How civil are we here at Savage Republican

Reading Mitch Berg over at Shot in the Dark, he had a Cuss-O-Meter. The Cuss-O-Meter scans your blog and reports on, well, how “civil” your website is.
I took the plunge.
Here is the result for
The Blog-O-Cuss Meter - Do you cuss a lot in your blog or website?
Created by OnePlusYou

Around 0.1% of the pages on your website contain cussing.This is 99% LESS than other websites who took this test.
Civility as we “Crush Liberals Left and Right”.

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Mr. Heston

We all read about the passing Charlton Heston this weekend. In October 2002 I had the opportunity to meet and talk to Mr. Heston. MN Conceal Carry Reform Now (MNCCRN/GOCRA) , the organization that got the MN Personal Protection Act passed (erroneously referred to as the conceal /carry act) put together a rally with the NRA for Duluth. We had the top of the Republican ticket there. We thought we’d have maybe 500 attendees there. We had at least 1,500. Wayne LaPierre was there and gave a stock speech that lasted twenty minutes, fifteen minutes too long. He completely forgot who his audience was: Duluth. Union guys. Reagan Democrats. Bowling and beer. LaPierre went on for twenty minutes about Chuck Schumer (silence), Charlie Wrangle (crickets), Barbara Boxer (snore), Hillary Clinton (roar and boos). Fifteen minutes too long. They had come to hear Charlton Heston defend their Second Amendment rights. Not to listen to Wayne LaPierre go on for twenty minutes about politicians they never heard of.
Mr. Heston took the stage to thunderous applause. It was apparent that he was in failing health. The body was frail. But his spirit was incredibly strong. He was committed.Just after his talk, I met and talked with him. Mr. Heston was the very definition of “gentleman”: gracious, attentive, soft spoken.
I remember his comments about the upcoming election. He used a story from Ben Hur. He said that he really wanted to do a great chariot race. He knew that it would be the action highlight of the film. So, he was out working with the four horse team, eight hours a day. And a few, well, mishaps occured. Finally , the director took him to one side and said “Uh, Chuck. We appreciate your desire for authenticity in the chariot race. But, look- you’re going to win the race. You really are. All you have to do is: stay in the chariot!” In the 2002 election, he told us that we were going to win. All we needed to do was stay in the chariot.
Seems that way too many Republicans have fallen out of the chariot.
Charlton Heston:Another giant from my youth who will be missed.

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Make a difference!

Twila Brase at the Citizens Council on Health Care is doing yeoman’s work in dealing with significant health care issues at the MN legislature. Right now, there is an issue that directly asks the question “Who owns you?” The state of MN has kept a blood and DNA sample on every child that has been born in Minnesota since July 1997. No law exists that gives the Minnesota Department of Health the authority to have done that. They just decided to do it! Why? Because they could. Or they thought they could. Or, probably more closer to the truth-“Why not? We’re the state!” Not only that, but since 1986, the MDH has been providing DNA to genetic research with out the consent of the owners. In other words, the state of Minnesota believes it owns you and therefore doesn’t need your permission to do research on your genetic material. Any questions slaves? The DFL seems to think not. And best you not ask any questions of your true owners.
The legislature is now deciding on an opt in clause that would give parents the power over who has their children’s genetic material. Another vote would destroy all samples that were collected illegally without consent.
Go here and fill out the online petition that lets the governor know that privacy is important to you. That the state doesn’t own you. That you own you.

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Not a penny

As I’m wrapping up a business deal this morning, I opened Prairie Pravda to see this headline:”Senate committee authorizes Vikings stadium study“. Seems the lefty controlled Senate has given 2,000,000 of your dollars to fund a study as to how much more of your money ($100,000,000’s ) is going to be given to make another billionaire richer. Seems they don’t have access to the polls that showed a vast majority of taxpayers did NOT want to fund the Twins stadium and make multi-billionaire Carl Pohlad richer. Anybody want to bet that those same people, and now even more people feel the same way about a Vikings stadium? Yah, the Democrats are for the common man. Right.
Hey, here’s a real American capitalist idea: let the Vikings spend more of their money to study how they’re going to raise their own money to make themselves richer.

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A mea culpa

Seems that all the kerfuffle about Hillary’s trip to Tuzla is definitely wrong. And I was wrong along with them.
A good friend of mine sent me a link to actual footage of Hillary’s trip to Bosnia that shows that she did indeed land under sniper fire…and shows a side of Hillary I never would have imagined let alone believed without seeing this newly discovered and very impressive video:

And what does all this prove? Well, I’ll let Hillary speak for me:”It proves I’m human.”

