bigot!:”After Sage read “Asha’s Mums,” he “told the class that his grandfather had believed that black people are stupid,” she says. “He said that other adults had helped him see that his grandfather was a bigot.” The implication? That parents who don’t share Sage’s views on family matters are bigots too.

Sage touched a nerve by claiming the mantle of the fight against racism for his own agenda, says Preyer. “I’m appalled that he, a white man, would use that tactic to push his views on African-American children.”I’m tempted to ask if Preyer even remotely sees the racism in her response, also tempted to ask “Well, how does it feel?” And the incredible irony:We conservatives have been called bigots for years because we didn’t swallow the pap from the left. But, bigger fish to fry here.

And the arrogance of the school administrators?:”Officials told them to consider withdrawing their children or enrolling them in a private school.

So, we have one more beachhead issue into the monolithic black vote that involves two basic issues: gay diversity indoctrination and government schools. As Dr. Walter E. Williams (who is black) once mused that the KKK couldn’t have come up with a better way to destroy black families than government schools.

And what do you think the chances are that Repubs will go into the black communities and use this beachhead issue (as Mrs. Battle told me at the 2004 MN Repub Convention) ? And I’d bet the farm that this same issue exists in Detroit, Cleveland, Atlanta, New York, Los Angeles. And the Repubs will whine with no action. A squandered moment and superb opportunity.

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Balanced reporting:"They're out to get me!!"

OK. Time to declare victory and go home kids. Prairie Pravda (or Minneapolis Izvestia) has finally come over from the Dark Side and now has balanced reporting. Mpls Izvestia has finally reported on Keith Ellison’s woman problems: “She’s blackmailing me! HELP! HELP!” In other words, Ellison’s a complete and total victim, unlike Alan Fine, who, according to the Prairie Pravda account, seems to have just stopped short of beheading his wife because she neglected to align the toothpaste tube with the edge of the counter in 1995.
Now, I notice that the Strib goes to great lengths to get all the facts in the story that seem to give Ellison the victim status that lefties desire (always better than sainthood). And yet, the radical left wingers at Izvestia just can’t seem to squeeze in the real facts on the Alan Fine case. Why? Column space. Mitch Berg at Shot in the Dark does an excellent analysis of the story and an interview with the writer. And thanks to Captain Ed for the brief synopsis and the link:
All of these facts, which provides a much different context than that supplied by Olson, got left out of the story on October 7th. When asked about this, Olson replied that the Strib had space limitations and had to decide which facts would make the editorial cut. Every mitigating fact about Fine was edited out of the story, and every salacious and sensational allegation was included, no matter how little evidence supported it.

So we have Ellison meeting with terrorist sympathizers, a description by no less of an authority than Democratic Senator Dick Durbin, and the Strib sniffs. We also have a gossipy and unproven allegation made by an ex-wife and her father (a Family Court judge), and the Strib rushes that to print, stripped of all context and exculpatory information.

That’s the local media here in the Twin Cities. That’s the editorial incompetence of the Star Tribune. That’s why voters in MN-05 have to consider their vote carefully three weeks from now. If you think that reading our local press has informed you of the candidates in this race, think again. You owe it to yourself to read Power Line, where Scott Johnson has done the work that the Star Tribune should have been doing all along.

As captain Ed says, if you live in CD-5, and believe you’re getting the real and whole story, you’re lying to yourself.

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Walter Cronkite and Isaiah 5:20

In a press conference yesterday, George Stephanopoulos asked GWB if this recent upswing in attacks in Iraq we the Iraqi equivalent to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam in 1968? And he commented that there could be a comparision. We can only hope. The Tet offensive was an attempt by the communists to influence the upcoming major party presidential conventions and primaries. As a military venture, it was an absolutely unmitigated disaster for the the Viet Cong and North Vietnamese. However, you would have thought it was the greatest and most successful military offensive since Operation Overlord after listening to the “I hate America and all it stands for” left wing media. Amazing that the objective of the Tet offensive was to turn American public opinion against the war. And the MSM basically became allies of communism (sound of me being stunned now uttered). The MSM became an integral part of the communist offensive. And now, we have the intellectual and cultural sons and daughters of Rather and Cronkite. There was a quote from a soldier “Gosh. I didn’t know that we were losing the war in Iraq until I came back to the United States!”
And the Isaiah 5:20 quote? Look it up. And remember, the worst rebuke in the Bible is “Woe”.

