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The Savage Republican

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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007


OK kids- let's see how well you've learned your lesson from Professor Amendment X:
It's 2014 and President Hillary Clinton is mercifully in her last two years as President. Chelsea Clinton is running for President hoping to out legacy/dynasty the Kennedy's.
The leading Republican candidate has just found that he has received $1,000,000 in illegal contributions from a front man from a foreign country who has spread the money around so it appeared that a large number of individuals made the contributions.
Now, think for a minute...WWHD? (Imagine or hum Final Jeopardy tune at this point in the exam).................................................................................................................
Pens down.
Answers please:
No, I'm sorry, That's incorrect. She would not do what the Republican administration will do...nothing. Remember that she's a Democrat and knows how to fight. The Republicans are, well, Republicans and are still looking for a pair.
The correct answer is: after having the Department of Justice flay the Republican alive, she would have the IRS become the Republican candidate's new proctologist. She would hamstring the guy badly. Not take him out. Just make sure that instead of running for office all he could do was hobble.
GWB has a golden opportunity for the Republicans here with an easy underhand pitch that he could easily hit into the parking lot if not the next county. But, he won't.
The Republicans have learned nothing. Nothing.
David Horowitz in his book "The Art of Political War" basically states that Republicans think of politics as the Oxford Debating Club. The Democrats see it as a knife fight.
GWB, surprise me for once.
"Carpe Commodum"


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