
I had heard of a new documentary called “Obsession” that uses the evidence that radical Islamists Jihadists themselves provide. Fox news did an hour special on the film. What I was able to see was chilling. And shows exactly why Democrats can not be trusted with national defense. Ever. And you need to tell others to see these clips before you vote.
Powerline and The News Buckit has linked the Fox News Special from YouTube . You need to see it. The really scary and alarming episode is where the radical Jihadists are willing to indoctrinate their children (just like the lefties do here in America in government education). I’ve embedded that clip below. But, for a moment, do the numbers. Though Fox and the producers mention anumber of times that most Muslims are peaceful, the usual number that are radical is 10%. 10% of 1,500,000,000 is 150,000,000. And if 10% of those are moved to terrorism, that means an active army of 15,000,000. And in the last chapter of Fox’s Special , Ms. Glick is very clear to remind us that the 19 highjackers came here to America, got drivers lisences, paychecks, lived and trained to kill us all on our own soil. And the Jihadists are training all over the world. Here is the clip about the children of Jihad:

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Consumer, voting ,you and victory.

This is the last weekend. I just got through talking with a national Republican Get Out The Vote director. He’s quite clear that the sentiment of all of us reflects Edmund Burke’s saying that all that’s necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. All it takes for lefties to win is for liberty minded, freedom loving citizens to do nothing.
Time to stop being a consumer and start putting back on the table.
Click on the logo and go to the website to do 30 minutes of work. Use your cell phone as an instrument of victory. Call 30 other like minded Republicans and urge them to vote. Make a difference. Or do it for no other reason that a Republican victory will really tick off Al Franken and Garrison Keillor. Entertainment easily worth the 30 minutes of effort:

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Light rail diguised as cars

never let it be said that Minneapolis Izvestia doesn’t practice the lefty cathechism by trying to trap innocent people into believing that they are incapable of acting and thinking independtly. I call as my witness the attempt to convince us that social engineering is for our own good by running an article about how there is an overwhelming need for “transit” . And there seems to be an important vote coming up in a few days about funding “transit” (via a constitutional amendment) that well over 95% of all of us will never use or benefit from as we use “cars” not “transit”. So, here we have a propaganda piece that’s news about the huge demand for “transit” and voting in favor of the amendment that supports “smart growth” whereby you will be forced to possibly fund transit, not the roads that we all use, at 100%.

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frum ower truupes n Irakk

From Drudge:

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Kerry and Klobuchar

No need to go past Minnesota Izvestia online edition. While every other online news source has a headline about the despicable comments by Kerry, Izvestia terms it as “Bush,Kerry trade barbs”. What a disgusting example of a news organization. Cowards and liars all on the editorial board.
Now watch and see how many lefties distance themselves from this contemptible man and his horrid comments.
If Klobuchar goes forward with any public appearance with this “man” that means that she agrees with his statement and his sentiment. Same for every single lefty that doesn’t shun him or scream for a genuine apology. Opening a vein would suffice as due penance.
anyhow,just one more reason why Klobuchar does not merit the title Senator.
Let’s be real clear about one thing: if Klobuchar’s last name were Anderson or Abramowitz, she’d be running a tele-marketing call center someplace in Maple Grove.

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Governor Race

While I will not reveal yet who I am voting for Governor,
This latest Press Release from Tim Pawlenty is helping me make up my mind.

Dear Robert,

With only 9 days until the election, come show your support for Governor Pawlenty as he campaigns across Minnesota with special guest, Senator John McCain.

