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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.


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Remember, Being a Savage Republican is not where you are from, but what you believe.

Thursday, May 12, 2005

What is wrong with people - part 2?

And then there is this out of Florida A judge ruled that a 13 year old girl, let me repeat this a 13 year old girl (who was a chronic run away) had the right to terminate the life of a baby that she back pregnant with during a consentual sexual relationship. What is the reason for this abortion, you might ask? She does not want to carry the baby to term. Regardless of what the mainstream media tells you, abortion - as a form of birth control - IS practiced in this country. There is no "risk to the mothers health", no rape, no incest none of the "normal" (or so we are told) reasons for this child to want an abortion. Simply put, she did not want to suffer the consequences (having a baby) of her actions (having sex) and the judge in Florida says that it is her right to be irresponsible!!!!!

Again, what is wrong I ask rhetorically? Simply put, people are no longer responsible for their actions and until they are held responsible for their actions, we are going to be in dire trouble.


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