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Friday, June 24, 2005

You have treatable cancer? Please take a number...

I always enjoy reading Dr. Walter E. Williams columns. He has the talent of making a complex situation understandable. Or, as I like to say, he puts the cookies down where the kids can get them.
That being said, how many times have you heard the radical, anti-American, anti-Constitutionalists lefties proclaim the virtues of a single payer (read government/socialized medicine) health care system? That we should emulate the incredibly successful system that Canada employs? I've read of weeks and months wait for MRI's and 6 to 8 months for an angioplasty, etc. Well, Dr. Williams has a column( ) where he starts out telling about a lawsuit that sought to overturn the statute that outlawed, that's right, outlawed private health insurance. It was illegal to buy private health insurance in Canada. What I found incredible was the findings of fact from the Canadian Supreme Court.
The high court found the Canadian single payer/socialized medicine system literally inflicts unwarranted and needless pain and suffering on its citizens. And that the system also kills those who it's supposed to help.
But, the very simple question from Dr. Williams that I found so intriguing was why, if this system ,
much heralded by Hitlerary Clinton, Barbara Boxer and their ilk, is such a superb system, why is there any need for private insurance?
And once again, the arrogance and self-piety of all socialists and leftists is that they are willing to let you suffer while they get it right. This reminds me so much of Dr. Thomas Sowell's comments about the self-righteous left and their outlook on the failed systems they inflict on us. As Dr. Sowell puts it from his book "
The Vision of the Anointed: Self-Congratulation As a Basis for Social Policy-"The anointed steadfastly refuse to acknowledge mountains of evidence that their policies have failed while accusing their critics of dark motives ".
As Dr. Sowell says in another column ( ) , the "anointed" (left wing elites and their acolytes) don't want you to be independent:

"Those things that help human beings be independent and self-reliant -- whether automobiles, guns, the free market, or vouchers -- provoke instant hostility from the anointed.

Automobiles enable you to come and go as you wish, without so much as a "by your leave" to your betters. The very idea that other people will go where they want, live where they want, how they want, and send their children to whatever schools they choose, is galling to the anointed, for it denies the very specialness that is at the heart of their picture of themselves.

Guns are completely inappropriate for the kind of sheep-like people the anointed envision or the orderly, prepackaged world in which they are to live. When you are in mortal danger, you are supposed to dial 911, so that the police can arrive on the scene some time later, identify your body, and file reports in triplicate.

The free market is a daily assault on the vision of the anointed. Just think of all those millions of people out there buying whatever they want, whenever they want, whether or not the anointed think it is good for them.

Think of those people earning whatever incomes they happen to get from producing goods or services for other people, at prices resulting from supply and demand, with the anointed cut out of the loop entirely and standing on the sidelines in helpless rage, unable to impose their particular vision of "social justice."

The welfare state is not really about the welfare of the masses. It is about the egos of the elites."

Listen to what the Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin says about their mutilating and mis-named health care system:
Canada's Prime Minister Paul Martin responded to the court's decision saying, "We're not going to have a two-tier healthcare system in this country. What we want to do is strengthen the public healthcare system." That's the standard callous political response. He's telling Canadians to continue waiting, continue suffering and perhaps dying until the day comes when there's no more waiting. And though Canadian politicians can't give their citizens a date certain when there'll be no more waiting, they're determined to deny them alternatives to waiting for government-provided healthcare. I'd bet you the rent money that Prime Minister Martin and members of the Canadian Parliament don't have to wait months and years for a medical procedure."
Yup. It's what I once heard 10 years ago from a lefty on why all their programs are such failures "Well, we need just a bit more time and adequate funding."
Once again, it's the failure of a democracy versus a constitutional republic (like we're supposed to have).

Thursday, June 23, 2005

My, my, my...

I take off for a couple of weeks (a family reunion in the Keystone state) and all heck breaks loose. Rather than opine on old news (the new MN GOP Chair, Dick (Turban) Durbin) I'll opine on some very recently breaking news....

