Not quite 10 years ago

I agree with Savage Republican. I’d hate to have my present judged by what I said 10 years ago.
So here is a little something a bit more recent from Mike Huckabee:

And here is Governor Huckabee’s recent (not 10 year) explanation about those statements. With an accompanying “Uh, no. That’s not how it was Governor” by Carl Cameron:

[Note from Savage Republican:
Actually I think Mike would be very proud of this speech, when taken in context. This was the opening to a Special Session of the Democratically controlled legislature to meet budget shortfalls. So instead of saying no taxes, which he knew would fail anyway, he put a cap on the revenue increase.
If you noticed he says he doesn’t care how they do it, just as long as it meets the needs – not feed more government.
One other not so minor note, the taxes that were raised here to met the budget shortfall were TEMPORARY- and were REPEALED 3 year later. When the last time you remember a temporary tax that was actually temporary]

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Ya know Bob, that's twenty minutes of your life you'll never get back

OK, I need to see a job description for SecDef Robert Gates. I’d bet the farm that entertaining self-aggrandizing celebrities is not even in the supplemental pages.
So, as Bono keeps his millions and wants governments to force you to give so he can feel important, SecDef Gates takes twenty minutes to talk to Bono about African poverty.
So, Bob, I congratulate you getting a handle on all things important to the defense of America so that you can waste nearly half an hour on a subject that doesn’t concern you with someone who lives the life of a millionaire while excoriating us for “not giving enough”.
Hey Bob! Hope you at least got an autographed CD out of the deal.
We’ll expect your resignation by Friday.

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Mitt Romney, Conservative?

One of my core beliefs is that you can not be a Social Moderate and a claim to be conservative on other issues.

The reason being that to be Social Moderate (Pro-Abortion, Gov’t Heathcare, Gay Marriage) requires you to use the force of government to go against the will of the people – Not a strong conservative position.
And all of those usually require lots of tax dollars (blowing the fiscal conservative tag.)

So it is with some concern that I see a few conservative I know support Mitt because they feel he is the most conservative of the remaining candidates.

I find this strange given his support for government health care, his implementation of Gay Marriage and he support for abortion and tax payer funded abortions.

He claims to have changed now – but using abortion as an example, even that proves my point. When asked about Roe v. Wade his answer is: “I would ban abortions.”
The problem with Roe v. Wade is not just its outcome (abortion) but the main problem is that it is bad constitutional law. That is the answer I want to hear from my candidates (and the answer you hear from good Justices like Alito and Thomas).

As I google, Mitt and Abortion I found this year old post on YouTube.
While I would not want my present judged solely on what I said over 10 years ago – take a look and then tell me again how conservative he is now.

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Social Justice, affordable housing and NIMBY

Ah, the truth that “Every revolution eats its children” is on parade and review in Minneapolis.
A left wing church, Mayflower Congregational Church where their motto is:”An open and affirming, peace with justice congregation” has made a decision to practice local social justice. And from that motto y
ou know where that congregation is going. However, to show that they are willing to do as Christ said to care for the poor (not force others to do it) they donated their parking lot to have an “affordable housing” development built. Now, make no mistakes, “affordable housing” means “subsidized housing”. But, that they were willing to do and not make others do is commendable.
However, it seems that others in the neighborhood that believe in and proclaim and preach “social justice” like to have that philosophy practiced, well, somewhere else.
Prairie Pravda has an article where a neighborhood resident Harry Kaiser says that he is active in social justice issues at his church, but:”
he’s not entirely comfortable opposing the housing project that’s planned across the street from his south Minneapolis house.”It’s really tough for me to come out against affordable housing,” he said. ” Oh. Well then.
This guy shows the naked core and hypocrisy of the left :”Oh yes, I’m all for it as long as it doesn’t cost me anything or I don’t have to tolerate it!” As long as “affordable housing” is located far from him, well, let him sign the petition or vote for the government that will put it in YOUR neighborhood. But , oh no, not his.
These are the same people that want “smart growth” so, look at their protest signs(click for larger view):

Ya just got to love the rich irony here and the chutzpah of these lefty frauds.

A P.S. Notice in the Prairie Pravda article that the “affordable housing” is being moved out of the worst areas of the city into middle class neighborhoods. Well, you people in Minneapolis elected R.T. Rybak and all this lefty ilk as YOUR representatives. Congratulations. How does it feel, Mr. Kaiser to hoisted on your own petard? To be face to face with what you force others to have to live next to? Seems that there’s proverb about making and sleeping in a bed. Say, Mr. Kaiser, just a quick thought: have you ever asked the appropriate agencies and the City Council when “affordable housing” will be going into Kenwood? Or around Lake Calhoun? Or up and down Minnehaha Creek?
Just a thought.
A form of righteous schadenfreude now being exercised, thank you.

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Would you please allow us to throw more money at you?

