Tears for Sara Jane-no

Former parolee and convicted murderer Sara Jane Olson (scratch that. SJO is an alias. Her legal name is Mrs. Kathleen Soiah) got yanked back to prison.
And the wails of anger from her friends:
Apologist Wendy Know said about convicted murderer Olson’s (sorry Soliah) return to prison-“
To put her and her family through that is one more unconscionable act. I just think this kind of treatment is cruel. It’s unconscionable to put her through one more thing like this. It’s unbelievable!
Dear Wendy, you insensitive, ignorant, left wing s**t.
Look at this picture:

This a picture of Myrna Opsahl. She was the woman murdered when Cookbook Queen Sara Jane (then known as Katherine Soliah) robbed the Crocker Bank that day in 1975.
She was making a deposit from her church. She was cut down by a shotgun blast because she didn’t move fast enough. She was a mother of four. Her husband was a doctor at the hospital she was rushed to.
One of Soliah/Olson’s fellow murderers, Emily Harris, said about the killing of Mrs. Opsahl:Oh, she’s dead, but it really doesn’t matter. She was a bourgeois pig anyway. Her husband is a doctor. He was at the hospital where they brought her “.
One of the four pukes who robbed that bank that day kicked a pregnant teller in the stomach that caused her to go into premature labor.

And to add grossness to this radical left-wing insensitive vomit fest, Murderer Soliah’s lawyer screamed this vileness:”
This is like the Gestapo picking up somebody off the street,” Nickerson said.
Yah. The Gestapo. (I mentioned this to friend in Florida-his comment was if this were like the Gestapo, Aspiring Lead Actress in the Vagina Monologues Soliah would never be seen again.)
Outrage that Murderer Soliah has to go back to prison.
Spare me now please!!!

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"Trust me, I never____ with_____ and I would not____"

With all the flap over Pastor/Reverend/Mentor/Uncle Jeremiah Wright and Barack Obama denying that he ever heard any such sermon, Senator Obama is asking me to “suspend my disbelief” (Sorry Hillary. It was just to great a quote not to use).
I’ve been a member of a large suburban church for nineteen years. We’ve had three pastors in that time. One is my spiritual mentor. For me, within a year, I knew how each one of them viewed the world.
Senator Obama wants be to believe that he never heard any of
Pastor/Reverend/Mentor/Uncle Jeremiah Wright’s inflammatory, hate filled sermons. He wants me to believe that after he never heard any of these sermons, that he never heard another parishoner/church member mention to Barack “Wow! Did you hear, what did you think of Pastor Wright’s sermon on _________?” And Sen. Obama expects me to believe that never happened. He wants me to believe that he never knew his mentor harbored and expanded and elaborated on these “black liberation theologyconcepts? And did so in a very public way? In the church Senator Obama was a member of for twenty years?
Well, it appears that Senator Obama now needs to “man-up” with the consequences of his choice.

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This just in :Bush reports "Economy in trouble"

