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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

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Saturday, December 10, 2005

Even the Canadians are getting it!

A friend emailed me this story out of the Canada Free Press. The editorial, was speaking about DNC Chairman Howard Dean's fateful radio interview this week where he declared that the "idea that we’re going to win the war in Iraq is an idea which is plain wrong." The writer, while taking the obligatory shots at Chairman Dean, writes about more proof of Saddam's ties to the 9/11 hijackers that I was not aware of. He quotes a London Telegraph article that talks about a memo that they had obtained that was from Saddam to one of his lieutenants describing Mohammed Atta's training sessions with Abu Nidal (of Achille Lauro infamy).

"The handwritten memo, a copy of which has been obtained exclusively by the Telegraph, is dated July 1, 2001 and provides a short resume of a three-day ‘work programme’ Atta had undertaken at Abu Nidal's base in Baghdad."

What more proof does the Democratic Party need that Saddam was tied to Al Qaeda? It is obvious that their blind hatred of George W. Bush will not allow them to ever admit that anything he has done is right or good. Therefore they must ignore the facts in order to perpetuate their fantasy that President Bush lied us into this war. The American people need to wake up to this fact before the 2006 mid-term elections and it is the responsibility of those of us who know better to make sure that the word gets out.

And while you are doing that read this Canada Free Press article from Monday December 5. Even they realize that it is NOW time to question their patriotism.

The party of diversity strikes again!

WND reports that a Washington State blogger discovered the most blatent proof to date of Democratic hostility toward Christians. According to Delta Mike Charlie, the Washington State Democrat party was selling a magnetic car sticker of the Christian fish symbol being devoured by flames with the word "Hypocrit" in the middle of the fish! The page in question was changed less than 24 hours after the blogger posted on the offering however, a screen shot of the original page was saved here.

Christian Democrats need to take a long hard look at their party. They need to realize that the activists running the party are openly hostile to people of faith. Once they come to that realization they need to make a hard choice - follow the Democratic Party (which appears to hate them) or follow Christ. It is becoming more and more obvious that the two are parting ways!

Your education system at work

As I said before, I belong to a number of online discussion and debate groups. I also (on occasion) delve into the depths of the fever swap by going to sites like the Daily Kos. During these exchanges, I have noticed many people who are seriously challenged when it comes to spelling. Basic things like interchanging "there" with "their" and "you're" with "your" or "here" with "hear". The basic term (in our office) for that is "spellchecker's revenge". Now, in my on-line exchanges I have written it off as someone who was typing a little faster than their fingers can keep up. Heaven knows I do that on a daily basis. I am so bad, I have been known to go back and proof read whatever it is I am typing 3, 4, or 5 times (and I sometimes still miss something obvious).

However, you can not give the creator of
this sign that consideration. Whoever made this sign had to take their time to stencil the letters onto the sign and they still could not correctly spell the simple contraction "weren't"!

This is your MEA run public education system at work. Be afraid for the future of America.

Friday, December 09, 2005

Illegal immigration by the numbers

The Star Tribune printed an article on a report that was released this week that went largely unnoticed. This article talks about what illegal immigration "costs" the state and on what. It cites such things as education and health care costs. Hopefully this means that a policy change is in the works. This is the good news. Now for the puzzling....

"Many communities across Minnesota and the country have concerns regarding illegal immigration," the Republican governor said in a news release. "

Now we all know that Governor Pawlenty is a Republican so what could the author have been getting at? Simple, the writer of the article wants to remind us that this "racist" report came out of a Republican, because we all know how much Republicans hate minorities, right????

Well, arguments have been made that the work that illegal immigrants do is a hedge against inflation. They take jobs that most Americans "don't want", the backbreaking labor of picking vegatbles for companies like Green Giant (in LeSeur MN) for example. Others, like todays follow up article in the Star Tribune, will tell you that most illegal immigrants are hard workers that just want to make a better life for themselves in "the promised land" of America. There is some truth to those statements however, there are also stories out the border states of people afraid to leave their homes along the border for fear of running into armed bands of immigrants. Others tell of livestock slaughtered in the fields for food and fences cut to facilitate crossings. What is the answer? I'm not sure. Completely closing the border is just as bad, if not worse, than completely opening the border. While the President's guest worker program is not perfect, it is a start. We do, for the safety of the country, need to know who is crossing our borders and who is here now. The guest worker program would get a good start on the who is here. If we can control who is coming in going forward, it will help make us safer while still allowing for people like Ramon Leon and my great-great-great grandfather to come here and make a better life for themselves.