I’ve blogged before on the fact that we in America are not dependent on foreign oil. We choose to not use what we have. The liberty hating, capitalism hating radical socialists and radical environmentalists have had their way for far too long. We have incredible oil reserves within our borders: the Gulf of Mexico (which also mentions the abiotic theory of oil), the coastal shelf and the Naval Petroleum Reserve Number 4 (better known by it’s new name ANWR). Oh, and let’s not forget the huge potential of oil shale!
And so what is GWB doing right now in the Mideast? Pleading with the Saudis (and OPEC) to up production to bring down oil prices! We sit on huge reserves of our own, but GWB is intent on sending more dollars to the Mideast when we could just as easily be drilling and refining our own reserves without risking the dangers of the Straits of Hormuz and the political whims of the Muslim world.
I don’t get it at all. And we waste money on ethanol all the while pushing food prices up.
Again, I don’t get it.

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The law of sowing and reaping

I’ve written many times about the multi-trillion dollar unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare. These two programs will sink the American Experiment within thirty years, if not sooner. There is not enough money to pay for two programs that currently require between $70,000,000,000,000 to $80,000,000,000,000 to meet those obligations for us Boomers. And the Financial Times reports (free registration required) that Moody’s is warning that , based on welfare, Social Security and Medicare payments , the ability of the U.S. to keep exporting it’s financial problems will also fail in a decade unless Congress takes real serious action-now! Right now. Junk bond status for Treasury bonds. OW! And that report dovetails with the projections that if major revisions of Social Security/Medicare are not accomplished in the next decade, the entire SS/Medicare system will be in free fall and the probable disaster becomes a certainty.
And when foreigners have no faith that their dollar instruments will hold value, they’ll dump them for Euros or gold…just like is happening now. And the Congress and the President can no longer export our debt (Ron Paul has a excellent point when he talks about fiscal and currency issues)
There is a Biblical principle that like yields and produces its own (Genesis 1: 12,21,24). That what is sown is reaped. And so, with the predominance of the left for the last ninety years coupled with the dumbing down of the electorate, we are about to see what is harvested when the wind is sown.
Hang on!

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2 for 2 – Ready to Call it

Some are still reading tea leaves, but with two states doing exactly what I felt would happen , I am ready to repeat my prediction from the Christmas Party and as I repeated on NARN.

First DFL – Hilary will win.
While everyone was talking about Obama’s momentum, I reminded them Hilary has the machine and predicted there would be talk of issues in voting in NH.
Sure enough – Though not one poll showed her winning, she won.
She has even stronger machines for Super Tuesday.
Remember the Democrats do not just have a straight vote. In most places it is a highly scripted “dance” and he who pays the band gets to call the dance.

On the GOP Side –
– Fred: was 1-2% in NH, I don’t anticipate a SC miracle.
– Romney: was also the other big loser in NH. He needed a NH/Mich double. He needs a blowout in Michigan to keep going and I don’t see it happening.
– McCain: has his moment, but immigration kills him form now to Super Tuesday.
– Giuliani: Ignored NH, but still he got no mo., no excitement anywhere and Florida will be too late.

So that leaves Huckabee:
He did better in Iowa than expected, did as expected in NH.
I predict he will surprise in Michigan v. Romney & a good showing there leads to SC victory and a close finish in Florida.

So my prediction is Hillary vs. Huckabee

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Quote of the day

“It takes a different skill set to campaign for President than to be President”.
Fred Thompson is the only one that has that presidential skill set.
From Powerline
Fred Thompson addresses Social Security. He is an impressive and responsible candidate.” Another brief but insightful quote: “Thompson: Fred did fine; I liked, for example, his refusal to demonize the oil companies.
But, I agree with some other quotes on Powerline that points out Thompson doesn’t campaign well. He doesn’t have that fiery rhetoric that incites the crowds. And unfortunately that counts against him. It’s not the message, it’s the delivery? Make a good potential president a second tier candidate because he doesn’t excite you?
I seem to remember a quote about a book and its cover.
Go to Fred Thompson’s site and contribute.

[From The Savage Republican]
I would add that if you know someone in S.C. call them now – Fred needs a big showing there or it is probably over.

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N.H. Prediction

Not a big fan of NH Primary so this based on my unscientific guesstimate from other polls.
If this is right on Giuliani – he is the big loser here.
Don’t think this will have much effect on Fred unless he doesn’t break 5%.
Hope I am wrong on Ron Paul or we will get another mass mailing
(Did anyone else get 10-12 pieces of mail from Ron over the Christmas break?)

I don’t think NH will change things much, unless there is a big change over these numbers.

McCain 32%
Romney 31%
Huckabee 11%
Giuliani 10%
Ron Paul 10%
Fred 5%
Other 1%

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Iowa Prediction

Here is what I was telling folks at the Christmas party – figured I would post it before polls close.

The Huck will win with at least 30%,
Romney and Fred will fight for second at around 20% each.
Ron Paul and McCain will also finish in the teens.

Unless Fred can win big in Michigan and then SC or Florida –
I predict Huckabee will win the nomination.

More later as to why, just wanted to get it out there.

9:15 Update
Looks like I was close.
Romney and Huckabee seem to have pulled votes I anticipated for Thompson.
Not a good sign for him, He will need to well in Mich but I think his time has past.
Everyone else is where I expected.

And Clinton did better then pundits were saying.
As I mentioned at Christmas, never underestimate the power of the Machine.
Who do you think are Precinct chairs?
Unless Clinton makes a big mistake, her people will allow her to win.
(Think LBJ & Texas for Kennedy)

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