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Saturday, May 27, 2006

A fallen Navy Seal

This is from a website called "Froggy Ruminations". He is talking about the funeral of a Navy SEAL Petty Officer James E. Shu. Petty Officer Shu was KIA in Afghanistan. The picture is accompanied by a description of the last ceremony for a SEAL's funeral:
"Upon the dismissal of the assembly by the funeral director, the men of SDV Team ONE solemnly formed a single file and approached James’ immaculate wood coffin. One by one, each man removed his Trident from the breast of his uniform and pounded it into the gleaming wooden lid of his coffin. Dozens of golden Tridents were left shimmering in the sun to accompany James on his journey…forever."
Iraq is not the only place where our finest are in harms way for us.

“We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm.” attributed to George Orwell

A fallen Marine

Todd Heisler The Rocky Mountain News
The night before the burial of her husband’s body, Katherine Cathey refused to leave the casket, asking to sleep next to his body for the last time. The Marines made a bed for her, tucking in the sheets below the flag. Before she fell asleep, she opened her laptop computer and played songs that reminded her of ‘Cat,’ and one of the Marines asked if she wanted them to continue standing watch as she slept. “I think it would be kind of nice if you kept doing it,” she said. “I think that’s what he would have wanted.”

The full story is here. It tells the story from a number of perspectives. I had The Mansions of the Lord playing in my headphones as I read it. It is a VERY moving account.

Memorial Day Weekend

No politics for the rest of the three day weekend. It's time to remember those who stood, and died on the wall for us.
This morning I went online to find the best audio of the song "In the Mansions of the Lord" from the movie "We Were Soldiers". The best I found is directly from the soundtrack from the movie and included the Scottish lament "Sgt. MacKenzie" . As this is Memorial Day weekend, I thought that fallen soldier piece should also be included. Also, a friendly warning: have kleenex close at hand.
Here and here are two links and this one explaining "Sgt. MacKenzie" who died protecting a wounded comrade in WWI. Below are the lyrics to both pieces:

To fallen soldiers let us sing.
Where no rockets fly nor bullets wing.
Our broken brothers let us bring.
To the mansions of the Lord.

No more bleeding, no more fight.
No prayers pleading through the night.
Just divine embrace, eternal light.
In the mansions of the Lord.

Where no mothers cry and no children weep.
We will stand and guard though the angels sleep.
Through the ages safely keep.
The mansions of the Lord.

"Sgt. MacKenzie" by Joseph Kilna MacKenzie

Lay me doon in the caul caul groon - Lay me down in the cold cold ground
Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun -
Where before many more have gone
Lay me doon in the caul caul groon -
Lay me down in the cold cold ground
Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun -
Where before many more have gone

When they come a wull staun ma groon -
When they come I will stand my ground
Staun ma groon al nae be afraid - Stand my ground I’ll not be afraid

Thoughts awe hame tak awa ma fear -
Thoughts of home take away my fear
Sweat an bluid hide ma veil awe tears -
Sweat and blood hide my veil of tears

Ains a year say a prayer faur me -
Once a year say a prayer for me
Close yir een an remember me -
Close your eyes and remember me

Nair mair shall a see the sun -
Never more shall I see the sun
For a fell tae a Germans gun -
For I fell to a Germans gun

Lay me doon in the caul caul groon -
Lay me down in the cold cold ground
Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun -
Where before many more have gone
Lay me doon in the caul caul groon -
Lay me down in the cold cold ground
Whaur afore monie mair huv gaun -
Where before many more have gone

Friday, May 26, 2006

Thermostats click on in hell

Who would ever think that I, Amendment X, would ever even consider the remotest possiblity of a shadow of the farthest conception that I, Amendment X, would ever even post something saying that I agree with Ralph Nader?
Well kids, today is that day. Not for all the same reasons, but Ralph and I agree that Timmy needs to veto, not sign the Carl Pohlad Enrichment Act.

The man who carried Farah

This is a picture of the man who carried Farah, Major Mark Bieger and his wife.
Here is what Michael Yon says of Major Bieger:
Mark was awarded a Silver Star, but seeing him in action, and hearing from his men, it’s clear he deserves a constellation of Silver Stars. The name Mark Bieger evokes respect.

The "press"

I've heard Michael Yon on Hugh Hewitt. I don't remember visiting his web site until the below post. I went to a link on his site about Operation Iraqi Children . A very worthwhile cause. See what the American soldiers do with the packages from OIC .
Further down in the article, there was a reference to the tragic murder bombing at the U.S. dining facility. Here is what the immediate response was from the press:
Days later, when a homicide bomber detonated his explosives inside the base dining facility, the charge was so powerful it killed 22 people. The blast had such force that a soldier told me one victim's teeth were found embedded in the chest of another dead body. Because there had been much fighting in Mosul, there were many journalists on hand to report the bad news. Some journalists rushed to take photos and videos of wounded soldiers and civilians as they writhed in desperate need of help. Such singularity of purpose in other circumstances might be admired, but that day left a bitter taste that lingered for months.
The "press".

The American Soldier and Kids

Lady Logician blogs quite regularly about the evil called radical Islam, which is really another term for cowardly servants of satan.And she is so correct when she blogs here and here .
And murder bombers show no respect for any innocent life. Even kids. Especially kids. But, the American soldier has always shown incredible compassion for kids. Always.
This is a hard picture to look at. But, it and the story that goes with it shows the incredible difference between us and the the bacon boy servants of evil called radical Islam and their pig dog god.
I love kids. I do volunteer work with kids. I'm always way over my legal limit of fun with kids.
Her name is Farah.
She didn't make it.
My eyes hurt from fighting tears over this picture.

Hoisted on their own petards

I love it, absolutely love it when the laws passed by any legislative body come back to take huge chunks out of their nether regions! And that they also bleed profusely while whining incessantly.
Seems that members of Congress are shocked and screaming about the FBI investigating all of them because of violations of the BCRA (Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act, aka McCain/Feingold). Seems that they're afraid that campaign contributions are defined as bribery. Well, welcome to the restraint of political speech, Congress Puke.
Thanks to Captain Ed on this.
I remember SO well the Monica Lewinski scandal where all the lefty pukes kept lying "It's just about sex". No, it was first of all about the Special Prosecutor statute that the lefty pukes enacted in the wake of Watergate and that the Republicans recommended that the last Democratic Congress let lapse in 1994. But, no. The lefty pukes extended the law for another five years. And the result was that Paula Jones filed a sexual harassment lawsuit under the sexual harassment laws that the lefty pukes and their radical feminist puke allies passed. And as we all know, in a sexual harassment lawsuit, the defendant's history is relevant and open. And so, Zippergate Slick Willy was hoisted on the petard that the lefties have inflicted on so many others.