What We've Accomplished, part II

About April of 2004, Ted Kopple, to his eternal discredit, mindlessly read a list of all the brave men and women who had died in Iraq. Fox News countered with a story the next week that put these deaths in context. The story was on Fox News Sunday as was introduced by Chris Wallace. Though brief (maybe 7 minutes) it was breathtaking in its breadth. Markets, hospitals, water and sewer, electrical power, schools, etc. were shown to be up and running. The story also included the names of the people who were killed defining these projects.
I emailed Fox and asked that they do this type of reporting at least once a month. Unfortunately they didn't. And yet they were lamenting the fact that Big Media never seemed to report on the incredible accomplishments of the American presence in Iraq.
Well, last night I heard that Fox News had indeed produced another story showing what we've accomplished. The title "Winning Iraq. The Untold Story".
It will be shown again this Sunday, 11 December at 9pm Eastern Time and repeated at midnight. Here is the link,2933,177296,00.html .
I heartily recommend seeing this story and taping it.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

This man wants to be a Senator???? Part 3

Well, Al is at it again. This time, he claimed on MSNBC's Scarborough Country that the reason that our troops found no WMD's in Iraq was because....ok this is choice.....because Bill Clinton destroyed them in 1998!!!!! I told you it was choice. Even poor Joe Scarborough couldn't believe what he was hearing!

SCARBOROUGH: Oh, good God. You don‘t believe that one missile strike at a camel and a tent destroyed Saddam Hussein‘s weapons of mass destruction?
FRANKEN: That‘s wasn‘t what they did. As you know, it wasn‘t one missile strike at a camel and a tent. I don‘t know why you feel the need to mischaracterize...
SCARBOROUGH: Al, are you really suggesting—listen, no serious person could step forward and say...
FRANKEN: No—the Duelfer report said that very thing.

OK - did you get that? According to Al, the Duelfer report said that the WMD's were destroyed by Bill Clinton....but wait - there's more....

SCARBOROUGH: All right, Al, let me ask you this question.
SCARBOROUGH: Let me ask you, if you‘re president of the—because a lot of people want you to run for Senate in a couple of years. If—let‘s say you ran for Senate, became president, and let‘s say you were sitting in the Oval Office.

Oh good Lord NO!!! I don't know if the country could survive a President Franken! Please dear readers, go read the entire transcript and then do whatever you must to help the prospect of Senator Franken to NOT become a reality!

(hat tip to Kennedy vs the Machine)

I am SOOOOO angry

I try not to let the actions of others anger me because I in doing so I relinquish control of my emotions to people I don't know. However, as a parent, this enrages me more than I can begin to express. Fresh on the heels of a Becker County judge releasing Joseph Edward Duncan III so that he can kidnap and rape and murder the family of Shasta Groene, we have another judge in Dakota County releasing another level 3 sex offender back into the community!

I don't understand what these judges are thinking. Do they have children? Do they have daughters? Don't the realize that they are putting their childrens safety at risk? Do they care more about the health and well being of these offenders or their families? What will it take for us as a society to say "enough is enough! Lock these people up and throw away the key!!!!!"?

It is time to reform the judicial election process in Minnesota! We, the people that put these irresponsible judges in the positions that they are in, must know the philosophical and judicial temperment of these judges. If it means aligning them along the "political party lines" then so be it! At least we (the voters of Minnesota) will know what we are getting when we put these judges in office.

(hat tip Captain Ed at Captains Quarters blog)

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

The cult of Wellstone!

Al Franken picks up a key endorsement in Wisconsin! The Capital Times ("Wisconsin's Progressive Newspaper) has this endorsement of Al Franken's yet to be formally announced candidacy for Sentor Coleman's seat in 2008. To give you a feel for the CapTimes true colors (and they are well to the left of Pravda on the Mississippi!) we have this quote:

"Wellstone's death in 2002 hit Wisconsin progressives every bit as hard as it did our neighbors to the west. Many of us thought we had lost our third senator."

...and then they follow it up with this!

