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Friday, January 11, 2008

The law of sowing and reaping

I've written many times about the multi-trillion dollar unfunded liabilities of Social Security and Medicare. These two programs will sink the American Experiment within thirty years, if not sooner. There is not enough money to pay for two programs that currently require between $70,000,000,000,000 to $80,000,000,000,000 to meet those obligations for us Boomers. And the Financial Times reports (free registration required) that Moody's is warning that , based on welfare, Social Security and Medicare payments , the ability of the U.S. to keep exporting it's financial problems will also fail in a decade unless Congress takes real serious action-now! Right now. Junk bond status for Treasury bonds. OW! And that report dovetails with the projections that if major revisions of Social Security/Medicare are not accomplished in the next decade, the entire SS/Medicare system will be in free fall and the probable disaster becomes a certainty.
And when foreigners have no faith that their dollar instruments will hold value, they'll dump them for Euros or gold...just like is happening now. And the Congress and the President can no longer export our debt (Ron Paul has a excellent point when he talks about fiscal and currency issues)
There is a Biblical principle that like yields and produces its own (Genesis 1: 12,21,24). That what is sown is reaped. And so, with the predominance of the left for the last ninety years coupled with the dumbing down of the electorate, we are about to see what is harvested when the wind is sown.
Hang on!

Wednesday, January 09, 2008

2 for 2 - Ready to Call it

Some are still reading tea leaves, but with two states doing exactly what I felt would happen , I am ready to repeat my prediction from the Christmas Party and as I repeated on NARN.

First DFL - Hilary will win.
While everyone was talking about Obama's momentum, I reminded them Hilary has the machine and predicted there would be talk of issues in voting in NH.
Sure enough - Though not one poll showed her winning, she won.
She has even stronger machines for Super Tuesday.
Remember the Democrats do not just have a straight vote. In most places it is a highly scripted "dance" and he who pays the band gets to call the dance.

On the GOP Side -
- Fred: was 1-2% in NH, I don't anticipate a SC miracle.
- Romney: was also the other big loser in NH. He needed a NH/Mich double. He needs a blowout in Michigan to keep going and I don't see it happening.
- McCain: has his moment, but immigration kills him form now to Super Tuesday.
- Giuliani: Ignored NH, but still he got no mo., no excitement anywhere and Florida will be too late.

So that leaves Huckabee:
He did better in Iowa than expected, did as expected in NH.
I predict he will surprise in Michigan v. Romney & a good showing there leads to SC victory and a close finish in Florida.

So my prediction is Hillary vs. Huckabee

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Quote of the day

"It takes a different skill set to campaign for President than to be President".
Fred Thompson is the only one that has that presidential skill set.
From Powerline "
Fred Thompson addresses Social Security. He is an impressive and responsible candidate." Another brief but insightful quote: "Thompson: Fred did fine; I liked, for example, his refusal to demonize the oil companies. "
But, I agree with some other quotes on Powerline that points out Thompson doesn't campaign well. He doesn't have that fiery rhetoric that incites the crowds. And unfortunately that counts against him. It's not the message, it's the delivery? Make a good potential president a second tier candidate because he doesn't excite you?
I seem to remember a quote about a book and its cover.
Go to Fred Thompson's site and contribute.

[From The Savage Republican]
I would add that if you know someone in S.C. call them now - Fred needs a big showing there or it is probably over.

Monday, January 07, 2008

N.H. Prediction

Not a big fan of NH Primary so this based on my unscientific guesstimate from other polls.
If this is right on Giuliani - he is the big loser here.
Don't think this will have much effect on Fred unless he doesn't break 5%.
Hope I am wrong on Ron Paul or we will get another mass mailing
(Did anyone else get 10-12 pieces of mail from Ron over the Christmas break?)

I don't think NH will change things much, unless there is a big change over these numbers.

McCain 32%
Romney 31%
Huckabee 11%
Giuliani 10%
Ron Paul 10%
Fred 5%
Other 1%