Rucks and mauls

Many of you know that I played rugby for two decades. In rugby there are some terms for what happens when a man is tackled and the forwards (the “linemen” of rugby) close around the tackled ball carrier: ruck or maul.
Some years back, we were in SW Minnesota playing rugby. It was a game with a number of fights. After about the fourth or fifth fight, the referee, after blowing the whistle and untangling the mess, had one guy by the arm. “Whenever I sort out a fight, you’re always the one I find at the bottom of the pile. You’re off the field!” And so, he was sent off.
In rugby, back then, when you were kicked off the field, you were not replaced. Your team played a man short for the rest of the game.

Today, every time there is a disaster, much more often than not, there is a government program, directive, agency somewhere in the mix either causing the problem or causing the problem to be worse or become worse. Witness the sub-prime mortgage and resultant financial collapse. All brought to you by: government. Aided and fully abetted by Democrats. And yet, John McCain can not make or will not make that connection.
Time is short.
And I’m losing hope that McCain has the will to fight.
He faces a man who has no respect for and seeks to destroy all that John McCain fought for, risked his life for and suffered for five horrible years in the Hanoi Hilton (and still suffers from those years). McCain’s response: “Senator Obama is a fine family man.”
President-elect Obama. And Nancy Pelosi will preempt the Constitution (nothing new there) and call Congress back if Obama does win the election to get a head start on the left wing mischief.
The Republicans have no one but themselves to blame.

And this is what we have to look forward to (thanks to Powerline):

And believe that this one campaign promise Obama will keep.
Yup. The bottom of a lot more rucks and mauls.

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Cartoon Saturday

Growing up in the ’50’s Saturday mornings were for cartoons.
So today, here a few cartoons I came across this past week:

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I'm not surprised at not being surprised

“Troopergate Probe Shows Palin Had Power , but Abused It to Fire Trooper”. Oh.
And the fact that the investigation was headed by Obama supporters is not news. That the report was rushed to be released now is not news.
If she did abuse her authority, bad on her. So what. I expected nothing less:

What is news that somehow I can’t find in any MSM outlet is the rampant, and I mean rampant voter fraud from Obama’s organization, ACORN. That concerns me that ACORN is stealing an election. This CNN report uncovers is being repeated around the country especially in battleground states. Look at the video again the previous post. This, again, is what’s happening in many states. ACORN needs to be indicted in the next 10 days. ACORN organizers need to perp walked out of their offices. Those indictments need to be open. American citizens need to open lawsuits against ACORN for disenfranchisement.
To quote Arnold Schwarzenegger;”Dew whit. Dew whit nauuwgh!”

And to quote Indiana Jones-“This is serious!”

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Do crushed acorns make acorn butter?

I had a question after I watched this video to the end (HT to Ed Morrissey at Hot Air):

Now that Barack Obama has thrown ACORN under the bus, after giving them $800,000, what next?

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Mark Twain revisited

I heard a few days ago a quote attributed to Mark Twain-“History doesn’t repeat itself, at best it rhymes.”
My evidence is as follows:

BTW, do you think these children sang as well to Benito Mussolini as those children sing about Obama?

(Here is the caption for the above picture from the Mrs. Music website:
The W.L.A. Children’s Choir truly participated in the democratic process this spring by shooting a commercial for Barack Obama and then singing for Hillary Clinton! The commercial was shot on location at the picturesque Ahmanson Ranch in Calabassas and will be part of a competition on The winning director will have his commercial aired on National T.V. later in the campaign.)