Bush reports “Economy in trouble”. Ya think?
Last night on the Glenn Beck show (how does he stay on CNN?) Glenn mentioned the oil price increases. He had on a trucker who shipped eggs from Ohio to Pennsylvania. He owns nine trucks. His daily fuel costs have gone from $3,000/day to around $7,000/day. He is a small businessman (as am I). His customer has worked with him on added fuel costs (he charges a fuel surcharge). But, his customer is also feeling a fuel pinch of a separate kind:ethanol. The wholly stupid and outrageous fraud of “ethanol” has put the cost of animal feed to the point where the cost for a dozen eggs has risen 40% in a few months. Milk prices are up. Chicken is up. Food prices are up all across the board, except for beef. Why beef? Because cattle ranchers can not feed their herds so they are selling them right now, flooding the market. In other words, they’re dumping their herds before they broke trying to feed the herd. And when those herds are sold and no new herds being raised to bring to market the price of beef will skyrocket. Add in transportation costs and I have a question for GWB: When the hell are you blithering idiots in D.C going to get the hell OUT-OF-THE-WAY? Why on earth are you putzes in D.C. forcing us to put our food into our cars? And why aren’t we drilling in ANWR, the coastal shelf and the Gulf of Mexico?
And the credit crisis? Made up completely from D.C. and the Fed Res playing with the market. And market forces will will out. They always do. Always.
GWB said at the Renewable Fuels Conference
If you’re a hog-raiser in the United States, you’re beginning to worry about the cost of corn to feed your animals. I’m beginning to hear complaints from our cattlemen about the high price of corn. The high price of corn is beginning to affect the price of food. Crimeny George, you’re JUST discovering this ? And you’re only hearing from cattle ranchers. Ya got a filter on your email client that stops any and all emails from all but cattle ranchers? But, not to be deterred from a failed policy, he soldiers on like Napoleon going to Moscow. In his very next statement he proclaims ” And so we got to do something about it, and the best thing to do is not to retreat from our commitment to alternative fuels, but to spend research and development money on alternatives to ethanol made from other materials — for example, cellulosic ethanol holds a lot of promise. I’m sure there are people in the industry here that will tell you how far the industry has come in a very quick period of time.” ARRRRrrrrrgggghhhhhh!!!!!! The only reason that “the industry” has come so far in a very quick period of time is because of government subsidies and mandates. You people have forced this crap on us. How many days before this type of insanity ends? Bad news on the ethanol front: not for at least for another 58 months. Hillary, Obama and McCain are all ethanol/biofuels/climate change acolytes. And there are way too many of their disciples in Congress. And Archer Daniels Midland puts too much money into Washington. As do so many other lobbyists (including AARP, NEA. etc.).
So, a few simple solutions for these problems here (that will some time to work their way through the market):
Four real simple solutions (this only a start):

  1. Stop and end all ethanol subsidies and mandates and any and all related mandates and subsidies. Immediately. Permanently. Forever. Got it?
  2. Start drilling in ANWR, the coastal shelf and the Gulf of Mexico. This morning. No later than after lunch.
  3. Dump the CAFE standards. Repeal the horrible new energy bill. And encourage Detroit to tell D.C. to drop dead as they have no Constitutional authority to impose any CAFE standards. Remember, CAFE standards kill people.
  4. Stop interfering in the credit markets. NOW! 85 years ago the tinkering of D.C. and the Fed Res set up all the conditions for the 1929 Crash. And the efforts of Washington to correct their own problem gave us The Great Depression.(Yah, I linked it twice. It’s that important to read what happens when the government helps to find solutions to the problems it creates).

Again, simple. But not easy. It involves a whole bunch of super egos to admit they were wrong. Have been for decades. We conservatives have known it for decades. Yet for some mysterious reason, voters keep electing these people. I don’t get it. I never have.
The only thing that will stop this is when your pain becomes so intolerable that Americans will finally vote the truth,not the empty promises.

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Cheap entertainment

Last week after Super Tuesday II, I was in the chat room for Ed Morrisey’s Blog Talk Radio Show. As Hillary made a comeback of sorts the topic was how this changed the race for the Democratic nomination and what the Repubs should do. Well my feeling and input is the same: You put two badgers into a tightly sealed metal garbage can and then beat on the sides. Then take the cover off in early September and watch what crawls out.
And for cut rate yuks, throw in a superdelegate NY Governor, a former 1984 female Democratic V.P. candidate and for spice add a racist hate mongering pastor, then slam down the lid…then just listen for a bit.
The gift that keeps on giving.
It so reminds me of the quote “Every revolution eats its children” and the Biblical principle of sowing and reaping.

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Yah couldn't write this stuff

Allahpundit at Hot Air has a great clip from The Daily Show with a report on Code Pink and the Berkley City Council resolution against the Marine Recruiters. I have had run ins with what I call Code Pinky Winky. They spout and continue to spout any and all lack-of-logic-looney-left-language that we’ve come to expect from people who lack any reasoning ability. Listen to this. It is priceless. And it reminds me of every single occurence I’ve ever had in talking to Code Pinky Winky:

(I had problems with the embed from Hot Air and now YouTube so I used the embed from The Daily Show

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John Dewey and the NEA

A California appeals court has found that California parents are idiots and dangerous to the future of their children. The appeals court has found that parents do not have a right to home school their own children. well, that is unless of course they are “credentialed” by the state. And of course, the NEA (National Education Association) heavily influences what passes as credentials. Well, The Eagle Forum has a great article on our good buddies at the NEA and what a bunch of screaming lefties they are. Pat Buchanan in his book “The Death of the West” also has a chapter on how the socialist influences of late 19th and early 20th century took root in our education system via the Frankfurt School and “cultural marxism”.
Any guesses as to which party the NEA overwhelmingly contributes to? Read it here.
Wonder why lefties and lefty reps in the State Legislature and Congress hate home schooling? $$$’s.