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8 Days

The first Tuesday after the first Monday in November. And I’m still conflicted. Despite what others have written and commented about me, I have never, ever counseled not voting or staying home in this or any election. Anyone who does is, well, to be kind, being less than honest. Way less. Since my 21st birthday, I have only missed four elections and not a one of those was a General Election. I consider voting the most sacred and important thing we do in our constitutional republic. I have never taken that duty and privilege lightly. As citizens we are duty and honor bound to be informed on issues and candidates. The opportunity to cast a ballot has been bought with blood and suffering and denial and sacrifice. I have been an election judge for four years. I loathe same day registration. I despise vouching. I hold the vote in such high regard that I believe that people need to prove that they are eligible to vote.That they hold the vote in such high regard and esteem that they will go to extraordinary lengths to vote (I’m reminded of the story of an Iraqi citizen living here in America who drove for eight hours one way to vote in the Iraqi election!). No one decides to move in three days. The sanctity of the vote needs to be fully insured. OK. I’ve vented. So, my confliction? Republicans.
I wrote to a friend of mine that I’m sick and tired of Hugh Hewitt, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, et al telling me that if the Repubs lose either or both houses of Congress that it’s going to be my fault. Wait a minute pal. Each and every election is a referendum. The voter/electorate are consumers. And we, as the market, decide if we’re going to buy what’s proposed, or going to keep buying what we been forced to buy for the last two or four years. In 1994 the Repubs made the case that the old lefty product was really bad, that the sellers in Congress had become contemptuous of the voters. Congress had become a lot like the American auto industry in the 1970’s when Detroit assumed that Americans would always buy whatever the Big Three put out. And Detroit has been trying to catch the Japanese auto makers for the last three decades. And in 1994 the Repubs put together a great marketing effort with their Contract for America. And the Repubs took 54 seats in the House and 8 seats in the Senate. And then what happened? Well, for a few years things went well. And then “we” became “them”. The Repubs became the Dems. Spent more. Much, much more…more in six years with a Repubs controlling both hoses of Congress and a Repub in the White House then when there was a dress staining cigar smoker in residence at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, D.C.Spent much, much more.
Yesterday Dick Armey had a great column outlining the downward spiral of the Repubs since the 1994 Repub Revolution. Seems that the main Repub campaign slogan is “SPEAKER PELOSI !!!!!!!!!!!!” or “Vote for us because it will be worse with those others!” Not exactly what I’d call a strong message. The Repubs rightly refer to tax cuts as working. They always have. And they screech “SPEAKER PELOSI will raise your taxes!” I’m sure she will. Now, that being said, the Repubs being in control of BOTH houses of Congress AND the White House still haven’t made the tax cuts permanent. They passed the direct attack on the 1st Amendment with McCain/Feingold. And the equally horrible HAVA (Help America Vote Act [a great column by George Will]…meaning you and I are both way too stupid to know how to vote). And a $1,500,000,000,000 addition to Mediscare via a prescription drug program (Yup. Nothing at all succeeds like a government program. Just look at New Orleans after Katrina!). And of course, the New Jersey Supreme Court decision was a two fold bonus for Repubs: gay marriage and rank, unchecked judicial activism. Couldn’t have come at a better time for the Repubs.
And on the other hand, the Repubs are absolutely correct: of course it will be worse with the lefties. They are appeasers, UN dependent internationalists who are more concerned with how people feel and building up support for harsher UN resolutions than resolving any conflict. I’m re-reading “The Art of Political War” and have just finished Horowitz’s analysis of Clinton’s disastrous foreign policy. More than ample evidence again that lefties can NOT be trusted in any way, shape or form to defend America . And their solution for any and all failed programs? More of it, more money for it or another program that at the very least is just as bad.
And so, if I were alone in my in my confliction, there would definitely not be the concern over the closeness of this election. If I were the only conservative with these doubts, there would be absolutely no talk about “the base” or,”energizing the base” or concerns that “the base will stay home”. I haven’t heard any reference to the Repubs picking up a net increase, only articles about minimizing the losses, of still keeping the majority but with a smaller number of seats. But, there are those concerns. And the pundits are hitting hard about those concerns. The Repubs are hitting hard about those concerns. My email inbox is getting at least 6-10 emails a day from the Repubs.
As Dick Armey said in his article that I referenced above:
Republicans — too busy dreaming up wedge issues to score cheap points against Democrats — have lost sight of their broad national agenda.

The likely Republican losses in next week’s elections will not constitute a repudiation of the conservative legacy that drove the Reagan presidency and created the Contract With America. To the contrary, it would represent a rejection of big government conservatism. When we get back to being the party of limited government, putting a national agenda ahead of parochial short-term politics, we will again be a party that the American voters will trust to deal with the serious challenges facing our nation.

The 2006 midterm elections will be a success for the Democrats. Republicans will have to manage their own disappointment. Fingers will be pointed, and various villains will be fashioned out of recent events. But the plain fact is that Republicans have been setting the stage for this outcome for nearly a decade, running from themselves and their own principles. We will not find ourselves by conforming to the status quo, but by returning to our Reagan roots.

And be sure to vote!

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One more degree in boiling the frog

International financial expert and leading economic wizard radical left wing and scofflaw Congressman Barney Frank feels the need to dissolve more American sovereignty by having an international financial regulator. That is if the left wingers take the House.
And the great ideas just keep on coming!

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Canaries and beaches

I was over at Real Clear Politics and came across this headline “Kill Muqtada Now” by Ralph Peters. It’s a very disturbing article. Peters writes near the beginning of the piece:
I lost faith in our engagement in Iraq last week. I can pinpoint the moment. It came when I heard that Maliki (the Iraqi Prime Minister) had demanded – successfully – that our military release a just-captured deputy of Muqtada al-Sadr who was running death squads.
Peters then goes on to tie that event to GWB’s press conference and the current state of inside politics in Iraq:

As a former intelligence officer, that told me two things: First, Iraq’s prime minister is betting on Muqtada to prevail, not us. Second, Muqtada, not the Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani, is now the most powerful man in Iraq.

At his news conference, Bush was asked about another statement made by Maliki just hours before. Our troops had conducted a raid in Sadr City, Muqtada’s Baghdad stronghold. The Iraqi PM quickly declared that “this will not happen again.” He was signaling his allegiance to Muqtada. Publicly.

Oh, Maliki realizes his government wouldn’t last a week if our troops withdrew. He doesn’t want us to leave yet. But he’s looking ahead.

For now, Maliki and his pals are using our troops to buy time while they pocket our money, amass power and build up arms. But they’ve written us off for the long term.

The rest of the article is an analysis by Peters that portends no good. As I wrote a friend of mine the story reminds me a the canary in the cave that warned of poisonous gas, or the receding of water at the seashore that forecasts the soon to arrive tsunami.
Read the article. Peters has a solution to the problem. It’s still a very ominous piece.

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Neo, paleo

I was listening to a brief overview of President Bush’s comments from yesterday. One of his comments was that “the government needs to reward success”. He then used that comment to support cutting taxes. The government needs to reward success. I repeated that phrase one more time. And I thought “Exactly WHERE in the Constitution is THAT perogative of government located”? It’s bad enough that business is regulated to death (and BTW, regulations are encouraged by big business to thwart small business).
The very last thing I want is for any President or Congress or state government or city planning agency “rewarding” business for the same reasons that I don’t want them regulating “for” or “against” business. The best thing government can do is stay out of the way. As Ludwig von Mises said “Progress is that which the rules and regulations did not foresee”. As any and all august government agencies assume is that a small or select government group has better and more extensive knowledge than all those hundreds, thousands and millions of citizens and those who provide for them who make up “the market”. Walter Williams has an excellent article on what he calls “The Pretense of Knowledge” which shows the radical arrogance of government.
No rewards.

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