The Senate vote-

Listening to Rush, he makes an on target comment: the Republican Senators that voted for this travesty of a immigration bill are NOT up for election this year (and this bill has a condition in it from Sen. Chris "Dumbass" Dodd that says we must consult with Mexico and take into consideration what effect our laws will have on the other side of the border!). There are a number of Senators that ARE up for re-election that voted against the bill, Sen.Bob "Grand Kleegle" Byrd being the most notable 2006 up for re-election senator.
Norm Coleman voted for this disaster! He sided with Senators Mark Dayton, Barbara Boxer, Teddy "Dunk-a-matic" Kennedy , Schumer,Clinton to name a few.
And the Senate "immigration" bill is worse than it seems. Much, much worse. And BTW, it has nothing at all to do with immigration, it has everything to do with spineless Senators excusing criminal behavior and action.
Hey Norm! Counting on the fact that we'll forget this vote? See ya' in a year or so, buddy.

Denny Hastert's spinal transplant takes!

I'd like to take credit for original thinking here, but this thought from Red State:
A Republican is finally standing up for something and it turns out it is to obstruct the investigation of a Democrat with $90,000 in slush funds stuffed in his freezer.
And this also from Red State:

Note to Denny Hastert: When Nancy Pelosi stakes out a position, you run the other way quickly. You do not issue a joint statement agreeing with her.

Had this been a raid on Tom DeLay's office, Pelosi would be dancing in the aisles of Congress.

If Speaker Hastert's stated position remains the position of the Republican majority, the Republican majority will be one step closer to disaster in November. Yes, it IS that big a deal.

And so the Republican leadership is firmly in defense of a guy who ordered the National Guard to rescue him instead of his constituents when Katrina hit.
As Glenn Reynolds writes :"
Could Al Qaeda have slipped mind-altering drugs into the DC water supply? What's gotten into these people? Or has some sort of deal been cut? Whatever it is, I don't think I like it."

He's not rich enough, you're not poor enough

Seems that Prairie Pravda (PP) thinks that Carl Pohlad isn't rich enough. But, thanks to you, he'll be a couple of $100,000,000 richer. Don't expect a thank you note or Christmas card anytime soon.
PP says that Unca' Carl came out of this thing "
with Pohlad having scored a capital gain among the best in the league." That the Twins value may increase up to $500,000,000, a NET increase of over $280,000,000. And Karl didn't spend a damn dime! He got other people to force you to do it! Well, that's not true. If he spends a dime, he got other people to force you to fork over half a buck. By force.
Now, think this scenario over: If Carl spent money to have people go door to door in Hennepin County and forced every person who buys something in the county to give him $.03 for every $20 they spend, he and his thugs would go to jail. They committed extortion. No questions asked. Carl and company making license plates and bailing twine. Next question please?
However, that Carl spent money to get legislators to force you to do the very same thing somehow now makes it right? That the legislators suspended a law that allowed you to have a voice in the matter, and then forced you to do for Karl what would be illegal if he did it directly means that this is extortion by proxy.
And again, I'm still looking for a explanation as to why this is any different than what was supposedly covered in the Eminent Domain bill. And speaking of THAT bill, seems that there is a FIVE YEAR window of opportunity for governments to steal your property.
Had enough yet?

Thursday, May 25, 2006

When do we finally say enough!

This story just slayed me when I read it.

"The Enlightenment happened at half past 12 a.m. in Burger King, Park Royal. I had ordered my food, and a French guy got talking to me and asked, “Are you Muslim?” He said, “Look at this,” and he showed me the cone. I saw it and I thought, “Wow,” like anyone would. He said, “Turn it around.”
I was thinking of my stomach. I was hungry. I would have loved to eat an ice cream. When I saw it, my mouth fell open. I dropped the ice cream. I canceled my order. That was the defining moment of my life.
The Burger King logo is there in Arabic. “Allah” is spelled exactly how it is there, and the Burger King logo is where the ominah should be. Why, there is no way it could be a coincidence. How can you say it is a spinning swirl? How does it spin on something that is static? You cannot spin it around unless you have a mechanical device. You spin it one direction, to the right, and it is offending a billion people. "

Now I certainly understand what the young man in this story feels. I feel the same way each and every time my faith is attached (on a daily basis) from the secular media that thinks that religion is "optional" as long as it isn't too strict. Heaven knows I would be just as upset if BK was selling "Jesus gelato" or "Jehovah's Jello".

"I want to humiliate the person who did this to an extent that he never works again. I’m going to make him see that it was the biggest mistake in his life. I want to meet the guy. I want to ask the guy, “What does this mean to you?” then never see his face again.
In a way, I’m glad he did this to me. It has opened my eyes. The fear of God, the love of God, the love of not letting anyone disrespect God. Even though it means nothing to some people and may mean nothing to some Muslims in this country, this is my jihad. I’m not going to rest until I find the person who is responsible. I’m going to bring this country down. " (emphasis mine)

DUDE - get a grip! I said this before and I'll say it you see Christians acting like this over the DaVinci Code? The blashpemy in TDVC is more offensive to Christians than this should be to Muslims because the blasphemy in TDVC is intentional, whereas the BK mis-use of the name of Allah was unintentional! Islam needs to grow up and start acting like responsible adults! The temper tantrums and threats are turning more and more of the world against you. The time may come when the war against Islamic terrorists truly does become a war against Islam and it will come because of your over-reaction to unintentional slights!

Be grateful, you fools-the Legislature has acted! Part II

And this review from Taxpayers League of Minnesota of our representatives in St. Paul and what the lack of constitutional restraint has yielded:

April 5, 2006

The Minnesota Legislature is rushing headlong into another billion dollar bonding season.

What will we be getting for our billion dollars?

Beyond the biggest and most obvious boondoggles, such as $50 to $60 million for the Northstar Corridor rail project, or the $7 to $15 million for greater Minnesota business development (huh?), there are a ton of wonderful little goodies buried in either the House or Senate bonding bill, or both.

“My personal favorite boondoggle is the $11 million for the Schubert Theater tucked away in both the House and Senate bonding bills, said David Strom, President of the Taxpayers League of Minnesota. The most expensive building move in history has bought us a rotting hulk in Downtown Minneapolis. Now they are going to throw good money after bad to restore yet another money-losing theater.

Taxpayers may recall all the promises to restore the theater entirely with privately donated funds. And the price of the restoration project has increased by a whopping 67% since first proposed! The current cost of restoring the theater will be $41,222 per seat one of the costliest restorations ever, anywhere. Restoring the Orpheum Theater in St Paul cost less than $4000 per seat.