Last night, Senior White House Advisor Karl Rove spoke before New York State Conservative Party. During the course of his speech, he said "Liberals saw the savagery of the 9/11 attacks and wanted to prepare indictments and offer therapy and understanding for our attackers." Conservatives, he said, "saw the savagery of 9/11 and the attacks and prepared for war." Well, that just sent the Congressional Democrats into apoplectic fits! They are now demanding that Mr. Rove apologize and resign - preferably both! I find this to be quit ironic after the stunning silence of the same Congressional Democrats when one of their senior leaders, on the floor of the Senate, called our men and women in uniform "Nazi's". When the Republican leadership reacted in the same manner that the Democrats are reacting now, we heard (out of the Star Tribune no less) that no apologies are necessary and that the Senator was well within his free speech rights in opening this "necessary" discussion. The calls for resignation/apology were nothing more than "more noise from the right wing noise machine".

Well I am here to say now, Karl Rove has the same free speech rights that Senator Durbin has. If the "right wing noise machine" needs to quit their complaining about what Democratic leadership has to say about them, then the "left-wing noise machine" needs to do the same. After all, free speech is a right for ALL AMERICANS - not just the elites in the Democratic Party and the MSM......

The Tyrananny State (part I...I'm sure many will follow).

You ever come across that story that proves what you knew all along? Even though it's anecdotal, it is so illustrative. There is a story that proves, once again, Jefferson's quote about the natural order of things is for government to increase and liberty to decrease.
Years ago, there was no seatbelt law. If you wished to impale yourself or launch yourself through the windshield in an accident- your body, your choice. Then a few years ago, there was a seatbelt law passed, but was passed with the proviso that it was going to be a secondary violation. That you wouldn't be pulled over for not wearing your seat belt, but would get a ticket if you weren't and were pulled over for something else.
Welllllll....that won't do!!! My lands no!! So, because all of us are idiots and perhaps can only tie our shoelaces without GOVERNMENT, OUR legislature in collusion with and under threat from the Feds-see Dr. ) made the seat belt law a primary violation. Government grows, liberty shrinks.
Jack Gordon has a great article on this and ends it with a great summation "
That's when I realized what I love so much about the click-it-or-ticket commercial. It provides a perfect Nanny State moment, a quintessential illustration of the snake swallowing its own tail. Our police agencies' Big Honking Initiative for the entire month of May (National Seat Belt Awareness Month) was to protect us -- from ourselves -- by tracking down and punishing those who threaten us -- namely, us...Your government, elected by you, is fed up with standing idly by while its citizens -- you -- are endangered by reckless criminals -- you. And your government -- that is, we -- means to put a stop to it. That is, to you."
The whole article is a great read.

Dr. Walter E. Williams writes an excellent (as usual) article on this very subject of "Click it or Ticket" ".

Tuesday, June 21, 2005

When the minority becomes all the Senate

Just went to the Pravda on the Mississippi website and saw this story:"Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate".
and I decided to read the story for what I suspected was the real story of Bolton's nomination being blocked. I was not disappointed. Nice to know that Pravda is consistent even if it's not truthful or honest.
The real story is in the second paragaph: "
The failure to end Democrats' delaying tactics...". The failure to nominate is because the out of the mainstream left wing senators are blocking the nomination, NOT the Senate.
So, the real headline should read " Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate Democrats".
But, then again, the meeting of the truth and Pravda on the Mississippi would be termed a random event.

P.S. I just wrote an email to one of the article's author's.
I'll update you on any reply.
Also,so as not to tar Pravda unnessarily, the article was written by Wahington Post reporters.
1:57pm- Mr. Babington replies to my question of "
Therefore, wouldn’t a more accurate headline be “Bolton nomination again blocked by Senate Democrats”?"
Mr. Babington replies "that would be fair, yes. Thanks."