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The Savage Republican


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, January 26, 2006

The market, GM and Viagra

Seems President Bush is reluctant to bail out the ailing US auto industry. Good. He says that he wants the markets to work. Good again. Both speak well to limited government and the Constitutional limits placed on the Presidency (the vaunted Article 2 you hear about concerns the President and the limitations of his office). It also re-enforces the 10th Amendment (Amendment X for all you who wish to know).
I just would like to know where this bail out concern was when he proposed and signed the horrendous Medicare Prescription Drug Act. No market forces there. And only about 2MM seniors may ever have need of it as nearly 80% of all seniors are covered by a private insurance that they are also happy with.
And yet , Bush says that he is willing to re-train the auto workers- despite mountains of evidence that government training programs don't work and never have. Never mind that they are also illegal under that same pesky 10th Amendment.


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