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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

A week ago Tuesday in Rochester

On 9 March, I had an eye opening encounter with the American health care system. I got up early and traveled to Mayo Clinic in Rochester for the first time in my life for a 7:30 a.m. appointment. Lots of paperwork at the office at St. Mary's Hospital-in addition to all the paperwork I filled out prior to the appointment. But, this was Mayo Clinic. At about 8:30 I had a 45 minute medical evaluation with the department head. We discussed prior treatments, current available treatments. He wanted to eliminate some concerns and explore a couple of possibilities. To that end he said he wanted an EKG, a blood draw and an MRI. He sent the requests out to his scheduler, Todd. Within 15 minutes, I had the EKG, blood draw and MRI all scheduled for that day. And all scheduled around a 1:00 p.m. audiology test I had scheduled for the same day. So, off I went. Going to Mayo Clinic and Methodist Hospital (right across the street). Todd and given me an itinerary and provided a map that he highlighted including where to park. If I ran into problems, he said to ask at any of the Information desks.
Now, Mayo is huge. The tests are run assembly line. But, everyone I ran into was friendly and efficient. And remember, Mayo is always ranked top five in so many categories.
And during lunch (yup, I had time for lunch too!), it occurred to me: ObamaCare in any form is a disaster; what was happening to me at Mayo, this day, could never, ever happen under ObamaCare. Mayo as it is would cease to exist.
And my resolve against the collectivists, progressives, lefties, RINO's was ratcheted up-markedly.