Other boondoggles tucked away into the Bonding Bills? Taxpayers are being asked to pay for: the Bloomington Ski Jump, the Hennepin County Center for Changing Lives, a raft of community centers, a Southwest Regional Events Center, a Como Zoo Gorillas/Polar Bear exhibit, a Rochester Volleyball Center, and of course between $7 and $20 million for an Itasca County Steel Mill (since when has government been in the steel milling business?).

“Legislators are trying to buy their way back into the good graces of the voters. What makes the process so galling is that they are using taxpayer dollars to do so, said Strom.

“This bonding bill is looking like a giant taxpayer rip-off. The Legislature should go back to the principles outlined in the Governor'’s bonding proposal, sticking to projects of statewide or at least regional significance. Theaters, community centers, and Centers for ‘changing lives’ don'’t meet that test, Strom concluded.

The Taxpayers League is Minnesota's largest taxpayers advocacy organization.

Logic, reason, facts and the lack thereof at the Capitol

Going through my emails, I came across one from the Taxpayers League of Minnesota. The email came out on the 19th of May and was talking about the Stadium Bill. And here is a an article from their website on at least eight reasons that the Senate and House completely ignored in passing this travesty:

8 Reasons to reject publicly financed stadiums for professional sports teams.

  1. Public Money for Private Gain.- Providing public subsidies for private stadiums is corporate welfare plain and simple. Public subsidies for stadiums go directly into the pockets of team owners and players by increasing profits, player salaries and raising the re-sale value of the team. According to one study, a new stadium increases team profits by an average of $11 million annually, payroll salaries by $14 million and increases team book value by $90 million.1 The billionaire team owners and the players profit, but the taxpayer doesn'’t see a dime.
  2. Negligible Economic Benefits.- Contrary to the claims of stadium boosters, the wide body of economic research shows that new stadiums have little (and even negative) impact on the local economy. Stadiums don't create new wealth; they simply redistribute existing entertainment dollars from one form of entertainment to another. People spend more on sporting events but spend less on movies, restaurants and other local entertainment.
  3. Costs Outweigh the Benefits.- A study by the Kansas City Federal Reserve Bank2 found that a typical baseball or football stadium costs taxpayers $188 million while generating only $40 million in long-term benefits from jobs and tax revenues. The costs of a stadium outweigh the benefits by more than 4 to 1!
  4. Destroys jobs and drives down wages.- Recent studies suggest that stadiums actually destroy more jobs than they create and reduce local income overall.3 Because sports teams require relatively few employees to operate, and most of they jobs are low-wage temporary positions, they cause overall employment and income in a city to decrease when they drive out other local businesses (which provide more jobs at better pay).
  5. Stadiums can be built with private money.- In their analysis of professional sports stadiums built between 1989 and 2001, University of Dayton economics professors Marc Poitras and Larry Hadley conclude that public subsidies to build stadiums are unnecessary and new stadiums could recover all of their construction costs if they were built with private money.4 The Atlanta Braves Turner Field was built in 1997 with 100% private funding; San Francisco Giants SBC Park was built in 2001 with over 96% private funding.
  6. Doesn'’t Improve Team Performance.- A study of the impact of new stadiums on team performance concludes that there is no strong statistical evidence to support the claim that teams perform better after a new stadium is built. In fact, in football, basketball and hockey team winning percentages actually decrease on average after a new stadium is built. Only in baseball do team records improve by an increase of 8 wins (per season) on average.5
  7. Doesn't improve team attendance.- Research also shows that new stadiums have little impact on long-term attendance. A study of the impact of new stadiums on attendance shows that attendance increases by over 10,000 per the game the first season (the “honeymoon period) buy quickly dissipates to less than 2,500 per game in the fifth season. Case in point is the Milwaukee Brewers $400 million Miller Park where attendance fell 40% last year from the stadium'’s opening season in 2001.
  8. Diverts resources from funding priorities.- The costs of a stadium are even higher when you factor in the opportunity costs. Money spent on a stadium is money that could have been spent on schools, roads, and public safety services which benefit all Minnesotans.
And yet in spite of ALL this evidence and in direct defiance of the peoples wishes (where 63% of those polled said they wanted a referendum to vote on a sales tax increase), the Legislature and the Governor have and will authorize this travesty.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

The good old 9th circuit.

A ruling out of the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals this week has a few tongues wagging. The same court that said saying "one nation under God" was unconstitutional has said that requiring students to pretend that they were Muslim is A-OK.

"California's 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals ruled it's OK to put public-school kids through Muslim role-playing exercises, including:
Reciting aloud Muslim prayers that begin with "In the name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful . . . ."
Memorizing the Muslim profession of faith: "Allah is the only true God and Muhammad is his messenger."
Chanting "Praise be to Allah" in response to teacher prompts.
Professing as "true" the Muslim belief that "The Holy Quran is God's word."
Giving up candy and TV to demonstrate Ramadan, the Muslim holy month of fasting.
Designing prayer rugs, taking an Arabic name and essentially "becoming a Muslim" for two full weeks."

OK - this was in a "World Religions" class, but I wonder just how the class handled Christianity.

"Christianity is not presented equally. It's covered in just two days and doesn't involve kids in any role-playing activities. But kids do get a good dose of skepticism about the Christian faith, including a biting history of its persecution of other peoples. "

Now, we are starting to have a problem. What do we know about the teacher?

"The ed consultant's name is Susan L. Douglass. No, she's not a Christian scholar. She's a devout Muslim activist on the Saudi government payroll, according to an investigation by Paul Sperry,"

Let me see if I have this straight...we have an Islamic activist, teaching our kids how to be "Muslim" in a World Religions class that doesn't deal (as much) with other world religions? I wonder how the school would respond to a youth pastor requesting equal access? Do you really think that request would be honored or even taken? Would they even allow him/her onto the grounds to submit the request? Somehow, I highly doubt it.

This was in a 7th grade classroom. I have a child about to enter the 7th grade. I will be keeping a very close eye on any classes remotely resembling a "World Religions" class and heaven help the teacher that tries this on my child. Because I will take it all the way to the Supreme Court if necessary. We either keep ALL churches/religions out of the schools or we allow them all in. Allowing only ONE in and leaving the rest as poorly covered as this school did is tatamount to the school ENDORSING one religion over another in strict violation of the Establishment Clause of the US Constitution!

What has this world come to?

I don't even know where to begin with this story....

"Three males cheered on another as he raped a 13-year-old girl at a party March 4 at the Little Earth housing complex in south Minneapolis, according to criminal charges filed Thursday."

Why was a 13 year old girl out on a school night, drinking brandy and vodka? Then again what were the 16 & 17 year old boys doing at that party? And WHERE WERE THE PARENTS OF THESE KIDS?????

What happened in these kids lives where they thought that this kind of behavior ws acceptable?

