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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Monday, October 13, 2008


Today hundreds of people observed the murder of Matthew Shepard.
Will these same people observe the anniversary of the torture death of Jesse Dirkhising?
Never heard of him have you? He was thirteen and was raped and tortured by two homosexuals.
From the article:

News of the Dirkhising case was surprisingly muted throughout the country, perhaps because it involved a homosexual crime, said WND readers, who voted it one of the most spiked stories of 1999.

At one point, Farah took the Washington Post to task over it, and most major newspaper's, lack of coverage of the case. In response the Post's ombudsman, E.R. Shipp, blasted Farah and WND in a column she penned defending her paper's decision to focus more attention on the death of Matthew Shepard, a homosexual student who was murdered in Wyoming in Oct. 1998.

The men who murdered Shepard didn't know that he was a homosexual. But, you would never know that by the Prairie Pravda article. They robbed him because he was flashing money and his assailants needed drug money. It was a robeery that went bad. Real bad. But it was not motivated by homosexual intolerance. No matter, again, what the propagandists would say.
Another example of the SOS radical left taking a tragedy and exploiting it. No shame. None.


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