"So it is that, like a great many Minnesotans, we are looking for a suitable replacement for Wellstone to stand against Coleman in the 2008 Senate race."

We, the editorial staff of the Capital Times, are looking for a suitable WHAT?!?!?!?!? Don't you think you should pay attention what is going on in your own state?????

"In many senses, Franken reminds us of an entertainer-turned-politician we did not agree with but whom we had to respect: former President Ronald Reagan. Reagan got deeply involved in conservative politics years before he entered the 1966 California gubernatorial race. Reagan was ridiculed by liberals and many in the media but he beat them every time because he actually understood politics and was firm in his beliefs."

As someone who lived in MadTown in the latter part of the Reagan era I can only say one thing. WHAT A LOAD OF HOOEY! The Cap Times editorial board couldn't say a single nice thing about President Reagan if their lives depended on it. President Reagan was evil incarnate according to the CapTimes.

As many other, more talented writers than I, have pointed out (here, here, and here) the cult of Wellstone! can not deal with the fact that their patron saint is no longer in office. They are desperately trying to resurrect a man whose time has passed. Don't get me wrong, while I vehemently disagreed with Senator Wellstone's politics, I admired the fact that he would give well thought out reasons for his stance - regardless of who was asking. However, they really need to park the bus and move on. Paul is dead and there is no "heir to the throne". Senator Wellstone was one of a kind. You can not replace him.

(hat tip to the Wingman at The Wind Beneath the Right Wing)

Mark Twain and my wishes

I'm a member of GOCRA/CCRN (Gun Owners Civil Rights Alliance/Conceal Carry Reform Now). We are the people that after many years, got the Minnesota Personal Protection Act passed. Now, I cringe at the thought that I need to seek and curry the favor of the government to allow me to protect myself.
Whenever I heard and hear the anti-gun Nazis (and I use the term purposefully) I frequently hear their refrain "All we're asking for are
reasonable controls and laws." Now never mind that after each and every rights destroying gun control law, they still pick up the refrain for just a few more "reasonable" laws. They are never satisfied. Evil never is.
So, I thought of a rather clever, albeit facetious comeback-"Every evil action started as an evil thought. And with the incredible sway of Big Media, perhaps we need "reasonable" restrictions on the 1st Amendment. Nothing radical, just reasonable."
And it occurred to me yesterday that I got my facetious wish-McCain/Feingold.
"Our troubles would be doubled if only half our wishes were granted." - Mark Twain

Sunday, December 04, 2005

When are they going to learn?

This ties in to my post here regarding the spine (and the lack thereof) of the Republican leadership in Washington DC.

Newsmax is reporting (today) on this Cato Institute report on Presidential spending. The report focuses on discretionary spending (non-entitlement spending). The increase in discretionary spending rose 48.5% in the first term of President Bush's tenure! In each of his first three submitted budgets, President Bush requested increases in non defense spending well above baseline levels. According to this Cato Institute report, President Bush's non-defense discretionary spending increased 20.8% in his first three years in office. This data belies the claims of the administrations critics that say that President Bush has "gutted" spending....

Which leads to this wonderful piece in today's Wall Street Journal. Dick Armey (former House Majority leader) writes what should be required reading for every elected Republican official. He writes about the palpable disatisfaction that the Republican base has with the elected leadership - from the President on down!

"In all my years in politics, I've never sensed such anger and frustration from our volunteers--those who do the hard work of door-to-door mobilization that Republican candidates depend on to get elected. Across the nation, wherever I go to speak with them, their refrain is the same: "I can't tell a dime's worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats."

It is refreshing to see that some Republicans are seeing this! I mean the base has been screaming about this for the last 3 years now!

"Our base rightly expects Republicans to govern by the principles--lower taxes, less government and more freedom--that got them elected. "

Another "well DUH" moment!!!!! But here is the money quote:

"What will happen to Republicans if these freedom-loving, grassroots activists don't show up for work next fall?"

This is a question that Ken Mehlman and every state GOP chair across the natioin needs to ask themselves. Then once they answer, they need to start hammering those candidates that are running for election or re-election! The base will NOT support candidates that do not live (and vote) by the basic tenants of the Republican Party platform. Compromise is one thing, capitulation is another. The party faithful will not abide capitulation.

Candidates - ignore the base at your peril. For if you are not there for the base, the base will not be there for you!