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Madison wrong! Constitutional scholars Rosie and Hillary on original intent

I’m listening to The O’Reilly Factor (a rare event occurence) because I saw a clip of him whacking Rosie O’Dumbell. She was screeching that she wanted an America as the Founding Fathers wanted it, a democracy. What? A democracy? And the Smartest Woman in the World (our Ex-Co President Hillary) said that we have a constitutional democracy. Smartest Woman in the World. Yup. Out of their mouths. And you’d think at least the Smartest Woman in the World would know that the Founders were quite clear that they loathed and feared democracy. And therefore put together a constitutional constructed representative republic that was democratically elected. You’d assume she’d know…
Just one more reason I want her to run so we can watch the ensuing smack down and see this oxygen sucking Jezebel and her hubby finally shown the door!

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Gloves? Nah, bare knuckles:The final disgrace of Patty Wetterling

Here’s the bold new headline from Minneapolis Izvestia :”Complaint: Brooklyn Park pastor endorsed Bachman“. A left wing complaint group out of D.C. wants to lodge a complaint with the IRS. Yet, in the article, Pastor Mac Hammond is quoted as saying that the church can’t endorse Bachmann, but that he personally would be voting for her. OK. A private citizen states his preference and that warrants an investigation by the IRS? So why the huge headline when there is a small print subheadline where the Wetterling campaign has fired a paid staffer that lied to get into the Bachmann campaign. And the question is why aren’t those two headlines reversed? Because Minneapolis Izvestia is a yellow dog paper where the truth does not reside nor can it be found.
So, Wetterling is a liar when she runs her ad stating that Bachmann wants an additional 23% tax (she doesn’t-she’s referring to a national sales tax to REPLACE the income tax), she’s a liar when she states that the GOP covered up child abuse in Congress (and then Mpls Izvestia did not report that she said she had no evidence to support her claims). Now she supports illegal campaign activities. Her only qualification for Congress: Her supposed moral authority because her son was kidnapped seventeen years ago. She allowed those on the left to pour poison and beguiling words in her ear only because she had a name. And she believed them. And she has destroyed the real good she was doing with the Jacob Wetterling Foundation. And when she no longer serves a purpose, the left will dump her.

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Truth from fiction

I saw the following video and remembered a story where the head of security of El Al was talking to the head of security from United Airlines. The UA security chief asked why El Al had never had a hijacking. The El Al chief said “It’s because you screen for weapons. We screen for terrorists.”

The story between security chiefs and the video of fiction reminded me of this picture from reality:

Screen for terrorists, not weapons.

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The ad Fox News won't run…yet

The headline at WorldNetDaily reads:
“Fox News bans ad critical of Clinton”. “Really?”, I thought.
Seems that the organization that submitted the ad didn’t provide the documentation that Fox thought was needed to support the ad. Move America Forward felt that Cinton’s outrageous assertions that he did all he could to eliminate Osama bin Laden failed on its face. Seems that jabbing finger of arrogance upset others. And though Move America Forward had CIA officials directly contradict those lies of Clinton, they failed to provide that documentation to Fox.
Here, however, is the video from YouTube:

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Your country run by lefties

Look at this picture. It’s a satellite picture with a night view showing the bottom part ablaze with light. The top not quite as much. Notice the line of demarcation. It’s also called the DMZ, the 38th Parallel. It marks the boundary between South and North Korea. It also marks the difference between a country run by lefties (to the north) and one where liberty runs prevalent. This picture shows the natural courses of socialism (aka Communism Lite, in this case it could be said light lite, so to speak) and government control and regulation versus liberty and free markets.
Vote accordingly.

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