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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Speaking of the CIA

The CIA is back in the news....only if you do not get your news from the "usual suspects". Cliff Kincaid over at Accuracy in Media reports on a November 3 Washington Post article (written by Jim Hoagland) about the CIA's plot against President Bush. Now this is something the President's supporters have long suspected, but to have it confirmed....

"The hidden management of the criminal justice process and the news media practiced by spooks in Wilson-Rove-Libbygate is nothing short of brilliant. So you were right to fear the agency. Where else do you think the one-page crime report that triggered the investigation and then the pressure-building leaks disclosing its existence came from?"

So you were right to fear the agency.....shades of J. Edgar Hoover....

Hoagland also declared, "One lesson available in this story is that amateurs are no match for the CIA in disinformation campaigns. The spies are far better at operating in the shadows than you politicians will ever be. They have a license to dissemble."
Let us translate this statement. Hoagland is saying that the CIA lied about the Wilson affair and used it to undermine the Bush Administration, and that the Bush Administration was no match for the liars at the CIA.

There you have it dear readers....the CIA lied about the Wilson affair in order to undermine the Bush Administration. This explains the howls out of the "intelligence community" when Porter Goss came to town. Hopefully he can undo the damage done by a rogue agency that was out of control.

UPDATE and BUMP: - the gentlemen over at Powerline brought this article to our attention today. In it the author details the many CIA "leaks" to the New York Times that lead to the whole "Bush Lied" meme that the left has been hammering the President with. John (at Powerline) rightly concludes that it is time to put the Plame precedent to good use. Let's appoint a special prosecutor to look into the CIA leaks of classified information and prosecute those responsible for the leaks!


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