Nancy, Margaret and Roger

Years ago I saw the movie “Who Framed Roger Rabbit?” Judge Doom (Christopher Lloyd) who hunts cartoon characters finds them by playing the first notes of “Shave and a Haircut” (shave and a haircut…two bits)knowing that any and all cartoon characters, no matter how hard they resist, no matter their resolve must complete the ditty. Roger hears the the first five taps, and goes through all kinds and sorts of contortions and seizures battling the impulse that will betray him…and must finally give in.
Can’t help it. It’s his nature as a cartoon character.
And in like fashion, despite promises and blood oaths to be inclusive, to hold to their campaign promises, that they will be bi-partisan, the Democrats are tax and spend, a pox on Republicans, away with small government- just as sure Roger Rabbit is shave and a haircut. They can’t help it. It’s their very nature nature, their very essence.
The first order of business in Saint Paul: raise wheelage taxes, the gasoline tax, minimum wage, sales taxes. And In Washington, we see that the old saying “The Democrats never learn and they never forget” is alive and well . Queen Pelosi is talking about rolling over the Republicans by bypassing all committees and bringing bills directly to the floor of the House. So much for Pelosi’s pledge for “openness”. No debate, no witnesses (as if that had ever once even slowed down an assault on the Constitution by either side).
So, as my friend said yesterday “Buckle yourself in for the next two years!” And he personally thanks the Republicans.

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Sandy Burglar, now serving 15-25 in Leavenworth (or Marion, IL or Atlanta, GA) Maximum Federal Penitentiary

Well, seems that Sandy Berger, who plead guilty to stealing and destroying archived documents from the National Archives, is even more guilty. It was reported by the Inspector General that Berger hid papers under a construction trailer before taking them home to be “accidentally thrown away” after he “accidentally” may have inadvertently stuck these archived documents down his pants…accidentally.
My question is, why was this Clintonista allowed to get away with a felony with a hard misdemeanor punishment? And why isn’t he in prison? And why did it take the Inspector General a year to make this report?
My suggestion: sweat him real hard as to what were in the documents (all related to the Clinton Administration and terrorism) and offer him 10 years off a 20 year hard time sentence at hard time place like Leavenworth if he is forthcoming…fully forthcoming.
But, this is an administration that’s let run the Washington Post, New York Times that’s become the reporting arm for Al Jezeera and seems to be, for all practical purposes, on Al Qa’ida’s payroll. And not a whimper from 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue about aiding and abetting from the MSM.

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Boo-hoo and LONG overdue!

Prairie Pravda has a feel bad story about the ICE raids on six Swift meat processing plants last week. It’s a “those poor victims” story that Prairie Pravda loves to tell about criminals and their hardships (I remember a horrid story in 1992 about a black punk who broke into a home in one of the northwest suburbs, stayed the day and found a shotgun that he modified by cutting down the barrel. The mother came home with her children, a son and a daughter, all white (I, unlike Prairie Pravda, have no hesitation at all to tell the race of perpetrators or victims). The little puke killed her and her daughter in cold blood. When he was caught, the despicable asses at Prairie Pravda ran an article, front page, telling us that this murderer had had a hard life. The term is “garlanding” where the perpetrator becomes an elevated victim. Like the reason a rapist rapes is that he didn’t get a hug at his fifth birthday party from his great aunt).
Well, the story about the raid says that there is great trepidation up and down a 75 mile stretch of Hwy. 60. And every one of those towns mentioned is one I know intimately as they are all ones that I’ve been traveling through for 58 years to go to my Mom’s home town of heron Lake.
So, all I have to say about the raid is: GREAT!!! WONDERFUL!!! Seems that this is exactly what’s needed. Enforce the law with vigor and HOOZAH! The broken windows theory of crime applied to ILLEGAL immigrants. Seems that this should have been done years ago, especially after there was an increasing gang problem, Hispanic gang problem, in East L.A.? No. Dallas? No. Phoenix? Uh, uh. Sioux Falls? Yup. Sioux Falls with a gang problem. Hispanic gang problem!
Good for ICE…finally!
There also an excellent story on why this flood of illegals is NOT immigration (which is what my great grandparents from Sweden did over 120 years ago) but is migration. Brown America vs. America. Again, an excellent read showing once again that the left is at war with America and all things American. And nothing less than the destruction of America is their goal. Nothing less.