Whatever happened to...

verifying a story? Going for "multiple credible sources"? ABC News ran with this report from Brian Ross about a probe of Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-IL).

"Federal officials say the Congressional bribery investigation now includes Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert, based on information from convicted lobbyists who are now cooperating with the government."

With breathless abandon, the commentors on the ABC blog trash Hastert and climb back on the "Republican Culture of Corruption" meme. One minor problem with this report......

"ABC News, citing unnamed Justice Department sources, reported that information implicating Hastert was developed from convicted lobbyists now cooperating with the government.
But a Justice Department official told Reuters: "The story is wrong. Hastert is not under investigation." (emphasis mine)

Woops - that's gonna leave a scar! Here is a hot tip for all of you pros, from one of the amateurs. Before you go to print with a rumor - GET MULTIPLE SOURCES!!!!! It's no wonder the people of the US don't trust the major media anymore.

Speaking of irony!

This NY Times op-ed is just amazing in it's ability to spew the DNC talking points with a straight face.

"One way or the other, tax increases are coming. The nation's budget deficits are too big to outgrow, and the latest tax cuts — which Congress is likely to sign off on today — will dig the hole deeper. Neither Congress nor the public has the stomach to slash government programs anywhere near enough to bring spending in line with revenues. The only real question, then is this: Whose taxes will be raised in the future to pay for today's tax giveaways?

Here's a hint: If Congressional Republicans get their way, the people who benefit the most from today's tax cuts — mainly wealthy Americans with lots of investment income — will get special protection from future tax increases. "

Tackling the second paragrah first. What American does NOT have a 401(k) or similar investment platform? If any of you readers out there don't, contact me (ladylogician at hope4america dot net) and I'll get you set up! Seriously folks, personal portfolios were indeed once the sole property of the rich, but they have not been that way in the last 20 years! At one time I had 4 different 401 (k) plans from different employers. 401 (k)s replaced the pension plan back in the 1980's and are now a staple of employment in the private sector. Anyone who does not participate in his/her employers plan needs to remember this. Social Security will be bankrupt in 11 years! You willing to take a chance that this government program will be there for you when you retire?

On to the first paragraph. There is a grain of truth in what the Times writes. The House and Senate do NOT have the intestinal fortitude to slash spending in a manner that is required in order to tame the deficit. There is a solution for that too! It's called the Pennsylvania Earthquake which I wrote about here. If your Senator or Representative will not vote to cut spending then vote them out of office. It's that simple. We have to quit rewarding those who "bring home the pork" by returning them to DC. If they bring home the pork - send them back home to the private sector where they can re-learn what it means to actually WORK for a living!

Oh the irony

The richness of the irony of this story is so very sweet.

"The American Civil Liberties Union is weighing new standards that would discourage its board members from publicly criticizing the organization's policies and internal administration.
"Where an individual director disagrees with a board position on matters of civil liberties policy, the director should refrain from publicly highlighting the fact of such disagreement," the committee that compiled the standards wrote in its proposals. "

Excuse me???? Isn't this the same ACLU that encourages people who disagree with big business or the Bush Administration to go public with any and ALL criticisms no matter who sensitive to national security?

I loved this quote though.

"Nat Hentoff, a writer and former A.C.L.U. board member, was incredulous. "You sure that didn't come out of Dick Cheney's office?" he asked. "

Ah yes.....hypocricy by any name would still be spelled D-E-M-O-C-R-A-T-S...

The conservative bloggers best friend and gay marriage

Did you hear where Howard Dean went on the 700 Club and told Pat Robertson that the Democratic Platform opposed gay marriage? Well that angered members of the Gay lobby including the National Gay & Lesbian Task Force and they withdrew a $5000 pledge to the DNC. That led the DNC to come out with a "clarification" of what Mr. Dean said. They re-iterated the platform which reads as follows:

"We support full inclusion of gay and lesbian families in the life of our nation and seek equal responsibilities, benefits and protection for these families. In our country, marriage has been defined at the state level for 200 years, and we believe it should continue to be defined there. We repudiate President Bush’s divisive effort to politicize the Constitution by pursuing a ‘Federal Marriage Amendment.’”

Hot on the heels of Howard's latest case of foot in mouth disease, comes our favorite RINO from Arizona.

"On Fox News Sunday, Sen. John McCain announced: "I will vote against it because I believe very strongly, first of all, in the sanctity of union between man and woman, but I also believe that the states should make these decisions."

Now technically the senior Senator from Arizona is correct, it IS a states rights issue. Then again so was abortion, but the judiciary took that right away from the states 30 years ago.

"From Oregon to Louisiana, wherever the American people have had a chance to vote, strong majorities have voted to keep marriage as a union of husband and wife. It is the courts that are redefining common sense as bigotry and hate-mongering. Judges in one state have already imposed gay marriage (Massachusetts). Judges in two states (Nebraska and Georgia) have already struck down state marriage amendments. Courts in eight states will soon rule on gay marriage as a civil right."

That is one reason why it is so imperative to get a Marriage Amendment on the ballot in Minnesota. A handful of DFL Senators, including Majority Leader Dean Johnson have bottled up the Marriage Amendment in the Senate for long enough. It is time to send home the DFL's in the Senate who refuse to let the people vote on important issues like marriage! Senator Bachman will not be around to push her bill through the Senate (hopefully she will be in DC representing the 6th CD) next year, so lets replace her with a bunch of Senators that are not afraid to hear the voices of the people!

Minnesota's Mr. Right!

Thanks to Amendment X, I listened to the Jason Lewis program via the internet today. I had forgotten how totally spot on that man is. How prescient, how intelligent, how unbelievably right he is.

One of the things that Jason was rolling on about today is covered in this, from the always wonderful Walter E. Williams!

"Mr. Secretary: This is an example of the disgusting abuse of state power. Each of us owns himself, and it follows that we should have the liberty to take risks with our own lives but not that of others. That means it's a legitimate use of state power to mandate that cars have working brakes because if my car has poorly functioning brakes, I risk the lives of others and I have no right to do so. If I don't wear a seatbelt I risk my own life, which is well within my rights. As to your statement 'Lack of safety belt use is a growing public health issue that . . . also costs us all billions of dollars every year,' that's not a problem of liberty. It's a problem of socialism. No human should be coerced by the state to bear the medical expense, or any other expense, for his fellow man. In other words, the forcible use of one person to serve the purposes of another is morally offensive." (emphasis added)

Such clarity....Jason took it a step further today, upbraiding smoking bans, car/booster seat laws, and other regulations designed to intrude into the personal life of the individual. He said that speed limits, mandating working equipment is acceptable for the same reason that Mr. Williams states above, but the state has no business dictating what a business owner will or will not allow (smoking) in his place of business!