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And now, more adventures of Our Little Amy

Today, as we peek in on Our Little Amy, we observe her excellent and awe inspiring adventures and insight as a bio-pharmacologist and business mogul (here):
Seems that about 3,000 children a year are born with a heart condition called PDA (patent ductus arteriosis). It’s a heart defect that can be cured with either a drug ( that’s manufactured by a company called Ovation Pharmaceuticals ) or with surgery. Pretty neat. But,oh no- not for Our Little Amy!
The drug, called Indocin I.V. was researched and developed by Merck. Merck sold the drug to Ovation. Ovation now manufactures and distributes the drug. When Merck sold Indocin, the therapy cost $108. Ovation charges $1500. And Our Little Amy sees that the vile, repugnant and evil Ovation is reaping huge, unconscionable windfall profits on poor defenseless little babies (the same babies that Our Little Amy is more than happy to have killed via abortion). And Our Little Amy is NOT going to let this injustice go unpunished, I tell you! “
We need to highlight how messed up the system is when a pharmaceutical company can rip off premature infants with bad hearts,” she said Friday. You go girl!! Now, vile repugnant Ovation throws up a paltry and easily laughable defense-“It’s a complex process when you’re moving manufacturing from one facility to another, let alone one company to another,” said Sally Benjamin Young, a spokeswoman. Ha! We all know that Our Little Amy is an expert in bio-pharmacology.We also know that Our Little Amy, being an expert in all the thick books of all the FDA regulations that both Merck and Ovation had to know, meet and comply with to even begin the process of selling Indocin, well she saw right through that little charade of an excuse that Ovation laughably offered. Also, that Our Little Amy, with her vast background in business, drug manufacturing, margin and recovery costs (just to name a very few of her areas of expertise) knows that Ovation is just heartless. She, of course, knows that Merck is huge and makes billions of dollars (most earned unethically, of course) and that Merck may have buried the cost of this orphan drug (any drug with a prospective treatment audience of 200,000 or less) in and amongst all it profits on other pharmaceuticals. Naturally Our Little Amy then immediately recognized that Ovation’s price was WAY beyond what perhaps the actual manufacturing , recovery, acquisition and compliance costs may be in that the treatment audience is only 3,000. And Our Little Amy was willing to severely punish Ovation for taking a business risk-“She’s calling on the Federal Trade Commission to investigate and wants the Food and Drug Administration to move faster to approve generic versions of the drug, which would cost far less” . OK, that should serve as a warning to any and all bloodsucking pharmaceutical companies that Our Little Amy isn’t going to stand for companies profiting from innovation and risk taking! How dare they meet and comply with FDA regulations, EEOC, OSHA, IRS to find miracle drugs for us. Why, there might even be people out there who would say “Ya’ mean there’s a drug that for only $1500 can cure a heart condition in a little baby? WOW. Don’t we live in the greatest nation on earth?” They need to be shown the error of their ways! And Our Little Amy has the vast and deep knowledge to do just that! Never mind that Ovation is the only company that makes a drug for PDA. But ah, Our Little Amy knows that there are 100’s of companies chomping at the bit to make a generic version of a drug with just 3,000 possible customers. Does the wonderment and amazement of her knowledge, insight, wisdom and acute business acumen ever end? And we are so blessed to have Our Little Amy as, well, Our Little Amy out there working for us as a bastion against all those innovative pharmaceutical companies that could come up with, well, who knows what overpriced miracle drug .
Be sure to tune in again for the further adventures of Our Little Amy!
And be sure to visit Our Little Amy’s sponsors :The Joseph Stalin School of Business and Management and the Hugo Chavez Academy for Advanced Political Thought.