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Liberty Lovers United

Last night about 70 like-minded people gathered at Stub and Herbs to eat, drink and discuss what ideas we had to keep our Second Amendment rights here in Minnesota in light of the left wing take-over (or rather Republican dereliction of duty) last 7 November. Joel Rosenberg invited conceal carry advocates for a get together to assess what needs to be done to preserve the MN Personal Protection Act (MNPPA). I sat and talked with Mitch Berg (A Shot In The Dark) and John Caile (information officer for MNCCRN) about politics, conceal carry, the best firearm to carry and a host of other topics. I also had the opportunity to talk briefly with my friend Duke Powell (R-40A) on what happened on 11-7-06. Not a pretty picture. Duke worked very hard and very long sensing that Republicans were in deep trouble. And he did yeoman labor in an unfortunate losing effort. He and I agreed that the public’s disgust with Republicans extended and splattered even to rock ribbed conservatives, like Duke, ample evidence of collateral damage from the electorate’s deserved anger. I also had the opportunity to talk again with Sue Jeffers about post election politics and her upcoming stint subbing for Jason Lewis after Christmas.
John Caile had an idea that Mitch grabbed right away and that I titled. John suggested that the Minnesota bloggers (MOB) get together for a shoot at one of the local ranges. I suggested the event be titled “The MOB Shootout”. Joel also liked the idea and the title when Mitch and I talked about as we were leaving. So, watch for details. And be sure to listen in when Sue takes over the airwaves just after Christmas.

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Current Events Quiz

OK kids, it’s time for a quiz on current events. So, put away your books, take out a clean sheet of paper and a pencil. No, we don’t need a #2 pencil as this will be a written test where we don’t have to fill in ovals. Please keep your eyes on your own paper. Here we go.
1. Name one thing that you know about Paris Hilton?
2. What is Brittney Spears known for?
3. Who is the producer/director of the new movie “Apocalypto”?
4. Name one member of the womens’ show “The View”.
5. Name Tom Cruise’s current wife and any one of his previous two wives.
6. Name just one Medal of Honor winner from Iraq.
7. Tell of one good story you’ve read, not heard, about Marines, soldiers or sailors involvement in Iraq.

Pencils down.
Self scoring:
Zero points for any answers for questions 1-5.
A thousand points for any correct answer for 6 and 7.
If you were able to answer any question 1-5 and couldn’t answer either 6 or 7, deduct a million points, then go to the nearest mirror, look long and hard, and weep bitter tears of shame at what you see.
Then go here and here to right the wrong.

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Musings from an amateur historian

Yesterday, as was my habit on Wednesday, I was having lunch with my WWII friends, and the topic was what were they doing when they heard of the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. About ten or twelve of the guys got up and told stories of being in a theater watching a movie when the movie was stopped and the announcement made. Or being on a date and asking their date “where’s Pearl Harbor?”. Another one of the guys told about also being at the movies with his friends and again, the movie being stopped and the news reported. And he and his friends seeing that they were seated behind a group of girls, proceeded to introduce themselves. And that was the first time he met his future wife. And with the report of the Baker/Hamilton Commission I’ve been thinking and reading about the comparisons between WWII and the GWOT.

I’m a WWII history buff. I have been for most of my life. And it appears to me that many Americans (and seemingly all Europeans) have yet to apply critical analysis to the GWOT. And as I see politics evolve, it appears to me that many Americans do not have the ability to do critical analysis. That being said, I’ll take the title from a Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) book called “A War Like No Other” and apply it to the GWOT.

