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Friday, June 02, 2006

Presidential Straw Poll

During the convention yesterday, a Presidential Preference Straw Poll for 2008 was held. The results were as follows:

Newt Gingrich 40.7% (220 votes)
George Allen 14.6% (79 votes)
John McCain 10.1% (55 votes)
Jeb Bush 5.9% (32 votes)
Mitt Romney 5.3% (29 votes)
Condi Rice 5.2% (28 votes)
Rudy Giuliani 3.5% (19 votes)
Tom Tancredo 2.4% (13 votes)

Sam Brownback 1.7% (9 votes)
Others with less than 1% a piece 10.3% (56 votes)

Now I was not around for the straw poll - I had family obligations, but I was quite interested in seeing how this turned out. There was a "Draft Newt" group that apparently did it's job. However, I was glad to see that Senator Allen finished in second place in a state that has (according to people I know) no clue as to who he is. The fact that Senator McCain finished a very distant third in a very purple state was even more encouraging!

On a side note, in the final hour of the Northern Alliance Radio Program today, they did their own straw poll and Senator Allen won going away, with our own Amendment X garnering one vote!


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