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The twist tie

In my post below I wrote that McCain/Palin need to tie Obama and all the Democrats together.
Here is a headline:
HUD: Five Million Fraudulent Mortgages Held by Illegals“.
Let that sink in: 5,000,000 fraudulent mortgages held by illegals.
The story goes on to state:”
The problem began years ago when banks were forced to give mortgages without confirming social security numbers or borrower identification. As a result, illegal immigrants were able to obtain home mortgages which they could not afford.
Who did this? The Democrats. The Democrats forced banks to do this. The rest of us were required to play by the rules. The rules that a real world of risk assessment dictates. Not those who couldn’t afford a house. They had the Democrats to make the world “fair” with rules to match.
And do you think that HUD has understated or overstated the number, if you had to bet?
I’m waiting to hear this story repeated as often as John McCain says “My friends”.
BTW, how does it feel to have to pay $1,000,000,000,000’s for the world to be “fair”?

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Is this 1992 redux

I remember a quote a few years back regarding the election of Bill Clinton in ’92 and ’96-“In 1992 we didn’t know anything about but elected him. In 1996 we knew all we needed to know and elected him anyhow.” I have that same feeling today.
In 1992 we had a current president who kept hitting the character issue. And it didn’t work. Clinton was a polished campaigner and it showed. The character issue did not resonate with the public at all. George Bush was playing catchup and losing.
In 1996 we had a horrible candidate in Bob Dole. He was certainly a war hero. That does not make one qualified to be President. It always appeared to me that the Republicans somehow thought that it was Senator Doles turn to run. That he was rewarded for his long service to the party. A horrible reason to be nominated for President.
This brings me to the 2008 election. I do not see the Barack Obama/Bill Ayers connection as a winner. It goes to character but this is all too reminiscent of the ’92 election. In 1992 people were hearing the left scream “The worst economy in 50 years”, “It’s the economy stupid!”. Sound familiar?
I’ve written so many times and reminded Republicans in Minnesota that the greatest book I’ve ever read about campaigning is David Horowitz’s book “The Art of Political War and Other Radical Pursuits“. It was written for 2000 election cycle. And precious few Republicans have ever read it! The takeaway for me-“Republicans look at politics as the Oxford Debating Society. Democrats look at politics as a knife fight.” There are no Marquess of Queensbury Rules in politics. The Republicans are still looking for the rule book however, confident that they’ll find it real soon.
My read on the remaining on the remaining time until the election:
It’s a one act play with three characters: McCain, Obama, Palin. There are four scenes and some supporting players: Biden, Ayers, Wright, Dodd, Frank. The whole play had better have a single plot theme :”These democrats did it you! Here’s the proof.” The main Republican actors had better tie all the Democrat players together through Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Raines, Johnson and ACORN.
And the Republicans had better start now. It can be done. But the Repubs need to start now.

The Repubs have this much time to get this point across:

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A Touch of Grey

I went over to Hot Air and saw a post from Allahpundit for an old 1980’s video.
Well, I took his idea.
I searched for this video. It’s the video that’s credited with introducing The Grateful Dead to a new generation.
I put it into my You Tube favorites an irresistible catchy song with nonsense verses (there is one stanza that’s dropped from the video)
Hope you enjoy it:

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When SNL gets it right-mostly

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Will George help?

This from Hot Air:

And this:

I’ve mentioned on these pages a number of times that Bernie Ebbers, Ken Lay, et al from WorldCom, Enron, Tyco have all been arrested in public:

These men were arrested for fraudulent accounting practices. The resulting financial collapse was in the tens of billions. People were screaming for their heads. “This is what corporate greed in America is all about!” clucked all the people on the left. “More regulations!” they shouted.
Well, here is a nicely timed “October Surprise” all ready to deliver:
Obama advisors Franklin Raines and Jim Johnson cooked the books at Fannie and Freddie. There is/was a $200,000,000,000 collapse of these two. If Enron and Worldcom executives were arrested for tens of billions…
Time to have Raines and Johnson arrested, ala Ebbers and Lay, perp walked out of their offices, in front of many cameras. This has to be done around 25 October.
And there is plenty of evidence over at the SEC, the FBI and Postal Service to have this done in the next two weeks.
Yup- equal treatment under the law is all we ask.
Come on George. The left hates you anyhow.
Try for a legacy with all us conservatives.

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