Jason, I know that your listeners in Charlotte will miss you as dearly as we in Minnesota missed you when you left 3 years ago. However, I eagerly await the day when I can turn on my radio and hear the intro that we all know and love and hear the clarity that you will bring back to Minnesota politics.

Welcome back Jason! Hurry home soon!!!!!

Truth as Lies part 2

Following on the heels of my post yesterday, is this from Herman Cain.

"The ignorance strategy apparently worked so well last year to stifle any attempt to restructure the Social Security system that liberals – from both political parties – have extended this game plan to other issues. In George Orwell’s 1984, Big Brother constantly reminded the citizens that “ignorance is strength” to diminish the public’s desire to know the truth. Adherence to this principle kept the government in control and the citizens in the dark. Liberals now employ the ignorance strategy to distort the truth and deceive the public on all manner of issues, including the global war on terrorism, the economy and tax policy, border security and illegal aliens.
In 2005, liberals used the ignorance strategy to deny the fact that the Social Security system is near fiscal insolvency, despite numerous reports to the contrary conducted during past and present presidential administrations. Liberals continue to deny the crisis, and now claim Republicans manufactured a crisis where one doesn’t really exist. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) even said, “Social Security remains sound for decades to come.” The new liberal math evidently rounds up – a lot. The Social Security Trustees recently reported that in 2017 the program begins to pay out more in benefits than it receives in payroll taxes. Senator Reid, that is 11 years from now, not decades. "

Read it all and become aware of the games that BOTH sides are playing with the truth. Whether it be Social Security, gas prices, the global war on terror, the economy or tax cuts both sides are playing fast and loose with the facts! It is your responsibility as a citizen, a taxpayer and a voter to educate yourself on what the truth is. By whatever means possible!

Dear Governor Pawlenty..

Governor Pawlenty:
I read today where you'll be signing the horrible Twins Stadium Bill this Friday.
I will urge you to show incredible political courage and even an even greater display of the principle that we as Republicans are supposed to show by not only not signing the bill but by vetoing it outright.
It is immoral and unethical to force people to pay for something they will not use let alone enjoy. The people of the state of Minnesota depend on the finality, the rule and the integrity of the law to be able to live their lives as they see fit. This bill has come into being only because those laws have been specifically circumvented not by the courts, but by those we trusted to keep those laws, as we trust you to enforce them. The legislature has betrayed the trust of the people. I would urge you not to join them in that betrayal.
I will be a delegate to the Minnesota Republican State Convention in just over a week.
Should you sign this bill, I will ask you at the convention to justify why you would force my widowed mother to pay even a dime for a new stadium for Karl Pohlad and the Twins. She depended on you. She and others trusted you to be a man of integrity, a governor for the people who would honor his oath of office to faithfully discharge the duties of his office.
I will also ask to justify the intellectual discrepancy between the Twins Stadium bill and Eminent Domain bill you signed and that Lt. Governor Molnau said prevented government from taking property from one person and giving it to another. I will ask you to justify that in signing both bills how you are being intellectually consistent.
I will await your decision by Friday.

Why I love Prairie Pravda

I remember Tom Barnard at KQRS once saying "I would just once like to read an editorial from the Star Tribune that I couldn't have predicted."
So, this editorial title really grabbed my interest "Stadiums Give State a Competitive Boost" Well, I had to read it. And as I did, there was so much wrong with it, I decided to do an analysis:

Not even in the World Series have the Twins scored a victory as important as last weekend's triumph at the State Capitol. - True enough, they did. The taxpayers lost. Score Carl Pohlad 122, Taxpayers 0. A new open-air ballpark in downtown Minneapolis secures baseball in Minnesota for generations to come. Really? Generations? Promise? The Metrodome is one generation old. In twenty plus years, this debate will raise its head again. The benefits will flow not to team owner Carl Pohlad (he's 90) or to wealthy players (they can always find a new city), but to millions of ordinary people throughout the Upper Midwest for whom the Twins are a part of life's fabric. Believe me, the people in Tomahawk, Wisconsin do not even have a single thread called The Twins in their fabric of life. Neither do I. Without a new home the team would not have survived many more seasons in Minnesota. Maybe. So?

Bolstered also is the competitive posture of the Twin Cities. I’m holding my breath here, editor girl or boy. Make your best case! In blessing the Twins-Hennepin County project, legislators affirmed this state's intention to compete for jobs and talent in a national marketplace where people can choose their city and where amenities -- including arts and sports -- matter increasingly.Hey Shirley. I’m thinking we should move, you and me and the kids to Minnesota. Now, they have a horrible business climate, a high personal tax along with a state sales tax. The possible snowfall season is nine months long and the summertime entertainment is watching the dogfights between small airplanes and the mosquitoes. But, look, they suspend laws they’ve already passed to force their income earners to pay another tax so they can have a professional baseball team. Good enough for me. Start packing Shirley!”

The Metrodome, for all its sterile practicality, killed the poetry so essential to baseball –I KNEW something was wrong. Now I know why I never heard Frost or Tennyson at the Dome. Hey, wait a minute editorial girl or boy. If we pipe e.e.cummings into the PA. system at The Dome, well, World Series and BCS Championship-HERE WE COME! And we can waste all that citizens’ money on something else just as stupid and vapid. and to another atmospheric sport: college football. Glenn Mason is the best NCAA Division I Coach in being able to squander a third quarter lead into a losing game. This alone is why he deserves a new stadium. By also approving a new on-campus stadium at the University of Minnesota, legislators affirmed that higher-education investment is not a zero-sum proposition. Yup. Nothing increases the GPA of Gopher Basketball players as much as a bottom of the Big Ten finish in a new stadium by their football brethren. A lively and engaging sports program produces a spirit and a loyalty which, in turn, can help propel a university's popularity, academic success and economic impact. I want whatever you’re drinking, smoking ,eating.

But the Twins' victory and income earning citizens defeat was especially sweet considering their torturous stadium odyssey stretching back to 1995. Gov. Tim Pawlenty deserves credit for crafting the framework and prodding behind the scenes Oh trust me. I give him all the credit he deserves in this. House Speaker Steve Sviggum and Rep. Brad Finstad, R-New Ulm, the bill's sponsor, were stalwarts, and Senate DFL Leader Dean Johnson came through in the late innings. And seems to me that all these people, including the Timmy, are all Hennepin County residents. Whoops. No, not any of them are. And they get shared credit too. Nice of them to take a state governed by laws and make it to one governed by men and their desires.