In the GWOT there is no enemy with a return address. There is no Tokyo Bay to sail into to have surrender documents signed. There is no school house in Reims were we can take the unconditional surrender of the combat leaders to order their soldiers to lay down their arms. There is no Berlin to bomb to kill all the leaders of the enemy in one fell swoop. There is no Battle of Midway that signals the turning of the tide of battle. No Battle of Leyte Gulf where we can point and say we established supremacy over our enemy. This is a war that may easily go on for decades.
I have a number of friends who are retired Special Operations (Spec Ops). They range from a Green Beret, a Force Recon sniper, a Navy SEAL, a couple of Airborne Rangers, and even a former member of Spetsnaz . And most of the GWOT is fought by the Special Warfare troops. You and I will never hear of the SEALs Boat Squads that will insert and carry out an intelligence gathering mission or maybe even a Direct Action. Special Air Services will do high level assassinations-and you and I will never know happened.This is a war where the vast majority of the war is fought off the front pages and top of the hour news reports. Accept that fact! This is a war where the troops believe they are obeying their god, not following a political leader who can be proven wrong. And the enemy has no respect for any infidel-conservative, liberal, Jew, Christian, Hindi, Buddhist, man, woman, child. He wants to kill them all.
It’s wrong to refer to the conflict in Iraq as “The War in Iraq”. It’s properly referred to as the “Battle in Iraq”. Or even as “The Battle for Iraq”. The war with radical Islam will continue on no matter what the outcome is in Iraq. This is a single battle in that war. As I’ve heard it said “Rather fight them there rather than here.”
And you hear the public discourse hover around the point that we’re “losing the war in Iraq”. Time for a little critical analysis:
One of my Christian friends always believes that we should be able tell what we believe and also why. That we have an obligation not to just spout an opinion or a position but be able to defend it by sharing the reasoned knowledge that led us to that conclusion.
So, when you hear someone say that “we’re losing the battle/war/whatever” ask them why they believe that. Ask them upon what do they base their opinion. I remember a business associate that always had an opinion. And always wanted to have an opinion. But he never wanted to exert any effort to be able to have an informed, reasoned, well thought out opinion. Ask them where the vast majority of conflict takes place (there are eighteen provinces. The bulk of the fighting and killings take place in two, two of those provinces). Ask them to list any successes that they’re aware of that have taken place in Iraq (here is a list of accomplishments as of 10-03 and this from a short article on Fox News Sunday in June, 2004).
Here is a clip that preceded a follow-up to the Fox News Sunday article called “Winning Iraq-The Untold Story” that was broadcast about a year ago. Greg Palkolt was the reporter and readily admits that he was not a war supporter. But, the Fox News team roamed Iraq for about five weeks. Here is brief clip highlighting the story (be sure to view it in Internet Explorer). Pay very close attention to what he says about “The Green Zone” and that this is where almost all American reporters keep themselves. And then remember that the Baker/Hamilton committee, save one member, ever ventured out of the Green Zone when the went on their “fact finding” trip to Iraq. And then ask your “we’re losing the war” nay sayer why they’ve never seen or heard anything like this…or this (and be sure to read the comments).
Here is an audio clip of Hugh Hewitt’s interview with Victor Davis Hanson about the battle in Iraq. And about the larger GWOT.
This is a war like no other. And most Americans do not understand that they and their loved ones are targets. And the enemy is already here . As Caroline Glick of the Center for Security Policy stated in the film “Obsession” “Remember, the nineteen Arab (Muslim) hijackers trained for this attack on America IN America.”
And Baker/Hamilton Report is a joke. And the committee members are an embarrassment to me, personally, as an American. And to the country as a whole.

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Your fees are too high, your taxes are too low

Yup, now that the DFL (an acronym for Dumb-Something-Loser) is in charge, let it be known that the losers with no clue legislators feel that a voluntary business arrangement between you and a business that offers gift card is in need of gross meddling. Seems that the DFL thinks that fees are too high and other parts of the gift card arrangement need to be changed or eliminated. Of all the pressing needs in this state (such as cutting needless regulations just like this), this is the first story Minnesota Izvestia comes out with for the DFL. So, private party fees are too high and unnecessary. But, taxes are just way too low. Just watch and see what the DFL does with taxes to correct that problem.
So, we’ll watch as the DFL crimps business and watch the gift card business erode.
After all, the Dimwit Farout Lefties (DFL) surely know best.

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Tim on Hugh

5:37 p.m.-OK, so I’m listening to Hugh Hewitt online. He’s going to interview Gov. Tim Pawlenty in a few minutes, and he’s introducing Pawlenty as the Last Red Governor Standing. I sent Hugh and his producer an email about five minutes ago asking that as long as Hugh has excoriated Republicans for straying badly from conservatism, that I’d suggest asking Gov. Pawlenty about his comments supporting universal health coverage for Minnesota children. We’ll see if Hugh’s got the spine to pop that question on the Governor.
5:53 p.m.-yup. No spine in either interviewer or interviewee. Pawlenty was asked by Hugh as a surviving Republican Governor what recommendations he had for the Repubs across the nation. “They need to do some soul searching.” “We need to espouse those conservative values…” His veto pen is handy, but hopefully there will be “good products” coming down the line so he won’t have to use that veto pen.
Here is my email to Hugh on 9 November, 2006:

Dear Hugh-

I’ve been a loyal listener for as long as AM1280 The Patriot has been on the air here in Minneapolis. And have been a caller on a few occasions.

I was glued to your program on 9-11. I had very painful foot surgery that very morning, but delayed getting my pain medication prescription filled because I wanted to hear Frank Gaffney’s comments on what was happening.

That being said, I listened to as much of your program last night as possible as I was traveling and the AM1280 signal weakens at local sunset.

And I was taken aback by your strong stance on your stated reasons for the Republican shellacking on Election Day. You stated that the Repubs had strayed, they brought this on themselves. There wasn’t anything that you said last night that I didn’t agree with. The reason for my amazement was your timing. You said that you had written about the danger to Republicans in March, 2006 in your book “Painting the Map Red”. And I thought “What took you so long?” March, 2006 was way too late to come over from the Dark Gray Side. I and many others were concerned in the 2002 Election about this shift away from the class of the 1994 Election. And many of us were writing and calling to our Senators and Congressmen in 2004 and sounding hard alarms then.

