I received a call on Monday from the MN GOP, telling me that there was a ticket for me to the RNC on Wednesday. Later that day , I talked to Savage Republican and he told me that Ron Carey, Exec. Chair of the MN GOP had arranged for the ticket and the call.
I’ve been invited to a bloggers lunch today by Ed Morrissey. So, though I promised I wouldn’t get close to St. Paul even if a 9mm were pointed at my brain stem. Well, though the MSM would erroneously call this a flip flop, well, I’m using the occasion to introduce myself to people to promote another cause:
On June 6th, 1944, then Lt. Dick Winters (Band of Brothers), in his and the 101st Airborne first day in combat, took a squad of men to attack and silence four 105mm howitzers that were zeroed in on Utah beach and threatened the landings (intelligence first thought the howitzers were 88mm). Lt. Winters took his squad and formulated an attack against a German heavy platoon/light company that were in charge of the artillery battery.
This action is still studied at West Point as a perfect fire and maneuver action.
Lt. Winters was cited and recommended for the Medal of Honor. Lost in the decades of history is the reason that citation was downgraded to a Distinguished Service Cross. Stephen Ambrose wrote that there was a directive that there would only be one Medal of Honor per division in the Normandy campaign. I’ve never heard of any evidence to either support or refute that statement. Lt. Robert Cole was the only man from the 101st to receive the MOH.
What I’ve wanted to do, and Savage Republican is giving great help, is to have that original Medal of Honor citation re-instated. There have been a couple of attempts to have this done. Unfortunately, there were too local and not also not widely publicized.
I also need to be VERY clear: this is NOT an upgrade. This a re-instatement of the original citation! An upgrade would be if the original citation were for a DSC and people are trying to get that citation changed to the MOH. That is not the case here.
We have bought the domain name www.honoreasy.com . We are in the process of getting the website up. It is an informational website only. We urge people to contact their Congressman/Congresswoman to urge them to pass a resolution affirming and re-instating the original citation for MOH for Dick Winters. We urge people to call and write the White House and President Bush to right this wrong.
We will have all the information you’ll need to do this.
If you have a blog, include the link www.honoreasy.com .
Savage Republican and I will be updating you here and on the website.
BTW, here are two scenes from YouTube and the Band of Brothers DVD showing the action that Lt. Winters was cited for.
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