When philosophy and reality meet

I love it when the ironicalness (yes, I know) of the left is lost on them. To wit: the recent crime wave on the “greenway” that was the old railroad right-of-way that paralleled Lake Street for decades (and also parallels the Hiawatha Choo choo). Bike paths, light rail, etc. are loved and revered by the left . And when those pathways take them through neighborhoods of diversity that breed crime like drunk rabbits, well, what can I say? Now, I’ll acknowledge there’s not much you can do with abandoned railroad right-of-way. But, what did you expect putting a “greenway” through some of the highest crime areas in the city?
Not everyone embraces “diversity” and “tolerance” in those areas as much as the lefties do.
Wait a minute…seems that Minneapolis votes overwhelmingly for the libertards and therefore, the people in those neighborhoods vote for this, usually in numbers greater than the general populace.
How’s reality working for you now?
makes no difference; they’ll vote left again and again.
Seems there’s a quote from Einstein that would apply here…

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Congressional Representatives Votes

How Minnesota House Representatives voted in the Big 3 down payment on bankruptcy (a Y is a yes vote for the bailout)
Democrats — Ellison, X; McCollum, Y; Oberstar, Y; Peterson, N; Walz, N.
Republicans — Bachmann, N; Kline, N; Ramstad, Y.
Once again, I’m glad Jim Ramstad is going to get job in the private sector (I’d bet a lobbying job for the mental health industry. Maybe he’ll be the new Car Czar?).

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Colonel Brilliant reporting for duty

Ya know, I ain’t the brightest knife in the chandelier or the sharpest bulb in the drawer, but what in the name of the Constitution is wrong here?
The same people that brought you Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac that has pulled the entire world economy into peril (and blamed Bush, naturally); that brought you increasing food prices and $4.00 a gallon and non-effective ethanol subsidies because they refused to let us use our own resources thereby enriching people who don’t like us and jeopardizing our security and livelihoods.These very same people who opened a new Congressional visitors center that was 100% over budget and three years late in opening-these are the people that think THEY can recognize an appropriate business plan from the Big Three automakers? And run the companies? The same people who have never run a business or had to make a payroll?
They’ll kill us all yet!
And how, may you ask did these people get elected? Very simply: a lethal and fatal combination of ignorance, lack of critical thinking and ideology.
It was his oratory that was the decisive factor. ‘ He had the ability which was needed to make people stop thinking critically and just emote (emphasis mine). That ability derived from his readiness to throw himself totally open, to appear, as it was, bare and naked before his audience. To tear his heart open and display it.’ ” (A description of Adolph Hitler’s style in the pivotal run off 1932 Presidential election against Paul von Hindenburg. As a result of the closeness of the run off, Hindenburg appointed Hitler Chancellor in 1933).

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So do Metal Detectors at Schools make you feel safe?

Article in Wall Street Journal on Monday about the Terroist attack in India.


Here is one key paragraph:

At about 9:45 p.m., two gunmen, slender and in their mid-20s, ran up the circular driveway at the entrance to the Trident. They shot the security guard and two bellhops.
The hotel had metal detectors, but none of its security personnel carried weapons because of the difficulties in obtaining gun permits from the Indian government,
according to the hotel company’s chairman, P.R.S. Oberoi. The gunmen raced through the marble-floored lobby, past the grand piano into the adjoining Verandah restaurant, firing at the guests and shattering the windows

From Red Lake to India to …
First thing the bad guys do is shoot the one or two people they think may have a gun, then they know they have a free fire victim zone.

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Man dead for 15% off

I’m sure that you’ve already heard of the tragedy at a Wal Mart where a worker was literally trampled to death.
Here is a picture of the rush:

Hundreds of shoppers smashed through windows at a Long Island Wal-Mart early Friday morning, killing one store employee in the stampede. News’ reader Nakea Augustine caught the chaotic scene on her cell phone, check out the photos.(Caption from the site. Go here to see other pictures from this tragedy).
Look at the pictures and draw your own conclusions.
I have.

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Michael Steele-and we're deeper into it

I was listening to the Bill Bennett Show this morning. Michael Steele was guest host. Near the end of the show he was commenting on the future of the Republican Party responding to a callers question. My heart fell at what I heard.
He talked about “How do we reach out to the moderates?
How do we build a bridge to them? How do we include the Christie Todd Whitman’s in the party?”
Two word answer-“We don’t!” We let them build a bridge to us. We let them reach out to us.
We tried this bridge building/reaching out crap. We got John McCain.
Say Michael, how’d that work out for us? How did that bridge building go in the 2006 election cycle? I can tell you how well it worked here in Minnesota in 2004 and 2006. Let’s say it fell just a bit short of expectations.
My advice? Not saying “We’re reaching out.” Saying “Follow us.”
I have absolutely no desire to waste my/our time building another bridge to nowhere.
Wake up people!

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OK Professor!

So, government educated brain trust reader, what DO you really know about America? Huh?
Read this blog and think my knowledge gets picked up by osmosis (really pressure diffusion deficit) do ya? WELL, DO YA?
OK, genius, here’s your chance! Show me your stuff.
Go to the Intercollegiate Studies Institute and take their civics test (link here).
There are 33 questions ranging from government structure, Constitutional, history and economic questions.
Take the test, then email me your results to AmendmentX “at” savagerepublican
“dot” com and I’ll reply with my results. It took me about 3 minutes to take the test.
Let’s see how you do…

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From the Office of the President Elect

Go here and watch the short video.
Then go and read the comments.
It is just about everything you need to know from the Office of the President Elect.

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Just wondering…

I saw the first photo and something jumped out at me.
Anyone else see a connection between the pictures?
Or is it just me?

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Why you need a firearm

Many people, despite my nom de plume, assume that I’m a 2nd Amendment guy. Probably because of my involvement with 2nd Amendment issues.
I stress preparedness. I stress the concept “Are you prepared to be wrong?” Most people assume, quite wrongly, that police will and have a duty to protect them. Nothing could be further from the truth:

  1. Police are a reactionary force. They arrive after the crime.
  2. 911 is not what people think it is. In research I did to find out typical response time from a 911 call, I discovered this brutal fact: In less, repeat,LESS than 5% of the time police arrive to stop the crime and/or arrest the perpetrator. LESS than 5% of the time.
  3. The police are not legally required to provide specific protection to you. (Silver v City of Minneapolis and the most egregious case is Warren v District of Columbia. Others are here).
  4. Police can and have retreated (aka “pulled out”) of hostile situations: The Rodney King riots and a few years ago in North Minneapolis. Translation: you are really on your own. Good luck!

And so, even with a heightened police presence, we have this:
A Cape Girardeau woman shot and fatally wounded Ronnie W. Preyer, 47, a registered sex offender who had broken into her home early this morning with the intention of raping her a second time, Cape Girardeau Prosecuting Attorney Morley Swingle said today...

Cape Girardeau police had been keeping a close eye on the woman’s home, in the southwest part of Cape Girardeau, since she reported the rape nearly a week ago (emphasis mine).
Again, even with an increased police presence, the victim was attacked and was able to defend herself. Notice that she escaped and police were able to respond in 45 seconds from a 911 call from another residence.
So, decide for yourself.
Me? I prefer to be prepared to be wrong.

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