But Hugh, you were quite clear on 15 April of 2005 that you supported moderate and center right Senators. You stated that on your show. And then you went on to say how upset you were that there was such a horrible battle going on to confirm federal judicial appointees. What on earth did you expect? And when I got home on the 15th April, I heard you go on to say that you’d support liberal Republican Senators if they supported the Republican Party (post here ). An oxymoronic phrase if ever there were one. And yet these very same Senators that you supported in 2005 were the very same Senators that you railed against yesterday!

I agree that we now, at least for the next two years, have little if any hope of getting judicial nominees through Congress. But, I’m wondering what GWB will do to set the stage for the 2008 elections. Set the stage and make the appointments anyhow.

This is definitely a Romans 8:28 moment. Adios RINO’s. Time to clean and clear house.

Interesting times indeed for Republicans.

Best regards,

Kids, if Hugh’s interview is what we can expect from media “conservatives” we as conservatives and Republicans are surely in the very deep weeds.

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Cut and run or trim and trot, smell the dead as they rot

Redeployment. Time schedules. Mile markers. Phased withdrawal(s). All the synonyms for turning tail and running. Cowardice. Lying.
And the left has a long record of doing all of that. A very long record.
The death of millions in Vietnam is put directly at the feet of the Ted Kennedy and the Democrats. The Paris Peace Accords were quite explicit that the Americans would leave S. Vietnam and the North Vietnamese were not to invade the South. If they did, the Americans would intervene on behalf of the South. Enter Watergate. Here at last was the liberty loathing lefties opportunity to extract revenge on Richard Nixon for his fighting Alger Hiss in the 40’s and his anti-communist positions 50’s. And with Watergate, the Democratic controlled Senate flatly refused to fund the U.S. military going back into to Vietnam after the North invaded the South in direct violation of the Paris Peace Accords. In other words, the Democrats in the Senate broke the word of the United States of America. And millions died. Millions because of the likes of Ted Kennedy.
And we’re now in a parallel situation where again, for political revenge, millions will die thanks to Kennedy, Kerry, Pelosi, Murtha and all their ilk should they get their way. Real blood for political blood is always a bargain for the left. This time though it won’t be faceless Asians that won’t disrupt Kennedy’s and Kerry’s vacations due to their inherited millions. This time, the beheading knife will swing across the globe:

“For one thing, a post-U.S. Iraq could make the Vietnam bloodbath seem like a tea party, given the traditions of savagery among terrorists and their ilk in that part of the Middle East.

Then, swooping down like vultures on the Iraqi carcass would be – you count on it – Iran and al Qaeda.

Separately, or in alliance.

That should send shivers down the spines of Iraq’s regional neighbors: the Gulf states, Saudi Arabia and, most particularly, Israel – which Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad vows to wipe off the map.

Anyone who cares about the fate of the only law-abiding, democratic bastion of civility in the Middle East should dread a U.S. surrender in Iraq.

Here’s the worst part: With America gone and its enemies in control, how long before oil becomes a powerful strategic weapon – and before those enemies set their sights beyond the region, to places like Europe? And, eventually, America itself?

Do Americans really want Iraq left to become a staging ground for terror attacks on New York or Washington?

The irony is that the Dems’ delusions and calls for surrender only make it more difficult to end the violence and defeat the terrorists now. Why should militias disband when America may be about to head for the hills? Why halt their suicide bombings when they seem to be pushing America to flee?

Having captured Congress, Democrats now need to act responsibly. Talk of defeat and “cutting losses” must end.

Or defeat will come sure enough.

With losses that know no end.” From the N.Y. Post

And from an editorial in August in the WSJ:

This means that if Democrats retake Congress, we will be back where we were in Vietnam circa 1975. Early that year the Congressional left blocked funds for our allies in the government of South Vietnam, weakening its defenses even as Hanoi massed for an attack. Within weeks, the North was on the march and the last American helicopters were leaving Saigon. The stakes are just as serious today in Iraq. The defeat in Vietnam could at least be contained elsewhere in Southeast Asia, although the Soviet Union was clearly emboldened to assert itself via proxies from Afghanistan to Central America.

A precipitous withdrawal from Iraq would likewise signal a defeat echoing far beyond Baghdad. Iran would exploit the turmoil in Iraq to assert itself in the Middle East, and both terrorists and their state sponsors would feel they could hit us again, this time with confidence that any U.S. response would be limited, as it was before 9/11. The idea that quitting Iraq would be discrete penance for President Bush’s invasion is a delusion against an enemy that cited our 1993 withdrawal from Somalia as a reason to believe it could attack New York with impunity.”

Lefties conspire, millions expire.

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The passing of a champion of liberty

The Cato Institute has posted the passing of Noble Laureate Economist Milton Friedman. Friedman wrote extensively on and about free markets and on public policy always with the mind set of liberty, personal freedom and personal responsibility.

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