If in America

Would she have lived had she had American health care ?

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Roses wilt under the heat

Yah know, some champagne goes flat real fast.
A drop of nearly 20%? Who’d a’ thunk?
Come on now-those numbers will boing right back up as soon as we stop listening to Rush Limbaugh (see below).

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Why President Obama represents Hope and Change to me

His stance and expressed desire and his striving for unity and bipartisanship.
In contrast to his campaign rhetoric.

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A concept twice lost

When Little Jimmy Carter came to Washington, he rode in on a wave of “I’m not one of them. I’m a Washington outsider.”
How’d that work out for him again?
Today, from The Politico, there is this headline: “Obama to GOP: ‘ I won’
The Republicans came to the President to express concerns about the “stimulus” package. President Obama reminded the assembled representatives of the minority party “I won”.
What Pres. BHO doesn’t realize is the lesson from Jimmy Carter and the ancient Greek tragedies regarding hubris. Whenever there is failure on the part of a character, it is usually traced back to the arrogance on the part of that character.
Presidential candidate Obama walked and talked arrogance from his “vero possumus”, his faux presidential seal, his plane being called “O Force One”, Greek columns, et al. He starting believing all the fawning press reports regarding him. What he fails to realize is that when he moved that 1.5 miles down Pennsylvania Ave from the Capitol Dome, that he left being “one of them” to being “The President”. He fails to realize that he now has to contend with a whole marble dome full of egos. He is now one of three branches of government. He is the lightening rod.
One more thing he doesn’t realize is what Princess Diana also failed to realize: the press made her and she thought that she could turn that on and off like a faucet. So it is here in America.
The President’s ego is going to collide with Washington reality. It already has (from a Hot Air column):

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A question to ponder

Glenn Beck asked a great question regarding the closing of Guantanamo:
“Dear Mr. President-If you’re going to close Gitmo and therefore will need to move the radical killers detainees to someplace in the United States, well, then, why close Gitmo if you’re just moving pieces around the checkerboard?”
Glenn Beck’s read- the only reason is to make some radical anti-Americans feel good-for some unknown reason.
P.S. Another one of those embarrassing questions from a subject citizen: “Uh, Mr. President, how, exactly, will closing Guantanamo make me or my children any safer?”

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Thermostats click on in hell (part, some number)

There are times when The Daily Show nails it.
Here is one of those times (from Hot Air):

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First and Last BHO Coronation/Anointing post

I was going to have a BHO free day here on Savage Republican. My friend Ed Morrissey has pushed me to break that self pledge with a single picture in a single post.
I watched just a under a minute of this retch inducing video and went on to read the comments. I am now committed to never drink any Pepsi products after seeing this video and NEW “Pepsi” logo. But, it was this blog entry and this picture that sent me on my pledge breaking moment:

The BHO logo like CBS eye, the BHO colors, the BHO motto.
When Princess Diana died, there was an editorial regarding that the same week Viktor Frankl also passed away. Dr. Frankl was the author of the second most powerful book I’ve ever read, “Man’s Search for Meaning“. That editorial referred to the “media carpet bombing” of coverage on Diana’s death.
With BHO, it appears that our once free and independent press is now practicing what I would call a carpet bombing, napalm raking, cluster bombing, intellectual fellatio on BHO ad naseum ad infinitum.

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Remember the complaints from the whiney left about how outrageously extravagant the 2004 Bush Inauguration was? No compassion about the poor (same reasoning that Mom’s used on us about clean plates and starving children in the world). And the complaints about AIG scheduling a salon weekend after being illegally bailed out?
I’ll be scouring the New York Times and Washington Post for their scrutiny about the BHO Coronation expense in an economy in duress (no breath holding on my part).

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Minnesota's new motto

By now, I’m sure you’ve read about the triumph of “bio-diesel” used in the transport of schoolchildren in Bloomington. And a big BTW, when I first met future soon to be former Senator Coleman in 2002, he stated categorically that he did not support drilling in ANWR because he supported “bio-diesel”. I then hung the term “BDN” on Mr. Coleman (Bio Diesel Norm).
Yup-another smashing success for alternative energy and another wound for failed petroleum.
However, not a solo winner here in Minnesota…
Thursday evening at the monthly local Republican Exec Comm meeting, one of our local Representatives was able to attend. He sits on the Energy Committee. He had an interesting report on another smashing success of alternative energy. Maybe “smashing” is a unique word choice: seems that at -20F the wind turbines need to be shut down. The composite materials used for the turbine blades becomes so brittle at below zero temps, that there is the risk of, well, “catastrophic failure” if the turbines run. Oh. Well, it gets better. At those temperatures, with the BBW (Big Bad Windmills) NOT putting out any energy, they become net energy users as the lubricants in gearboxes and elsewhere need to be heated to be sure that they don’t become thick and there is lubrication failure upon start up. It gets even better: in Minnesota, the peak energy season has moved from summer to winter. When we experience protracted cold here in Minnesota, that indicates a high pressure area over Minnesota. That usually indicates no wind. No wind, no BBW’s a turnin‘ and a churnin’out energy-just when we need it most.
A couple of new state mottos for Minnesota:
“Minnesota-Where Alternative Energy Theory Comes to Freeze to Death”
“Minnesota-Where the Citizens and Alternate Energy Suffer Hypothermia”

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Wisdom from 3rd grade

From Hot Air:

Ice Cream & The Election

Analogy from a teacher

“Who worries about “the cow” when it is all about the “Ice Cream”?”

The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade this year.

The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest.

I decided we would have an election for a class president.

We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.

To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members.

We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have.

We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.

The class had done a great job in their selections.

Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia’s mother.

The day arrived when they were to make their speeches Jamie went first.

He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best.

Everyone applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise.

She said, “If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream.” She sat down.

The class went wild. “Yes! Yes! We want ice cream.” She surely could say more. She did not have to.

A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn’t sure.

Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it? She didn’t know.

The class really didn’t care. All they were thinking about was ice cream.

Jamie was forgotten.

Olivia won by a landslide.

Every time Barack Obama opened his mouth he offered ice cream [coke] and fifty-two percent of the people reacted like nine year olds. They want ice cream.

The other forty-eight percent of us know we’re going to have to feed the cow and clean up the mess.

Questions class?

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