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Late night news

Frequently at night I put on the radio either the Glenn Beck Show on KTLK 100.3 or Rusty Humphries on AM1280 The Patriot. AM1280 at night is a sketchy listen sometimes down here in Savage. Last night, it was worth the static and background bounce.
I met Rusty at the Minnetonka Marriott for one of the Republican Presidential Debates when the Repubs still had 47 candidates in the running. Well spoken and a real conservative,Rusty is not a “I’m a conservative too. Watch me change” that I run into far too often in Republican circles. Anyhow, last night, he had on Colonel William “Goose” Changose (Air Force,ret.). Seems that Colonel Changose is one of the military “go to” guys that Rusty uses when he needs to flesh out a story or rumor concerning the military. The reason he called the Colonel was to find out what he knew about the about the, well, discrepancies between Hillary’s recounting of her landing in Tuzla versus what the video keeps showing. Rusty recounted that the Colonel’s reply was “Who told you to call me?” Rusty was a bit taken aback as the Colonel again is a go to. So Rusty asked “Well, why do you ask?” The Colonel’s response “Because I was the pilot for Hillary on that C-17 that flew into Tuzla.” Oh.
So, Rusty took the Colonel through Hillary’s rendition of the Tuzla event.
The background: The reason a C-17 was used is because the other planes in the inventory that transport high level Administration officials (such as Air Force One, the usual 747, and others) are not capable of landing on the short runway at Tuzla. The C-17 has defensive capabilities that the other planes do not. The Secret Service was in charge of all aspects of the flight.
So, off we go.
The Colonel had flown into Tuzla at least twice before: Once with President Clinton and once with Secretary of Defense Perry (I believe is who he said. Reception, as I said was sketchy at times).
Yes, there was armor on the plane. Reason: the Secret Service.
Hillary was instructed to go to the cockpit as it heavily armored. Colonel Changose : The cockpit is armored as that’s where the aircrew is. The cargo area isn’t armored as, well, it’s cargo. Hillary was in the cockpit to talk. Not for protection.
Colonel Changose found her to pleasant and conversant. Colonel Changose also found President Clinton very personable.
Hillary said that the passengers were ordered to sit on their flak jackets.
Colonel Changose replied that they were not. Colonel Changose was clear that he had never seen anyone sit on their flak jackets. He went on to say that whenever flak jackets are present, people are told to put them on, not sit on them. A comment was proffered that only in Apocalypse Now did people sat on flak jackets.
Hillary said there were evasive measures taken (corkscrewed in to Tuzla is the usual phrase).
Colonel Changose replied that as there are very high hills around the Tuzla airbase, he had to come in high and drop. But that was not evasive maneuvering, it was standard landing procedure.
Hillary said that she and the passengers were told to duck and run to the cars as there was active sniper fire.
Colonel Changose said there was nothing of the kind. He also had a pointed comment that reflected a thought I first had when I heard this story: if there were any sniper fire, the Secret Service would have redirected the flight away from Tuzla, immediately! No questions. Colonel Changose offered that no pilot wants to be flying the plane on which the First Lady is killed or wounded. No Secret Service agent would ever allow a landing into a hot zone. Even if Hillary screamed “We’ve got to get Sheryl Crowe and Sinbad to that USO performance-NOW!” the Secret Service would never have allowed it.
Hillary, wanting to showcase her deep international and diplomatic experience, commented that she was the first high level American official to visit the area after the Dayton Peace Accords.
Colonel Changose said that that was correct. That after President Clinton and SecDef Perry, Hillary was the first high level official to visit Bosnia after the Dayton Peace Accords.
Rusty laughed as I smiled at
Colonel Changose’s dry sense of humor.
To be clear, Colonel Changose was direct. He didn’t editorialize. He was an officer and gentleman in how he answered Rusty’s questions. He didn’t take any swipes at Hillary, though she was not his first choice for President.

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CBS (Columbia Broadcasting System) used to be called the “Clinton Broadcast System”.
Well, today, or at least for now, it became the”Clinton Bludgeoning System”.
Go to this link that Ed Morrisey has at Hot Air and watch all three clips.
As I watch The Hillary, I remember a quote from a Vietnam vet friend of mine:”Twist and turn, crash and burn.”

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Tears for Sara Jane-no Part II

And now, for your review, regurgitation and revulsion, the further pleadings , sorry, pitiful whining from the repulsive radical left wing apologists for the mother killing Kathleen Soliah:
Olson was literally snatched by the board in the dark of night and imprisoned without notice, without a hearing and without an explanation.
My reply:”Myrna Opsahl’s innocent life was literally snatched from her and she was imprisoned in a grave, without a hearing and without an explanation.”
The board’s action took a huge emotional toll on Olson and her family.
My reply:”Cold blooded Kathleen Soliah and her fellow murders action took a huge toll on Mrs. Opsahl and took and continues to take a huge emotional toll on Mrs. Opsahl’s family.”
Once an inmate is released on parole, the board can only suspend or revoke her parole
My reply:”Once these lawless, self-congratulating, unremorseful pukes took Mrs. Opsahl’s life and imposed their evil will on Mrs. Opsahl’ and her family, they can’t revoke or suspend the death sentence they forcibly imposed on her and her family.”

Let’s be real clear here kids, Kathleen Soliah could and should have been indicted for first degree murder. A fourteen year sentence with seven years served is a gift. A gift. They gave Myrna Opsahl an eternal death sentence. No parole, no time off for good behavior.
So, SHUT UP!!!
Wow, sounds like I’m angry. And repulsed.
I am.

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Do the right thing

In response to the cowardly stance the Forest Lake H.S. took in canceling the Vets for Freedom Tour , the 4,000th American military death and the disgraceful Huffo post, I present this from a link at Hugh Hewitt , I present this from Freedom Never Cries :

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Things to Remember during the next School Referendum and School Board election

Your Tax dollars at work —

This is who the School officials think is appropriate to inform the students about war and peace.

(This is a picture of the protester the Prior Lake School District uses for guidance for their assembly)

(Weekly War Protest.
Notice the UN flag raised, US flag lowered.
He mission is to make the UN a world Parliament)

According to school officials, This is who is a bad influence on our children (Forest Lake)

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