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When non-experts speak

As I was doing my morning news review, I went to the Drudge Report and saw this screamer headline:”Introducing the world’s smallest gun that fires deadly 300 mph bullets! ” complete with exclamation point! Many people know me as a certified firearms instructor. And a member of the leadership group ( a late joining member) that was responsible for passing the Minnesota Personal Protection Act (misnamed Conceal/Carry). So, I immediately knew that this was an idiot headline.
300 mph as a deadly speed is relative. A glacier moving at 300 mph would be miraculously stunning. A jet flying at 300 mph is creeping along. A comet speeding at 300 mph is not speeding. A train that goes 300 mph is noteworthy. A bullet at 300 mph is a weak sister. Real weak. 300 mph equates to 440 fps (feet per second). Ballistically that is termed as sub-sonic (sonic or the speed of sound is generally considered to be 1,100 fps). My 45 shoots at a muzzle velocity of around 830 fps. That is considered a slow round. With a heavy bullet. The reason speed is important is because it figures into muzzle energy. Speed and the weight of the round are put into a formula that tells us what the “work” of that round will be. So, taking 300 mph (440 fps and reading the article, the headline is also wrong as the speed is 270 mph and therefore muzzle speed is 330 fps) and that this is a very small round (light weight) and doing the conversion (from the Swiss Mini-Gun website ) equates to less than a foot pound of energy. The Swiss Mini-Gun website also says that the round has less energy than a BB gun. Now, don’t get me wrong. I would have no desire to put the muzzle up against any part of my body. Or anything else for that matter as I observe the safety maxim “Don’t ever point the muzzle of a firearm at anything that you’re not willing to destroy”.
But as you read the article, the writer found someone who he described as a “consultant forensics consultant” and “firearms expert ” and who spoke in dire terms: puncturing skin and bones, threshold, lethal etc. However, all his warnings of lethality, when put into analysis of the facts as presented, put the specter of serious doubt as to his expertise. And the real agenda of the writer.
And this is same screaming lack of logic, we found an “expert who agrees with our agenda” that you hear from the left-on nearly every issue.

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A change of pace

With all the politics we write about, I thought I’d find something that would take a different direction:

Also, what ever you, do NOT click on any of the follow-up videos that reference the Ford SportKa and a cat!

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"Because they can…"

The SD35 Republican convention was this weekend. In even numbered years the convention business is to endorse candidates and vote on resolutions. Every two years we endorse for the House of Representatives and every four years we endorse for the Senate also. Senator Claire Robling (R-SD35) gave her report on the Senate. She talked about the Senate vote not to confirm Lt. Gov. Carol Molnau head of MNDOT. Sen. Robling was very upset. She said that Carol Molnau was her representative and was also the one who encouraged her to run for Senate. And Sen. Robling was very clear that the only reason that the Senate DFL majority fired Carol Molnau was because “They could.” The DFL has a long memory and no patience. Or grace. Or humility. Or logic. Or economic sense. They are a vindictive lot. And with a veto proof majority they are drunk with power. Sen. Robling also talked about the DFL victory in Tom Neuville’s district (SD25) that gave the DFL the ability to override a gubernatorial veto-which they have.
The House of representatives is in a parallel strait. With an overwhelming majority in the House, the DFL is again very emboldened. And the Republicans have no one else but themselves to blame. As Savage Republican has pointed out the problem isn’t that aren’t enough Republicans in the House. The problem is that aren’t enough conservatives (as witnessed by the 6 RINOs that voted with the radical left to override the governor’s veto of the largest tax increase in Minnesota history-just when we’re looking at an economic slowdown). And why is there now the largest tax increase in Minnesota history that goes NOT for roads and bridges but buildings and bike paths?
“Because they can…” It’s what they do. And it’s what they do to you.
Ron Carey , Executive Chair of the MN GOP showed up to address the SD35 Convention. I talked to him briefly before his address. I was clear that a perfect confluence of events, given to us by the DFL, has transpired . And that if the MN Repubs can not take back the House this election cycle, the Repubs need to close up shop and clip coupons for a living.
Unfortunately, his address was boiler plate, off the shelf stuff. Here was a golden opportunity to get the troops ready for the upcoming battle. And it was,rather unfortunately, missed.

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