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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Friday, December 09, 2005

What We've Accomplished, part II

About April of 2004, Ted Kopple, to his eternal discredit, mindlessly read a list of all the brave men and women who had died in Iraq. Fox News countered with a story the next week that put these deaths in context. The story was on Fox News Sunday as was introduced by Chris Wallace. Though brief (maybe 7 minutes) it was breathtaking in its breadth. Markets, hospitals, water and sewer, electrical power, schools, etc. were shown to be up and running. The story also included the names of the people who were killed defining these projects.
I emailed Fox and asked that they do this type of reporting at least once a month. Unfortunately they didn't. And yet they were lamenting the fact that Big Media never seemed to report on the incredible accomplishments of the American presence in Iraq.
Well, last night I heard that Fox News had indeed produced another story showing what we've accomplished. The title "Winning Iraq. The Untold Story".
It will be shown again this Sunday, 11 December at 9pm Eastern Time and repeated at midnight. Here is the link,2933,177296,00.html .
I heartily recommend seeing this story and taping it.


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