But the real heroes sit on the Hennepin County Board. There are heroes in this? I see many victims. The real heroes are the ones who voted principles. Not these sycophants. Future generations should be especially grateful to commissioners Mike Opat, Peter McLaughlin, Mark Stenglein and Chairman Randy Johnson. They supplied the true courage and foresight. They cast the tough votes. I know it’s tough to spend other people’s money. And when you do you become a hero from doing this and encouraging others to by-pass laws? I’m sure they agonized for milli-seconds on how hard it was to force people to spend their money on something they don’t want, don’t need and will never use. They stepped forward and unfortunately found solid footing rather than a 1000 foot drop-off. where the Legislature had failed. And unfortunately did not keep failing. McLaughlin's insistence that the project benefit youth sports and libraries was important. Johnson and Stenglein built bridges to the governor and the Republican House. Ah yes, the infamous bridges to nowhere.

But Opat did the heaviest lifting. And in so doing developed hernias of the brain, ethics, morals and principles He negotiated a tough deal with the Twins and a tough luck deal for the citizens. Yup, that was some tough deal. Gave Karl only a miserly and bare bones 97% of what he wanted and 0% of what the citizens wanted. I bet Karl and Jerry Bell cursed the day they ever crossed paths with that hard negotiator Mike Opat! Obviously a graduate, with honors, of the Neville Chamberlain School of Hard Negotiations. and never wavered in placing Minnesota's future ahead of day-to-day politics. Never wavered, but certainly waffled when it came to small items such as leadership, principles, ethics, real world economics etc. "We had forgotten how to dream in this state. We need to dream. (His dream, our nightmare) We need sometimes to do the things we want to do, not just the things we have to do," he said.” Things we want to do not just the things we have to do.” Seems to me that isn’t the difference between adults and children is that adults do what they need to do and children do what they want to do. So, Opat admits he’s a child leading adults. "Not everything revolves around adding social services or cutting taxes." In your mind it involves adding things we don’t need, want, etc AND increasing taxes.

The ballpark, along with light rail, Light rail… now, we finally have the absolute clinching comparative argument that puts all debate to rest represent a turning point for Minnesota in recognizing the need to renew its civic infrastructure, he said. “Civic infrastructure”? Like the politics of meaning, gravitas, speaking truth to power and whatever the next cutsie pootsie left wing turn of phrase might be? We also hope that corner has been turned. And we hope they turn the corner right into oncoming traffic populated by runaway fuel and cement trucks, curb to curb. Life will be better in these parts with Twins baseball under the sun and stars, and with Gophers football back on campus. Minnesotans will one day appreciate these decisions. Of course we will.You know us SO well. Ignore the fact that we loathe all you pukes and what you've forced us to do. After all, don’t you know what’s best for us? We’re such idiots. Please tell me when to floss my teeth. Will you let me tie my shoes? Or, being that I’m so incompetent to run my life, will you buy me slip ons?

Be grateful, you fools-the Legislature has acted!

I came across this article from Anti-Strib on what your legislators think of your gross incompetence after viewing the miserable results of your life so far. Fall on your face in humble gratitude whenever you hear the name of any Minnesota legislator, you dolts! Be pleased that these enlightened people deign look after the likes of us. Oh what have we ever done to deserve their solicitude, let alone such favor?

Jason Returns! Part IV

I called Jason's VM and left my name, number and this blog address. And he called back.
We talked for about 10 minutes. And he is very much up to date on what's happening here in Minnesota. We talked about the vast intellectual hypocrisy between the eminent domain bill and the stadium bill. He went on to mention that as bad as the stadium bill is, light rail including the North Star Line is even worse. We talked about the departure of Ron Ebensteiner a year ago and a number of other topics.
He recommended that we keep in contact and gave me his direct contact information.

Lefties and RINO's beware.
He's BAAAaaack.

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Jason Returns! Part III

And he's got a five year contract at KTLK 100.3.


After hearing the speeches at the 2nd Congressional District Convention I decided to look up where Harold Shudlick and Sue Jeffers stood on the issues. So I went to their respective websites to see where they stand.

Here is Sue Jeffers issues page. She does a really good job laying out some of the problems here in Minnesota. There are a couple of minor details, like how she is going to get the Taxpayers Bill of Rights and the FAIR Tax implimented, but at least she put the effort into writing out a long descriptions of what is wrong.

Then there is Harold Shudlick's issues page. I really don't know what to say other than, I guess I am going to have to ask him directly what he would do about illegal immigration and spending and tax relief...Stay tuned.

Truth as Lies and Lies as Truth

During one recent conversation on the DaVinci Code that I was involved in, one of the group said "I don't see what the big deal is. IT'S A PIECE OF FICTION."

True enough, except for the fact that the author, Dan Brown, has claimed to have based his fictional work on truth. However, the exchange got me to thinking about all the other supposed "facts" that we have been told recently.

There is the "George Bush lied us into this war fact". This fact does not take into account the fact that several other governments believed the same things about Saddam that President Bush did. Does that mean they ALL LIED?

There is the "Saddam had no WMD's fact". This fact too has been debunked time and time again. Most recently by Saddam's own documents!

There is the "Bush pressured the intelligence agencies to doctor the intelligence fact". So President Bush was able to pressure the intelligence agencies of Britian, France, and Russia? Not exactly logical thinking there....

Then there is the lie about the NSA contracts with BellSouth, Verizon and AT&T. BellSouth and Verizon have denied giving the NSA the data. It seems to me that with 3 of the 4 parties involved denying that the arrangement ever happened what are we to think about those that continue to peddle this untruth.

The bottom line is, all lovers of truth need to stand up to anyone who knowingly peddles lies disguised as the truth. Regardless of what lie is being told, we need to stand up to the lies!

Jason Returns! Part II

Not being one to just idly sit by, I called Jason on air in North Carolina to welcome him back. I assured him that if he could make the culinary leap from red eye gravy and fried mush to tater tot hotdish, well, the Revolution really needs him.
Whether or not he'll be back here in time for the state Republican Convention next week, he didn't know.
But again, stay tuned.

Jason Returns!

I'm listening to Jason Lewis online from WBT. And the topic?
He's coming back to Minnesota!
Stay tuned...

Jason Lewis?

Ever since his departure in 2003, the return of Jason Lewis has been the/a recurring rumor.
When AM1500 shot themselves between the eyes when they released Jason, I watched as the once mighty King of the Talk Stations became an small baron on the peerage list in jolly short order. They needed a good local conservative personality to take over the time slot. AM1500 never gave Dave Thompson a fair shot. The buzz was that Dave was not Jason. True enough. But then again, Jason wasn't Jason either when he arrived in Minnesota. Jason needed to build an audience and a reputation. It would have been a wise move over at Hubbard to at least have given Dave Thompson more than 39 seconds to do the same. But, no, so AM1500 started flopping around and piling on itself with mistake after mistake.
The problem with a return of Jason would be where would he go? Back to AM1500. Not likely, but it would do them wonders if they did. AM1280 The Patriot? All their broadcasting is national with the exception of Saturday and the rebroadcast on Sunday. AM980? All Christian broadcasting. Where else? Well, perhaps with KTLK FM100.3.
And now this in Prairire Pravda on the potential return of Jason.
I've grabbed the streaming audio of Jason down in North Carolina. Same bumper music, same sign off. And reminds me what once was. And perhaps may be again.
We'll see.

