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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

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Saturday, October 14, 2006

Truth from fiction

I saw the following video and remembered a story where the head of security of El Al was talking to the head of security from United Airlines. The UA security chief asked why El Al had never had a hijacking. The El Al chief said "It's because you screen for weapons. We screen for terrorists."

The story between security chiefs and the video of fiction reminded me of this picture from reality:

Screen for terrorists, not weapons.

The ad Fox News won't run...yet

The headline at WorldNetDaily reads:
"Fox News bans ad critical of Clinton". "Really?", I thought.
Seems that the organization that submitted the ad didn't provide the documentation that Fox thought was needed to support the ad. Move America Forward felt that Cinton's outrageous assertions that he did all he could to eliminate Osama bin Laden failed on its face. Seems that jabbing finger of arrogance upset others. And though Move America Forward had CIA officials directly contradict those lies of Clinton, they failed to provide that documentation to Fox.
Here, however, is the video from YouTube:

Friday, October 13, 2006

Your country run by lefties

Look at this picture. It's a satellite picture with a night view showing the bottom part ablaze with light. The top not quite as much. Notice the line of demarcation. It's also called the DMZ, the 38th Parallel. It marks the boundary between South and North Korea. It also marks the difference between a country run by lefties (to the north) and one where liberty runs prevalent. This picture shows the natural courses of socialism (aka Communism Lite, in this case it could be said light lite, so to speak) and government control and regulation versus liberty and free markets.
Vote accordingly.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Into the booth-

If by any stretch of the imagination, you are even remotely considering voting for Patty Wetterling, Amy Klobuchar, Keith Ellison, Jim Oberstar or any lefty, make a copy of this picture along with any and all pictures of your loved ones, take them all into the voting booth with you, spread them out, look at them, then vote:

Failure or future success?

The news is still that no one knows what exactly exploded north of the 38 parallel on the Korean peninsula. Many of the mainline outlets, including a number of bloggers, believe that it was either a dud or fizzle or even perhaps an elaborate hoax (imagine putting 600 tons of ANFO [ammonium nitrate and fuel oil] in a hole and letting it go). The dominant thought is that every other member of the nuclear club exploded their first device at about 10-20 kilotons.
The DPRK device comes in at about 500-600 tons, less than 1 kt. So, the assumption is that it's a failure. Captain Ed posits that it may even be a nuclear trigger (a small nuclear explosion that drives fissile material together to reach critical mass to initiate the main nuclear reaction). What is being overlooked is the possibility reached by the Belmont Club that DPRK may have been testing a suitcase nuclear device. In reading the Belmont article, they also go on to investigate the other side that the idea of suitcase nukes are based on faulty data. An Opinion Journal piece addresses that perspective. The Belmont Club looks at a number of possibilities including that one name that keeps getting overlooked by the MSM, one A.Q. Khan of Pakistan. As Global Security says about Khan: "
During the 1990's, there were intermittent clues from intelligence that AQ Khan was discussing the sale of nuclear technology to countries of concern. By early 2000, intelligence revealed that these were not isolated incidents. It became clear that Khan was at the centre of an international proliferation network. By April 2000, the UK Joint Intelligence Committee (JIC) was noting that there was an evolving, and as yet incomplete, picture of the supply of uranium enrichment equipment to at least one customer in the Middle East, thought to be Libya, and evidence linking this activity to Khan." Notice the very ominous phrase "sale of nuclear technologies to countries of concern". Countries-PLURAL. Not just Libya. Belmont conjectures that DPRK may very well be working on a suitcase nuke that works.
Also, notice that the time period for Khan's selling spree happened on Bill Clinton's watch. The Abuser in Chief of Interns seems to have other things on his mind rather then the proliferation of nuclear weapons. Wonder what Co-President Hillary was doing then? What's she doing now other than not taking responsibility for her husbands failed policy on North Korea?
So, what does that have to do with the upcoming election? Well,ask Patty Wetterling what she'll do about North Korean nuclear aggression- a question that really addresses safety for the children? Ask Amy Klobuchar. Maybe she'll offer the equivalent of an international plea bargain to the Porno King of the DPRK.
As much as the Repubs have done everything to lose this election, and Denny Hastert had better learn in the next hour that he needs to talk about North Korea and stop talking about Foley as if he has any importance anymore, let's see: greasy emails or nuclear terrorism? Hhhhmmm...which one is more threatening to America? Ask the candidates.

Monday, October 09, 2006

"I don't like you because you're gonna get me killed!"

Prairie Pravda has now shown why it is not just irrelevant in the real world, but has now become dangerous. Very dangerous! In an editorial (where there is only one front page article on the N. Korean nuclear threat), the idiots at the Strib think that we need to return to the Clinton style of negotiating with the Little Dog Eater from Pyongyang:"That means swallowing Pyongyang's provocations and coming back willing to deal, much as the Clinton administration tried to do late in its second term." Yes..."tried to do"... AND FAILED! Wasn't it President Velcro Zipper who sent ex President Peanut to North Korea in 1994 to negotiate a deal that the rest of the world fawned over but was an unmitigated disaster! The nuclear equipment and material that was exploded yesterday was delivered by Bill Clinton and Madeline Albright under the deal brokered by ex-President Peanut. Never forget that! And that Mr. Peanut got a Nobel Prize for failure (and for bucking and disparaging President Bush)? And the Strib wants to return to that disaster?
Don't think for a moment that Iran isn't watching what we, America, do with this situation. The exact nature of what DPRK exploded yesterday is still being reviewed, but be absolutely clear that this is a huge wakeup call to the left and to all of us.
Stanley Kurtz of National Review Online has it correct: IT'S THE NUKES, STUPID! It ain't tawdry emails from a Congressman. It's not about no WMD's in Iraq. It's not about having our own version of failed Canadian Health Care. It's about the fact that the only thing that Porno King Kim sells is a military hardware. And radical Muslims will buy and set one off in New York, Jerusalem, Washington, Los Angeles, London. They want us dead.
Victor Davis Hanson (VDH) was in Minneapolis two weeks ago. He gave a talk on why we needed to stay the course in Iraq. He mentioned that the Roman Republic realized the need to fight their enemies on foreign soil rather than Roman soil. And realized that they were going to take casualties (in one battle, they were losing ten soldiers a second!). And VDH mentioned that the highest casualties of WWII took place within two months of the end of the war.
And the American public has forgotten what it means to be an American.
Read the Kurtz article. And know there are plans to put at least one nuke on American soil. The left doesn't want us to defend ourselves (remember, they don't even want you to have a firearm to defend yourself when the local druggie breaks into your house at 3:00 a.m.). They don't want us to fight. They think Neville Chamberlain was correct. His only mistake was that he didn't give up enough. That the horrifically failed Clinton/Carter negotiating doctrine is a model to emulate right now.
The left is going to get you and me killed!