The 4th of July and some brief thoughts

Today, after my morning Bible readings and prayer, I took a moment to thank The Lord that I was born in the United States of America.I've often thought about gratitude towards God the Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit and how I really don't show much.Certainly not anywhere close to what's due Them. When I see the bumper stickers saying "Proud to be an American" I've always thought that to make a true statement it should read "Blessed to be an American".Humility becomes us and shows real gratitude.None of us earned America, achieved America or have America coming to us. We inherited America as it was bequethed to us from The Lord and those who came before us.
I see the bumper stickers "God Bless America", and when and how does
"America Bless God"? How do you show your gratitude? To the Lord? To those who are "out there" on the wall for you and for me? What are you doing to reclaim the promise that our Founding Fathers (and Mothers) suffered and bled and died for to provide this nation that was founded on liberty for you and for me? And do you acknowledge that liberty which has been grossly eroded thanks to yours and my indifference?
Have you ever read the Declaration of Independence? In it's entirety? (I'm impressed at how closely the complaints against the king mirror what we could list against our present overseers in Washington and St.Paul. We went to war over a 3% tax on sugar and yet today tolerate working over half the year to pay for government [ ] and then call ourselves free{ see my blog The Economically Freest}).
I just finished David McCullough's book "1776". I'm a student of history and have always been amazed at how great events in history have turned on very small incidents (the horseshoe nail and the fall of the kingdom). And in "1776" it's amazing how close we came to NOT being.
So, go out and enjoy what God and our predecessors have provided and our armed forces protect ("Our loved ones sleep at night because of those rough men who will do violence to those who would do harm to our loved ones").
Always remember: Freedom is not free.That the only acceptable currency for liberty and freedom is and has always been blood.
May America Bless God!
He has certainly blessed all of us.
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