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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Anniversary of a tragedy

Tomorrow is the 4th anniversary of an American tragedy - the 9/11 attacks. To honor the passengers of Flight 93, the Discovery Channel is showing a program that "recreates" that doomed flight - based on phone conversations, voicemail messages and 9-1-1 taped calls that the passengers made on that fateful day. That is the ONLY program that the "legacy" media is doing to recognize what the day is. Meanwhile over at CNN, their attorneys are suing the government because their reporters are not being allowed to video/photograph the bodies of the dead as they are being recovered in New Orleans. Now I can certainly understand the ban. If I were searching for a relative, say I have an Uncle Beaudreaux who is missing, I certainly would not want the first word of Uncle Beaudreaux's fate to come from CNN!!!! Glenn Reynolds over at Instapundit makes another point. The same press that is suing to show my dead Uncle Beaudreaux felt that showing us the dead and dying (and jumping off of the 20 floor of WTC Tower 2) was "too upsetting" to the American people.

Now what am I missing here? Showing us the dead of Hurricane Catrina, a natural disaster is ok, but showing us the dead who were killed by a cowardly attack on civilian targets is "too upsetting"????


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