How big WAS the crowd in D.C. ?
Seems to be the question of the hour. Well, I happen to have a bit of experience with really, REALLY large crowds. Like over 1,000,000 men.
I was at "Stand in the Gap" the Promise Keepers event 4 October 1997 in Washington D.C.

I was over near the tree line in front of the Smithsonian. We arrived about 9:00 and were told that we had just missed an ABC camera crew. The crew had shared with the men around us that ABC was estimating 100,000 men between each Jumbotron.They told us there were 9 Jumbotrons from the Capitol steps to the Washington Monument. We were also told there were another 300,000 plus men on the other side Monument to the Reflecting Pool and Lincoln Memorial. There were another 50,000 on the Ellipse. And many 10,000's walking the streets as there was no more room on the Mall.
Now, here is a satellite picture taken of the Mall during Obama's inauguration ceremony. (Click on the image above and below twice to enlarge).

A photo analyst estimated this crowd at 800,000. The Washington Post crowed that there 2,000,000 at the inauguration.
The MSM covered Stand in the Gap with the usual deference they show Christians and conservatives.
Compare the two photos and come to your own conclusion about numbers reported by the MSM for the 912 Rally.
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