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Monday, May 15, 2006

Candidate Profiles in the media

Michael over at MDE has been running a series of posts on some of the more outrageous things that Keith Ellison, DFL endorsed candidate for Congress in the 5th Congressional District, has said in the past and on some of the outrageous things that people he has been close to have said. Compare some of these quotes to the profile on Mr. Ellison that the Star Tribune printed today.

Now I fully understand that a lot of these quotes are single lines and that context is missing and those who have debated Scripture with me will know I am a stickler for context. However, a person is judged by the company he/she keeps and if this is the company that Mr. Ellison keeps, the 5th CD is in trouble.

It will be interesting to see what the profiles of Mr. Ellison's opponents look like. These are scheduled to print on the next couple of Tuesdays. I will definately be researching the others while waiting for their profiles to be published.


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