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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

The Tyrananny State (part I...I'm sure many will follow).

You ever come across that story that proves what you knew all along? Even though it's anecdotal, it is so illustrative. There is a story that proves, once again, Jefferson's quote about the natural order of things is for government to increase and liberty to decrease.
Years ago, there was no seatbelt law. If you wished to impale yourself or launch yourself through the windshield in an accident- your body, your choice. Then a few years ago, there was a seatbelt law passed, but was passed with the proviso that it was going to be a secondary violation. That you wouldn't be pulled over for not wearing your seat belt, but would get a ticket if you weren't and were pulled over for something else.
Welllllll....that won't do!!! My lands no!! So, because all of us are idiots and perhaps can only tie our shoelaces without GOVERNMENT, OUR legislature in collusion with and under threat from the Feds-see Dr. ) made the seat belt law a primary violation. Government grows, liberty shrinks.
Jack Gordon has a great article on this and ends it with a great summation "
That's when I realized what I love so much about the click-it-or-ticket commercial. It provides a perfect Nanny State moment, a quintessential illustration of the snake swallowing its own tail. Our police agencies' Big Honking Initiative for the entire month of May (National Seat Belt Awareness Month) was to protect us -- from ourselves -- by tracking down and punishing those who threaten us -- namely, us...Your government, elected by you, is fed up with standing idly by while its citizens -- you -- are endangered by reckless criminals -- you. And your government -- that is, we -- means to put a stop to it. That is, to you."
The whole article is a great read.

Dr. Walter E. Williams writes an excellent (as usual) article on this very subject of "Click it or Ticket" ".


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