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The Savage Republican


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Friday, October 28, 2005

Disagreement among friends

Disagreement among friends is expected. It can be good and reaffirming or it can be bad and destructive depending on how it is handled. My dear friends Savage Republican, Amendment X and I have disagreed on the Miers nomination and how it was handled. However, we handled our disagreement in a constructive manner - each respecting the others view points, even if we don't agree with it. As such, even though we disagree on this single issue (there are probably more waiting in the wings guys) we agree on the main principles that brought us together in the first place and thus - life is good.

How will things turn out for the Republican Party post Harriet Miers? My friend Savage Republican is correct - the Dems WILL oppose any nominee that President Bush puts forward, just for pure, unadulterated spite! I may not be feeling as gloomy as I was when I posted this last night, but I am still troubled. I believe that we handed the Dems a victory by not allowing a candidate, flawed though she may have been, to come before committee. I agree with Savage Republican's assertion that we Republicans should demand excellence from our candidates, but I am a bit of a pragmitist in that I do not feel that it is in our best interests to hand the enemy ammunition with which to fight us and I firmly believe that we did just that, in denying Harriet Miers at least a chance to appear before committee before dismissing her candidacy. We put a lot of stress on the demand that "every judicial candidate DESERVES an up or down vote" during the last election and yet, when faced with a candidate we didn't like, we did the very same thing that we hammered the opposition on.

I do honestly hope that I am wrong here. I would dearly LOVE to be wrong here, but everything that I am hearing out of the echo chamber on the left says I am right. PLEASE GOD, help the President pick another John Roberts type nominee. Someone with a track record but someone knowledgeable enough in the law to put all litmus test questions off with the same grace and aplomb that Chief Justince Roberts did. I pray there is someone out there that can pull this off. For the sake of the country.


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