Candidate Profiles in the media part 2

Previously, I wrote about a Star Tribune profile of DFL candidate Keith Ellison. Well, contrast that profile with the profile they did of his opponent. I don't want to say I called it or anything, but...

Where the Strib talked about Ellison's ""He's humorous. He's serious. There's a lot of dimensions to Keith. ", the profile on Alan Fine focuses on issues. The Strib profile of Fine devotes most of the article to his stands on the issues ("Fine favored the invasion and believes U.S. troops must remain until security has been established."). Compare that to the single sentence that the Strib devotes to Ellison on the issues "Ellison says his campaign will be about peace, economic justice and universal health care."

It is reporting like this that has earned the Strib their reputation of being a journalistic lightweight! They do the citizens of the 5th Congressional District a huge dis-service by not running articles on where BOTH candidates stand. I applaud the attempt they made on Alan Fine, but why didn't Keith Ellison get the same courtesy? Don't the citizens of the 5th deserve to know where both candidates stand on these issues?


The wisdom in this, from the Pittsburgh Post Gazette is timeless!

"Vote to protest the pay raise. The 16 percent to 34 percent increase was approved without hearings or debate, came on top of a decade of annual cost-of-living raises for legislators and was paid out through "unvouchered expenses" to get around the constitutional ban on raising pay in midterm. For thwarting the democratic process, many incumbents deserve to go.

Vote to elect reformers. Some of them are incumbents who spurned the pay raise and for years have sought better government, like a lobbyist disclosure law, campaign finance reform and a smaller Legislature. Some are energetic challengers who want to replace fossilized politicians.

Vote to test the new voting machines. In Allegheny and other counties, voters will be using a modern generation of electronic units that comply with federal law. No levers, no paper, no hanging chads. Just touch the screen and vote. Maybe some year it'll give cash back.

Vote to show that the people are watching. If you stay home, you give license to elected officials to disregard the public. Show up and you are a force to be reckoned with -- powerful and resourceful, with democracy on your side." (emphasis added)

Last Tuesday, Republicans in Pennsylvania sent a powerful message to their state legislature when two powerful incumbents were ousted for their support of spending increases. To those of you in other states (like Minnesota) who are equally upset I say this - GET INVOLVED! Campaign against those who run as Republicans and govern as Democrats! Run for public office yourself!

If you are that upset, don't sit on the sidelines complaining, do whatever you can to change the system for the better!

Monday, May 22, 2006

The coming hail storm and when like mindeds disagree

I really dislike disagreeing with my friend Captain Ed. But, there are those times when though we are like minded and there is much much more that unites us than divides us, I have a fundamental disagreement over his posting today. He takes the tack of warning disaffected conservatives that if we don't vote, if we sit out, look at history and what happens. He's issuing a dire warning to us. In essence, repeating what I've been hearing for far too long "It could/will be worse with a Democrat!"
May I humbly suggest that he turn the muzzle around and fire the warning shot at the Republicans and warn
them to look to history as to what happens when the conservatives are ignored, not when they sit out. Republicans at all levels in the country are voting and acting like Democrats, to spending money as if there's no tomorrow, ignoring laws and oaths. Even going to incredible and rule breaking lengths to stop and stifle any voices of dissension-exactly what lefties are all about.
So, why would I vote for Republican and make them, and me, into a liar? I don't vote for Democrats, they shouldn't run as Republicans and expect to be elected.
Don't warn me what will happen. Warn the Republican leadership and elected representatives what happens when they vote and act like Democrats.
Read the comments on Captain Ed's article

The Dixie Chicks Legislators and Governor

Saw this headline on Drudge : "Dixie Chicks Take Back Apology".
I read the article and see that Natalie Maines took back her '03 apology to GWB saying that she changed her mind and that he doesn't deserve her respect any more and that she just doesn't "feel" the same way she did in 2003 when she made the apology.
Seems the MN State Legislature and Tim Pawlenty "feel" the same way about you and the income earners in Hennepin County. They don't "feel" the same way about the referendum bill that they did when they passed it. They don't "feel" that you deserve to keep your money. They don't "feel" that you deserve the protection of the laws they pass.
Well, how do you "feel" about the way they "feel" about you?

Eminent domain protection proclaimed at CD2...unless the Twins are involved

It's been interesting reading the other blog postings on the this weekend's 2nd Congressional District Convention. Having been there and been an activist in the behind the scenes going ons, it's interesting seeing others perspectives. I was not able to hear many of the speeches as I was late in arriving and involved in some of the dramas that the delegates never saw.
I've waited through the weekend to start my postings. But, let me start with one to show where I'll be going.
Lt. Governor Carol Molnau gave a speech to stand in for the Governor. I was in the first row, having blood trickle down the corners of my mouth after having bit down on my tongue. The Lt. Governor had announced, to the applause of the delegates, that the Governor had signed the bill that "stopped government from taking your property and giving it to someone else" (eminent domain). And I bit hard to prevent myself from asking the Lt. Governor right then and there "And that obviously does NOT mean the property called income that is taken from the income earners in Hennepin County and given to Karl Pohlad!" The absolute incredible irony of her statement was lost on the delegates who roared their approval even as the governor was planning on signing the stadium bill that is exactly what Lt. Governor Molnau was loud and proud about in stating was not going to happen because Tim had signed a bill stating otherwise...except, well, for just THIS once. So far.
Wait a minute Spanky...seems to me that we HAD a referendum bill outlawing local taxes being raised unless there was a local referendum. And wasn't THAT bill by-passed by the legislature to ensure that there was NO referendum on the stadium tax bill?
And so, all you Representatives, Senators , Governor and Lt. Governor,a very simple question:
If you by-passed the referendum statute, what protection do we have that you won't by-pass the Eminent Domain statute ? What is the intellectual difference between the referendum law and the eminent domain law? Both are, oops, sorry, I meant WERE supposed to protect us. But, you all threw away that shield for the Twins. You forced the income earners of Hennepin County to pay for the Twins, but refused to allow private money (TCF's Bill Cooper's offer) for the Gopher stadium? Huh?!?!?!
We were supposed to be a state governed by laws, not the capricious, wanton fickle desires of men.
And we are now ruled by the desires of men, not laws.

Sunday, May 21, 2006

Notes from the CD2 Republican Convention

Today was the 2nd Congressional Districts Republican Party convention and I was there as a delagate from my precinct. I thought I would bring you a few notes from some of the speakers that addressed the convention.

