Ignorance (of the Constitution at least) is running rampant in this country. Between mis-intrepretations of the 2nd Amendment (the right to keep and bear arms) and the way people forget the 10th Amendment (rights not specificaly given to the Federal government in the Constitution reverting to the states) even exists, ignorance of the Constitution is daily on display. Sadly the majority of the cases seem to come from places where you least expect it - like our elected representatives and the main stream media.
The latest show of ignorance of the Constitution comes from the Minneapolis Star Tribune (or Pravda on the Mississippi as my friend Amendment X calls it) and Senator Charles Schumer. The Strib, in a recent editorial, implied that judges make laws when it calls for President Bush to pick a "moderate" to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor. Senator Schumer, in a recent press conference, stated that the President needed to be cautious in who he choose because this person would have 30+ years on the bench to "make law" (I am still looking for an online reference to this quote).
ATTENTION SENATOR SCHUMER AND THE STAR TRIBUNE EDITORS!!!!! The Legislature is the only body, out of our three branches of government, that is given the job of making laws. The President can not make law anymore than the Legislature can adjudicate legal cases. Fifth graders in Minnesota know that and I am appalled that a sitting US Senator apparently needs to be reminded of that basic Constitutional fact of life.
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