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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Your education system at work

As I said before, I belong to a number of online discussion and debate groups. I also (on occasion) delve into the depths of the fever swap by going to sites like the Daily Kos. During these exchanges, I have noticed many people who are seriously challenged when it comes to spelling. Basic things like interchanging "there" with "their" and "you're" with "your" or "here" with "hear". The basic term (in our office) for that is "spellchecker's revenge". Now, in my on-line exchanges I have written it off as someone who was typing a little faster than their fingers can keep up. Heaven knows I do that on a daily basis. I am so bad, I have been known to go back and proof read whatever it is I am typing 3, 4, or 5 times (and I sometimes still miss something obvious).

However, you can not give the creator of
this sign that consideration. Whoever made this sign had to take their time to stencil the letters onto the sign and they still could not correctly spell the simple contraction "weren't"!

This is your MEA run public education system at work. Be afraid for the future of America.


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