Harold Shudlick spoke early on. Mr. Shudlick is running for the nomination for US Senate. I have seen him speak once before and I also had an opportunity to speak to him in a small group a couple of months back. This speech was much better than the first one, but I still have the same concerns about him now that I had then...that concern is that he did not discuss any issues. Oh he spoke at length about how the party was denying him his opportunity to run and how he was going up against the "big bucks" of the "rich people and manipulators". My take on the whole speech was that he felt he was "owed" an opportunity to run and he was upset that he wasn't getting it. No indications about how he would work differently than the other candidates (Congressman Mark Kennedy and John Uldrich more on these 2 later). It was a very un-Republican speech in my mind. Lots of whining about how unfair things were and little action to fix it.

Ditto the speech that Sue Jeffers gave. Sue is running for the Republican nomination for Governor even though she was endorsed by the Libertarian Party, although she has not accepted that endorsement. She spoke about how party officials "blocked" her from running against the sitting Governor (and heaven knows he needs a huge kick in the political pants). That's fine, but if she really felt that firmly about it she should have stuck with her plan to go for the Republican nomination instead of filing as a Libertarian! But then again, that's just me!

Congressman John Kline gave a rousing speech to the crowd. This was "his" party after all - his nominating convention! He spoke about how much things have changed in the last 4 years - economy recovering from the post 9/11 recession, how we are making progress in the House getting Republican ideals transformed into legislation that kind of thing. The two things that really hit with me were when he talked about what it means to really support the troops (Congressman Kline is a retired Marine) and that supporting the troops but not supporting their mission is not support at all. He said that there was a huge disconnect between the reality of what is happening in Iraq (he has been there 3 times now) and what we hear in the press. He said that President Reagan's simple solution for the Cold War (We win - they loose) is still applicable today!

Then he spoke on immigration! He said that the May 1 protests was a wake up call for the country. That people who "broke in" are demanding that we give them everything! He harkened back to the days when people came to America and learned English, embraced America and how prosperity followed. He then asked "When did learning English become an option!"

Congressman Kennedy was represented by his brother, as the Congressman was in Indiana at his son's graduation from Notre Dame! Considering I have heard the Congressman's stump speech a few dozen times so far this year, it was not big deal for me.

John Uldrich did not even bother to show up OR send a representative to the convention. How does he expect to win over delegates if he doesn't go to the conventions? I don't think he has quite the race as he had a large sign in the convention hall.

Lt. Governor Carol Molneau (Ma) spoke about the sucesses that she and the Governor have had in the last 4 years - turning a $4.5billion deficit into a small surplus in 3 years, road construction (to reduce congestion) at an all time high, "Women's right to know" bill passed, the elimination of the Profiles of Learning, etc. She also mentioned that the Governor had just signed (last night) an Eminent Domain bill that will ensure that a Kelo type situation doesn't happen here (we hope). I've seen her give better speeches - then again maybe she is aware of just how unhappy the people in this room - the Republican Party Grass roots - are with the Governor right now. His flirtations with the center/left are hurting them badly. She was being the "good soldier".

All in all it was a good convention - we didn't go into the wee hours debating resolutions, for which I am eternally grateful to the Rules Committee and the Resoultions Committee. However, I am anxious to hear what Savage American and Amendment X have to say about it as well.

Addendum to Notes from CD2

I must point out that the Lady Logitian is factually wrong.

Sue Jeffers has not filed as anything, no one can file until July 4th - July 18th.
Sue, when she began to seek the Republican endorsement agreed to file as a Republican if endorsed.
That is the only requirement in the State Party Constitution for endorsement
(Ok, there are three. You must also be legally eligible and more importantly, You must also agree to the objectives of the Party as expressed in the Platform, which is why Mike Hatch can not seek the endorsement)

This is what concerns many in the Party, that the State Party Chair is ignoring the constitution.

More later - but wanted to correct the facts now.

An unhappy camper finally speaks out!

I sent the following letter to Congressman Kennedy and the RPM Chairman Ron Carey. I find it increasingly difficult to support a candidate that votes more for his special interests friends and less for the people that he wants to have send him to the Senate!

Congressman Mark Kennedy
1415 Longworth House Office Building
Washington, DC 20515
Fax 202/225-6475

Congressman Kennedy,

Two years ago, during the Bush Campaign, I was one of many grass roots activists who whispered “I sure wish Congressman Kennedy would run for Senator Dayton’s seat!” The week after you announced your intention to run, I contacted your campaign office to sign up as a campaign volunteer. I spent the last 2 years writing letters to the Star Tribune and writing blog posts in your support (I contribute to a blog called The Savage Republican I spent many hours talking up your campaign to anyone who would listen to me. I have been one of more your avid supporters.

That all came crashing down this past spring. With gas prices pushing $3.00 a gallon, votes against increasing our domestic production of oil have dampened my enthusiasm for your candidacy. I find it increasingly difficult to support a candidate that cares more for he can do for the alternative fuels industry and less for what he can do for the hard working middle class citizens of the state of Minnesota!

I certainly understand the need for alternatives to oil based fuels, however, as long as hybrid cars cost a full year’s salary for people like me gasoline is a necessity! Voting against drilling in ANWR and voting to continue a ban on off-shore drilling are votes against your volunteers! As long as gas prices continue to hover around $3.00 a gallon I know that I will not be able to drive to your St Paul campaign office very often for volunteer activities – it is simply too cost prohibitive for me and I certainly will not have any extra money for things like campaign contributions.

In two weeks, we will be having your endorsing convention. I am having a hard time justifying my support for your candidacy and I am taking a hard look at your two challengers. Something has to change between now and then if you stand any chance of retaining my (and my husbands) support in the endorsing convention on June 1.

The average hybrid fuels vehicle sells for $25,000 to $30,000. If someone in my circumstance has a hard time justifying that kind of expense, just imagine what the person who only makes $15,000 to $20,000 a year has to go through.

In a poll on the Congressman's website, the Congressman asked "what can Congress do to reduce oil prices?" He gave four options and not one of them included increasing the supply of oil in order to match demand! THIS IS SIMPLE ECONOMICS - something that one would think a Certified Public Accountant and business owner would understand! America puts it's national security at risk when we continue to rely on questionable allies like Saudi Arabia, Canada and Venezuela for the majority of it's fuel oil. Yes, we should continue to do research on renewable fuels. Yes, we should build more refinery capacity. However, instead of rescinding the Federal gas tax, we should be taking that money and putting it into increased domestic production aka more domestic drilling.

As I said, it is Economics 101. Maybe we should send Congressman Kennedy and Senator Coleman a refresher course!